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Posts posted by geartree

  1. I think the story arc of this episode was predictable, but it was really funny. I think this is definitely the best episode of the season. Haven't enjoyed an episode that much in a while. Good job writers. :D

  2. I say all the episodes were alright. I wasn't really suprised with anything yet, but at least none of the episodes were horrible.

    I'm not satisfied. I still have seen the best episode yet... Characterization in this season so far is good. Spike gets a good episode, I hope they still keep that trend.

    Until i see the first A++++ episode in this season, I wont be sastisfied

    I agree. Most of the episodes were solid, but nothing exceptional.

  3. I don't get the final joke, though. At the end of the ep, Rarity says she got inspiration for a new line of camouflage clothing... camo-maud (it sounds like). I don't get the joke. Can someone explain it?

    I think it's because they disguised as a rock. And Maud like rocks? That's the only explanation I can think of.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I think that a female centric show would be no different from a male centric show as long as they don't stick to gender stereo-types. The characters in MLP are not very stereo-typical, so for me it is fine. Now rarity is pretty stereo-typically female, and just imagine how annoying it would be if all the characters acted like that.

  5. I have notcied the number of unique facial expressions have increased quite a bit from the beginning of the show. And I appreciate the effort being put in. But I feel like the amount of over exaggerated facial expression takes away from their meaning. Don't get me wrong, over exaggerated expressions are a great way to convey strong emotions in a cartoon, but the more you use them the less intense the emotions feel.


    Anyone agree or disagree?

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I can't pinpoint why, but I didn't really enjoy the episode much. The script was alright, and the plot wasn't horrible but it was predictable.


    Now that I think of it, that is the exact reason why. It felt predictable and therefore(for at least me) very dull.


    However it wasn't a bad episode by any means, but just because it wasn't bad doesn't mean it was good.

    Maid continues to be one of the most hilarious characters in the show. This was a great episode, paced nice, and I actually did notice the end credits music that has paper entry changed (for the better). Overall, a quality episode.

    I'll agree about the pacing. It felt reasonably well paced.

  7. She's a kid guys. Kids will do dumb things to imprrss their friends (silver spoon) and her mother also influenced her. So if you say not, then I don't know what else to say.



    Okay not really is what I mean.  I buy her turn to good far more than Starlight's Hail Mary conversion since she's been living with her mother and the pressure she was put under for years, and I do feel sorry for her in that regard, but she still should face the consequences of her previous bitch behavior.  That's a big problem I have with the redemption in Season 5, everyone is insta forgiven. All previous actions are rendered moot by some unseen background that undoes all their back deeds.  Sunset Shimmer and Discord, heck even Luna, had some from of negative repercussions to their dark deeds, weather they be inflicted upon them by other, by a lack of connecting with other or them being self inflicted, they still had to deal with them. With Gilda, Diamond and Starlight, it's just comes across as "Oh you had a shit background, you being a dick is not your fault and you're really good. Let's be friends!"  So anyways back to the topic at hand, Diamond Tiara is not vindicated in my eyes but she has the chance to be if the writing staff can follow up with her dealing with the past in a unique way and I look forward to seeing what they may do with the character.


    Consequences? Her mother made her mean, and the parents should be the ones who discipline a small child like DT, yet she realized she was being taught wrong.

  8. Nonsense. I only said that I hope he'll think about making a Steam system with DirectX.



    One big nope. DirectX is even later seen as the standard. A majority of developers still use it.

    You realize he will most likely use OpenGL, since that is what Valve seems to favor.
  9. I've never used directX for development, but I will say openGL is the better one overall almost entirely based on the fact that it is cross platform.


    I find it ridiculous that companies are limiting games to a certain system/machine, DirectX is obviously the bigger offender of this.


    Also when comparing the two, it would be better to say Direct3D vs OpenGL, since that is comparing the two on graphics alone.

    Maybe it could be a message for GabeN to make a DirectX based SteamOS for the next time.

    You literally contradicted the quote you posted.


    Vulcan will replace OpenGL and will

    compete with DirectX I am sure.

    If Microsoft is to be believed (which I won't hold them to it), then DirectX 12 is supposed to make development even easier, which if so, it'll keep DirectX as the standard for gaming at least. While it is proprietary, you can't argue with cheaper/easier development from a developer standpoint. If DirectX remains easier to develop for, it'll be a no brainer for game companies.


    However OpenGL can be more powerful in its raw form, it's just optimizing it is a bit trickier. But skilled and experienced developers can always find a way to make OpenGL work to the best it can, and obviously platforms that are optimized for OpenGL will run it better. Many people have noticed that games on Macs run smoother when using OSX vs. Windows despite using the exact same hardware.


    Optimization at the end of the day is always going to be the deciding factor. It doesn't matter how powerful something is if it runs like garbage. So really it is going to depend on the dev and how well they can optimize. While DirectX 12 will be nicely optimized out of the box, that isn't a guarantee that OpenGL will not surpass it with the right people behind it.

    You are totally incorrect. The standard IS and WILL be OpenGL, until Microsoft (which they won't) decides to share their API with Sony. There are significantly more PS4 players than XBOX players.


    DirectX all the way, I don't approve OpenGL.

    All I can say is, ...


    Really, you don't approve of an API. Have you ever even developed in an API. If not, there is literally 0 reason yo not approve of it. Benchmarks have shown that OpenGL and DirectX and almost equivalent in speed and quality. Now the benchmark depends on the GPU, but as a whole they are relatively equal.

    OpenGL is an outdated cross-language that in my opinion shouldn't be used currently.

    Shouldn't be used currently? What? Give me an alternative? Is Apple or Linux supposed to create their own API's, or does Sony have to merge their product with MS or sell it gain access to the rights to use DirectX. Do you even know what you are suggesting?

  10. I'm socially libertarian: people should be allowed to do pretty much whatever as long as they aren't harming others, but I am fiscally conservative: no one, be they an individual or the federal government should spend more money than they bring in.


    Hasn't crime gone up in the 4 states that legalized marijuana too?




    I don't like the Huffington post, too liberal for me, but they were the most liberal source I could find. Normally those who are left leaning are pro-legalization.

    Crime rates from one year isn't enough data to really tell us if it is directly related, only time will tell if the trend continues. I haven't seen this anywhere except in this single article, and could be bullshit, could be true. I am not convinced however it had anything to do with legalization, since crime rates always go up and down. Like I said, only time will tell.

    Denver was the only example given too, and it is not the only place it has been legalized.


    #feelthebern. Am I right, or am I right?

  11. Made in Manehatten was in my opinion one of the worst episodes of any season. The jokes were not funny, the story unengaging, and I cared for nothing in it. And that is the probelm with the cutie map episodes. We know in the end the problem is gonna be solved, and it makes things such a bore.


    All the negative things I said could be applied to slice of life, but at least Slice of Life was supposed to not be taken seriously, and was to be a joke episode. Made in Manehatten tried to take it's self seriously and I did not care for it.

  12. I hate that feeling.  I had the same thing happen to me with photography.  I love photography, it's my passion, but over the summer I just stopped doing it and lost interest in it altogether.  But after picking up a new hobby (guitar) I felt creative again and wanted to go back to taking photos.  


    So maybe it's not just the loss of interest in coding and programming, but a loss of creative drive.  Try to pick up another hobby and have a fresh start.  Clear your mind and let it come back naturally.  Don't force yourself or make yourself feel obligated.  I don't know about you but if I have something in mind that I really want to do, but then I'm told by someone else or I force myself to do that same exact thing, I lose all interest in it.

    I assumed that. I like programming when I have a project I want to get done, I love programming. It is when I have nothing I want to make, or if I do its not something I want to make but really just an idea I am not into, I do not end up programming

  13. How's this: You do what you want, and I'll do what I want. Realistically, if it's something that "triggers" you, you're better off working on yourself than attempting to change how everyone else behaves. I might dislike or complain about what someone else does (and not infrequently), but I can't actually or consistently make them stop doing it. I've never mistakenly thought that I wielded that sort of power. If you're genuinely shut down by someone pointing out what's kind of obvious (and not necessarily untrue), I'd question just how passionate you were about it to begin with. Keep talking if you wanna keep talking; no one can stop you but you.


    But, if you are this passionate, I'd suggest channeling that passion into something else. A fanfic, for example. Want to explore something the show hasn't canonically explored? Want to do it without said "buckets of cold water?" Write a fanfic. Write a dozen of them; that's what fanfics are for.


    *Throws bucket of cold water on nothing in particular. Writes a fanfic about a cold bucket of water.*

    This post triggered me. Oh I am so oppressed!

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Their not really overpowered. I mean logically they would be the strongest race. That's like saying a guy with a gun is OP because he can kill animals.


    Not to say I agree with killing animals, just an example.

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