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ITV Canterlot

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About ITV Canterlot

  • Birthday 1998-03-04

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    Beijing, Beijing

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  1. Merry Christmas ;)

    1. ITV Canterlot

      ITV Canterlot

      Same to you! Happy holidays!

      And many apologies for the late reply...

    2. RyaN_


      It's cool. Thanks ;)

  2. Sorry folks - Internet restrictions, no connection from my phone, expect inactivity for a longer time. Many apologies - in the meantime, check out my DeviantArt page ;)

  3. We're having some technical diffuculties loading this website. Potentially inactive for some time. Bear in mind.

  4. Well, regarding her performance in Scare Master, she was already been more of a moron than her usual... Anyway, could anyone tell me if there is any spoilers in these notes? If there is, I'll read them after the finale...
  5. The Cutie Remark. Remark. Re mark. Re-Mark. RE-MARK!

  6. We don't have Daylight Saving Time here, and I have no idea why this should exist. I have seen a sketch from Last Week Tonight few months ago (please search it yourself; I can't access to YouTube for now) and learnt that DST is created originally for saving energy during the war time; but there is no need of doing that nowadays (because we waste them anyway). I'm sure changing EVERY SINGLE BLOODY clock twice a year isn't a enjoyable chore...
  7. Neither. I use "mate". Both dude and bro are rather tougher for me to pronounce, in a daily casual way. And I think "mate can specify to a wider demography.
  8. The naming protocols in the latest two albums are pretty odd. Pretty. Odd. To start with, in Friendship Games OST, they removed Daniel Ingram as the artist, while putting VA as the album artist and voice act(ress) in individual singles. Why? I have no idea, possibly due to Sony's regulations (if you don't know, this album is co associated with a subsidiary of Sony Music Group; they are a bunch of morons). Not to mention they got Rebecca Shiochet's name wrong (they put Rebecca Shoichet). There's a Christmas album coming up as well (see EQD, preorder now on iTunes, release this Friday). To make things even more complicated, though they used Various Artists as album artist, we see the character names in the show appearing as singles' artists (as in Twilight Sparkle). However, they still included Phoneix Chamber Choir and KAZUMI EVANS in the credits. I can understand the Choir because they do the harmonies; but why Kazumi? Might be an error, but wow things are getting far more confusing than before...
  9. Celestia is such an under-developed character, that I can't recall what other worthwhile abilities she has other than dragging the sun up and down. As the mentor of Twilight Sparkle and perhaps one of the most important character on the show, she only appeared ONCE in this concurring season, when she was covered by Gak and can't use her magic. Here's a list of what I could recall that she did across the show: - Throwing her sister (and almost Twilight) to the moon. - Giving ponies wings, summoned by Mr Larson. - Spying. - Utilising Elements of Harmony, very occasionally. - Reading letters, assigning Twilight duties. - Eating bananas. - Narrating occasionally during big events. And I can't think of any other illegitimate examples. Shame we can't know her more because there isn't any chance.
  10. Doctor Who, Christmas Special 2014, "Last Christmas". My heart beat raced and I'm filled with excitement. That is the first (and probably the only) time I have heard any sort of correspond officially from DW to MLP. Not sure if this is specified to FiM or Doctor Whooves, but still interesting to see that.
  11. Lucky you! None of my teachers seem to enjoy FiM nor ever mentioned about it (either because they have never seen it or they think it's for young girls). Sad. I'm even certain that I'm the only person in my campus who enjoys this show this much (except for once I saw a lad wearing brony shirt; I was fluttered)! There's no one around me who shares the similar spirit and they think I'm weird. But fine, I've expected that.
  12. There is no connection between my diet and this show. They eat hayburgers and daisy, but I can't digest them - they sound really healthy though. I do eat meat, but not often. Sometimes it's a have-to because everyone around me eats meat. From my memory and my family spirit, meat is somehow related to strength and healthiness (don't ask me why), so I have killed a LOT of animals during my childhood. My apologies And respects to the relatives of these victims. I tried to eat less meat recently and might become a vegetarian in the near future, but still pending for more research and motivation. But is has NO relationship with this show.
  13. The opening two-parter sounds a bit unamusing for me - perhaps more specific would help. On the other hand (hoof?), the rest are pretty convincing, one or two potentially being the candidate for the new episode. Many of them involve Twilight and/or magic, and thank you for giving more screen time to the best pony! Well, I have no idea what to say about Spike's one because he never had any really qualify ones.
  14. Consideration, humbleness, forgiveness, endurance (and respect). Some of the spirits that makes you a whole person. Also, may I include honesty and generosity.
  15. This one was neat, enjoyable and suprisingly "hearthwarming". The new Pie characters are fine for me because they are not usually my focus. But it's still great to see somepony new! The storyline was incredibly well-paced (in my opinion) for a holiday episode. And those small, DELIGHTFUL details! Many conversations - especially those between Pies and Apples - are intimate, insignificant but so warm! The feeling is so hard to describe in words, but those details made this episodes fantastic. Well done, Nick! So bad this is not actually airing during Christmas.
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