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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by TheRockARooster

  1. Hi all.

    Guess who’s home?


  2. Hi all.

    Guess who’s home?


  3. My dad got transferred to another hospital tonight.  Not sure when his surgery will be but my mom and I are going to be staying nearby the hospital when we can find a place.

  4. 1st day of NFL Playoffs over,

    Cleveland Browns and Miami Dolphins are finished.  

  5. Who created the new Rarity avatar image?  It looks very different from the Rarity summer image that was there before.  

  6. Good morning all. :D

  7. Good morning all. :D

  8. Good morning all. :D

  9. Good morning all. :D

  10. Good morning all. :D

  11. Hi allllllllllllll

  12. I see you, Nito. :coco:

  13. How's the weather going for you?  

  14. How's the weather going for you?  

  15. Well this one really stings.  

    Tennessee Titans fired the coach:scoota-sad:  

  16. A difficult season to travel through, the Atlanta Falcons have been eliminated.  Tacked by the 48-17 final score.  


    Being the annoyance of New Orleans :unamused:jazz, I enter the angry dome, which is the kitchen.  Angry at how the Saints are superior over us every few years, I faced the fridge and yelled "F:angry::angry::angry:".  

    But on the plus side, Saints were :devious:eliminated thanks to a Green Bay Packers win.  

  17. A difficult season to travel through, the Atlanta Falcons have been eliminated.  Tacked by the 48-17 final score.  


    Being the annoyance of New Orleans :unamused:jazz, I enter the angry dome, which is the kitchen.  Angry at how the Saints are superior over us every few years, I faced the fridge and yelled "F:angry::angry::angry:".  

    But on the plus side, Saints were :devious:eliminated thanks to a Green Bay Packers win.  

  18. A difficult season to travel through, the Atlanta Falcons have been eliminated.  Tacked by the 48-17 final score.  


    Being the annoyance of New Orleans :unamused:jazz, I enter the angry dome, which is the kitchen.  Angry at how the Saints are superior over us every few years, I faced the fridge and yelled "F:angry::angry::angry:".  

    But on the plus side, Saints were :devious:eliminated thanks to a Green Bay Packers win.  

  19. All right guys, Christmas break is over (for me anyway) and I'm flying back to school today. See you all in March! :grin:


    *🎶 I looooove you, I misssssss you,

    All these miles awaaaaaayyyyyyyyy 🎶*


    Seriously though. It was a blast catching up with y'all, and I'm looking forward to coming back soon! :hug_day:

    Bye! :coco:

  20. This is one of the funniest yet scariest things I've ever seen. :sealed:


  21. Because of Houston Texans win, the Jacksonville Jaguars have been booted out of the playoff picture:scoota-sad:  

    A win however will clinch the AFC South.  

  22. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :raritypleadhat:

    I'm gonna tag my friends as something special for Christmas.

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