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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Sharl

  1. It's been one year since you've been online. I'll check back next year.

  2. super lazy website is now up it's literally one video taken from a random youtuber and pasted onto a site. used wix. didn't even use money.

  3. "Knowing comes from learning, finding from seeking." - Vaddey Ratner

  4. welp, never thought this would happen... turned on the T.V., an emotional advertisement about Jello... i almost cried. Not even kidding.

  5. starting on a new drawing... haven't done it in awhile, so don't expect my normal quality.

  6. ponyroleplay still not a thing.-cough- it smells like Half Life 3 in here, delicious.

  7. I would sing you happy birthday, but my voice is liking putting your arms inside of a giant Chinese-fingertrap filled with expertly crafted razorblades. Happy birthday m8.

    1. Amorphis


      Somehow i've expected that ;)

      Thank you!

      Also, i accidentally deleted you, please accept my request, 'kay? ^-^

  8. well, it's been awhile... lets just say that my absence happens to do with an accident, a factory, and sleeping agents. (like stuff that puts you to sleep.)

  9. None of them other comments ever happened, advice has been taken, (not obsessed, just weird, i also have no social skills, please excuse that.) I'm Sharle, I hope I have not ruined us possibly being friends because of all those socially awkward comments, along with PMs that made sense and no sense at the same time.

  10. pfft... tornado sirens don't scare me.

    1. KrazyDashie
    2. Sharl


      they stopped :D and the power didn't go out!

    3. Sharl


      they're back again. quite a bit of thunder and lightning too... RIP Sharle

  11. Message failed, tired, nothing is funny, ran out of music. I'M DOING FINE :D

  12. Fun Fact : Rpcket Launcher and Mortors are legal to own in the U.S. ... Massive home invasion? Pfft.

  13. bleh... i can't sleep.

  14. How do i find these videos? idk.

  15. I am having trouble deciding if scarves or capes are better... anyone wanna help me here?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      It would be an interesting discussion for sure. :o Never heard of a debate like this.

    3. Sharl


      Debate of the century : Scarves Vs Capes Vs Shawls Vs Wraps Vs Cloaks.

    4. Sharl


      Oh god, i thought of another one...

      Chara Vs Frisk

      hello undertale fans.

  16. MLP Site : Draws pokemon and uses as an avatar, DON'T BE A SHARLE!

  17. BY THE GODS... my doctor said i shouldn't drink coffee for 2 months... somebody halp meh

  18. Nvm, ran out of power.

  19. Might not respond to any notifications i get for about 20 min, working on le tablet.

  20. New tablet , no drawing pen. damn ;-;

  21. I wonder why i even post status updates... they don't really do anything besides show whats on my mind or what's happening.

  22. Sleep didn't work out.

  23. Turns out, i'm just really tired and i didn't know it.

  24. Most liekly going insane, going to a doctor to get myself checked out.

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