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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Twiggy

  1. The first person to make a real manga based around US politics could make a shit ton of money. I would go for a JoJo's vibe if it were me. 


  2. John Boyega wildin’ our after the Mouse’s check cleared is the best part of 2020 so far. 

  3. Best IRL shitpost after the election.

  4. Best IRL shitpost after the election.

  5. Trump to nominate Richard Spencer as Secretary of the Navy. 


  6. CNN reporting that Democrats have just found 11 more points for the LA Rams in Broward county.

  7. A weapon to surpass Metal Gear


  8. The media is starting to learn that Donald Trump isn’t actually as stupid as he lets on. 




  10. The most useful gif of 2018 so far.


  11. Looks like Unite The Right 2 is comprised of a few dozen dudes who marched down the street and dispersed shortly after. Meanwhile, the far left protestors who arrived thinking they would be fighting a Nazi army wreaked havoc anyway and started attacking cops.

    Imagine how bad things would be if any of these groups were competent.


  12. This worked well in Rhodesia, it will certainly work well for South Africa. 


  13. According to the media lambasting the tax bill, $40,000/yr is rich. Because this tax plan only helps the rich. No one ever sent me the memo. Can someone tell me when I get my yacht?


  14. This image is objectively correct.


  15. Bright side of Net Neutrality being repealed. Seeing all these virtue signaling turbocuck social media corporations crying about being made to pay for the bandwidth that they use.

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