That's right. You heard me correctly...actually scratch that!, you can't hear me I am not talking you didn't hear any of this you are reading it!
You READ me correctly! I LIKE Diamond Tiara! I think she is a great character and emphasizes a much more darker part of mlp then one would think. Her cutie mark is basically just a diamond tiara as her name is. Zero evidence has been shown at any point that she is a jeweler or even possesses any interest in jewels aside from her headgear. So, what does the diamond tiara represent? Leadership! Which she has shown.
A great leader needs to be tough and not a bleeding heart wishy washy person like some people other there are, they need decisiveness and the ability to be tough and cold harted when needed and she has these qualities. It also represents fame, beauty ( good looks ) and manipulation. Because the only girl who get to wear the diamond tiara at the end of prom is the most popular, manipulative one with the best leadership skills which she has shown in the past. Like with the newspaper episode. She did what she thought was best for the profits and gain for the paper with disregards to the "feelings" of others who she makes stories of.
Sure she is a bully but that's life. Bullies don't change in life, they simply just change their tactics and the nature of bullying. They grow up, become a manager or something in a business or business leaders like she will and then big evil corporation and well you get the point. Not to mention that she is undoubtedly ignored by large by her father which is why she was probably the only one interested in her dads speech about what he does for a living. He probably had to schedule that visit to the classroom a year in advance. Plus, a child growing up in a rich house hold would easily give anyone a strong sense of entitlement so you cannot blame her for that really.
So why do I like her?
A break from the love dovey friendship hugs everyone characters
Leadership qualities.
and the fact that compared to the others, she is just plain real as the way she acts is like how a lot of kids in real life act to each other a lot of times.