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Posts posted by geartree

  1. Pinkie Pie's Wonderbolts Rap.

    Haha I totally forgot about that song. That one was good.

    The songs from the EG movies were better Imo but for the series I would say: Smile, I'll fly, Find a way, Celestia's ballad, This day Aria and Pony I want to be.

    Pinkie raps in "Dance Magic" too.

    Yeah. I think Diamond Tiara is my favorite singer in mlp. Her voice is nice.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I feel that although to me it doesn't matter if Scootaloo flies or not(at least to me), that she might end up flying. I feel that it would be nice as well as a good moral in some senses, but in other senses a bad moral for kids watching. If maybe someone had some disability watched the show might think that if they worked hard enough they can overcome a disability, even though for some they might not be able.

    As for her character, some might say it would make her a more interesting character, but I feel she would be the same whether or not she could fly. I believe that's the story the show is selling, and I quite agree.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Do you think that ponies would partake in our human ways of taking drugs. I would imagine at least alcohol would exist atleast somewhere, because ponies make bread which requires yeast, and all you need is sugar, water and yeast to make alcohol. I don't know, but I would presume drugs would be illegal in equestria.

  4. I realize this has gotten quite redundent at this point, but my favorite episode would have to be Raiders of the Lost Ark (Crusaders of the Lost Mark; you see the reference?). I feel the episode did a good job at making me care for the characters, something that no episode has really done in a while. As for Diamond Tiaras transition, I agree it was done quite quick, but in my opinion done almost perfectly for only 20 minutes. I also liked how the episodes supports kind monarchies.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I feel that the episode was good. I think the pacing kind of changed near the end, but other than that I have no complaints. I just feel so many people give too much credit to the writer fpr this episode (I forgot who it was). I feel it was an easy episode to write due to how much the episode covered. But as I said, the pacing was good in my opinion.

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