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Everything posted by SugarfootWillie

  1. @@reader8363, "Much obliged brotha! Hurry yo a** up tho!" Kurren$y watched as his plea for help fell upon the ears of a willing and able pony, sizing the pony up as they walked. Hope he ain't no snake, ain't tryna hit the express-lane back to the brick. Ready to go back to the block and put them young cats in they place.
  2. Breeh all of these internet terms existed ages before they became part of the mass-scale pop culture dictionary. It's all just slang that started lowkey in some town or city that some outsider heard and was like "Yo, I fucks with this", and spread the term to their friends. Personally I love slang: there is a certain amount of creativity in every word, a new way to express an old feeling or action.
  3. I wear, and soon will make, clothing I design.
  4. @@Amorphous,@@reader8363, "Aye the f*** am I supposed to get down!? This is why I don't do ninja s***!" Kurren$y shouted at Vermilion but it seemed to him that his call fell on deaf ears. Laying down on the roof for a moment Kurren$y lamented is position "Maaane, this is why I don't do ninja s***." Standing up, Kurren$y looked out over the loosely populated streets and shouted to a random pony "Aye! you! Somepony took off with my ladder, can you help me get off this roof?"
  5. @@Amorphous, Kurren$y stopped wilding out after being addressed. "Aight Vermillion. Keep yo cat-burgling-shinobi s***, real ponies buck in broad daylight. Meantime I'ma hit up my boy Pedro, rack up them pesos, grab some keys, stick 'em in the ignition, and pump the f*** out the gas." Kurren$y patted himself down and looked at Vermillion in a pleadful manner "Can I borrow yo magic so I can make a call?"
  6. @@Amorphous, "Hol' up, Mercury!? Breh where the f*** you learn ninja s***? More importantly where can I grab me some swank threads like you rocking?" Kurren$y then stood up on his hind legs and began to wild out, overly excited to discover he had a connection to banging clothing and ninja skills.
  7. I love Vinyl! She is the enigmatic super-mare of the show: altruistic and creative, she epitomizes everything I hold dear. I made this Ode to Vinyl a while back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@A.V., When I imagine Vinyl with hip-hop I see something like these
  8. @@Amorphous, Kurren$y watched as his ninja friend jumped to a neighboring roof and became indistinguishable from the shadow cast by a larger building. Before making the leap of faith himself, Kurren$y took a second to use this vantage point to his advantage: looking out for prison staff, enemies or allies on the outside, or friends from the prison. The streets surrounding Kurren$y were mildly populated. Judging by the lack of ponies he figured they were in-between rush hours. The wooded area he was pulled out of still contained the guards. Though being above the canopy, Kurren$y could only assume this. Satisfied with his observations, Kurren$y regrouped with his ninja friend in the shadows.
  9. Andante absorbed the old carpenter’s stipulation. Furrowing his brow and stroking his chin, Andante drifted away into a sea of thought, sailing on the scent of freshly carved wood, caught in the cross-wind of the desires of two ponies. After successfully navigating the cross-wind, Andante woke from his absent-minded contemplative state and proposed a compromise. Wood for wood holds our interest more than the prospect of coin, though to your wishes we are deferent. Craft for us a relic of the times with the wood we provide to save us both more than a few centimes. What say you to this offer? Will you exceptionally agree? It never hurts for all to prosper. Andante held an inquisitive look on his face as he waited for the old carpenter to respond.
  10. @@Amorphous, Before Kurren$y could collect his wits about himself he was staring at a pair of grey eyes in a back-ally. Perplexed by this turn of events the familiarity of the eyes undermined his conscious awareness. Even more perplexing was the mysterious mare's acrobatics, as she was scaling the alley wall Kurren$y quietly yet excitedly remarked "Mane, how come ain't nopony tell me ninjas exist!?" As Kurren$y's new ninja friend scaled the wall and motioned for him to follow suite he exclaimed a little louder "You got me f***** up cuz, I ain't know s*** 'bout no nippon-shinobi-jutsu s***. I get on this dumpster but you gotta hook a pony up." On top of the dumpster, Kurren$y hopped and extended a hoof towards the ninja.
  11. Hey my hiatus is going to be extended for a little bit longer, hopefully I can post late tomorrow. A commission is proving to be a laborious pain. Specifically I'm painting this on a guitar.
  12. Bet! I jumped in a little late for the first meme it would seem.
  13. @@Summer Breeze, Thanks! You gave me an idea for a spiral illusion.
  14. Any critique or remark is welcome and encouraged.
  15. Being sexually harassed by a police officer while handcuffed in the back of his transport vehicle. About an hour drive away from anything.
  16. @, NO! Take your statement back! I wanted to be the first one to list a void. I want to visit the Boötes void, and just chill in the vast nothingness within.
  17. @@reader8363, Kurren$y shouted over his shoulder "Boi you trippin, make this a marathon fore I stop!" Kurren$y kept his vision forward and picked up the pace. The most opportune moment to stay out of a prison that commits crimes against pony-kind was not about to slip from him. Even if he wasn't the best at running long distances, Kurren$y was looking to break some personal records.
  18. @@reader8363, Kurren$y saw an unfamiliar pony havering as she ran past him. Behind him Kurren$y heard and became aware of the guards initially following the unknown pony. why the f*** she gotta drag 12 my way? We ain't running from no bears. Kurren$y began running through thickets hoping to get away from the estranged guards and kept an eye out for a fox hole to hide in.
  19. @@Summer Breeze, Raising our hoof fluidly as a river, In the presence of distress we quell our damsel’s concerned quiver. Vex not over matters of capital, nor poorly judge those you serve. Though profiteering is laudable, Quiet condemnation is not. The beaming visage of a venerable mare is to be well and heartily fought. Transgressing notions of monetary wealth, happiness tells none her price yet stakes all but good health.
  20. @,@@reader8363, Kurren$y woke with a splitting headache and blurry vision. As he came to Kurren$y could see only remnants of his cell. His door and a gravel covered crater made up what was left of his quarters. No longer encapsulated by walls, Kurren$y peeked his head outside, and beheld a scene of carnage. Rubble was everywhere, there were holes in the fence lining the perimeter of the fence, and guards were rushing around in an unorganized panic. Whaaaaat!? Somepony wrecked more s*** than me? Maan, now I gotta put in overtime! What's the body count? . . . I'll find out later, this fresh air be needing me. With that thought Kurren$y rolled out through a hole in the prison fence. Aye we out! We made it! Le' go get them keys up!
  21. After being escorted to his cell, Kurren$y laid back and day dreamed about how he could jug in the brick. Every manufacturing endeavor got busted, be it due to his own error or the noise of working with others. S*** marrying the game ain't leave you no room to move. How we gone get this? Guess while I holed up get me a book, make music, different kinda real. Different typa G. This contemplation of lifestyle changes brought to mind a track which Kurren$y began to bang out on the wall and floor. The prospect of tomorrow was high on Kurren$y's mind as he got lost in music and melodies.
  22. Since EQG is focused around a high school and a few satellite locations then I would have to say a counselor or a nurse of sorts. Shamans essentially serve that role in their clan anyway. I don't like this image though, I'd rather have human Zecora doing shaman things wherever she can find a location to do it.
  23. @@Fallen Valkyrie, The carpenter shop was filled with the scent of wood shavings, labor, and passion. Before Andante’s eyes he saw the life of a stallion embed itself into wares that will outlive their creator for generations. Andante Kindly reiterated his words: Wooden goods we seek from you and in trade wood we will provide. A memory to carve, a tree to hew.
  24. @@Summer Breeze, Sweetly as the white glossed treasure, salutations and service greet from the sea siren’s sharp gesture. Dutifully noting her tone, we respond in kinde to her croon bowing before her wooden thrown. Of your wares we wish to sample, birthing a braid befit a queen. Diana’s shore births and channels records of her wild beauty In these candied milky globules.
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