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Foxy Socks

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Everything posted by Foxy Socks

  1. Sorry for suddenly showing up and asking this, but is anyone still in contact with @Libra? I lost contact with him a few months ago and I'm worried about him.

  2. Hey guys, don't get too excited, I'm just checking up on here. I haven't been into the show anymore for more than a year, has much happened since then? I also hear it will end this season.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      I just lost interest a while ago, now I'm more part of the furry community 

    3. Flutterstep


      I haven’t watched the show since season 5. I just come here because I don’t know any other forum this friendly. :P

    4. Foxy Socks
  3. Much like @Fennekin, I will also be leaving the forums, and pretty much the MLP community, but for my own reasons. I have just lost interest in it, and decided to move on. I enjoyed the forums a lot though, but I just don't have a reason to be on it anymore. 


    Goodbye, here is one last cute fox image:


  4. @Blitz Boom I apologize for not paying in a while, but my activity in this forum is very low right now. I am considering leaving it, as I guess my interest in MLP diminished. So for now, I am considering leaving the roleplay.
  5. @Blitz Boom "Really? That sounds like a nice and simple way to live. I never would have thought of something like that here, though I'm sure you've had to deal with creatures here. It would also allow one to study such a place better, living in it. It seems like here you would learn a lot." Living in such a beautiful and fascinating place did sound appealing, despite it being located in one of the most feared forests. Foxy never felt as scared of the Everfree as others had, though that could be partly due to her growing up away, and having experiences in a forest herself. Instead of fear Foxy felt curious and exited, though she had her fair share of dangerous encounters too. Still, if it had places like these, it seemed worth it to her. "What are some things you have learned of this forest, Briar?" Foxy asked, hoping to learn more from somepony who had spent a great deal of time living in it. In fact, the Everfree forest was one of the places she was interested in the most, being so mysterious. She grew up around forests yet she still managed to find something new every time, which was the wonder of them. Surely in such a place one could learn a great deal living in it.
  6. *Boops @Sparklefan1234 @Mesmelicious Rize @Totally Lyra @Fennekin @PathfinderCS @Fluttershy Friend*
  7. If I'm still into the show, yeah why not? As long as it isn't horrible in my opinion, I would be fine.
  8. I wish I lived in Australia so I could see huntsman spiders



    SOOO CUTE!!!!!

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Uhmm. Cute? Uhm...*takes a step back* Well if you think so....:lie:

  9. @Blitz Boom Foxy moved slowly around as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, revealing the basic interior. While small, Foxy enjoyed smaller spaces, giving her a feeling of security. Tired, Foxy lay on the floor, gently placing Agni, who had been resting on her, on the ground as well, trying not to disturb her. "What a comfortable place. I assume it provides protection as well, as there are plenty dangers outside. It would be difficult to notice such an area, and I don't think I could find it well myself." Despite being basic, it was closer to nature, which Foxy liked. It was warmer inside, and soon Foxy began to doze off, still fatigued from earlier.
  10. Forum games don't count as they are usually low effort, casual posts. It would be really easy to rack up posts by just only using the forum games and such.
  11. @Blitz Boom Foxy was already halfway across the stream before Briar could finish asking if she needed help. "No thanks, I don't really mind it." Foxy didn't think much of it, as it wasn't the only time she had to cross a river, in fact, she knew how to do so quite well. While she could simply fly over, Foxy had a tendency to act more like an Earth pony, often ignoring her wings' purpose. Sure enough, the area Briar mentioned was covered in plants, making it a tricky task to find the entrance. Foxy slowly put her right hoof of it and felt around for the entrance. It did take a minute, however it wasn't too bad to find. Moving the roots out of the way was another thing, however, and it tired her out. She waited for the others before going inside.
  12. I haven't been on lately, so here's a cute fox



  13. @Blitz Boom "I am not very social myself, but I love having friends. Perhaps I could work on that... While I'm not as fearful as Brittle, I do shy away quite often... perhaps meeting you was what I needed." Foxy ducked under more branches, trying not to have any touch Agni, though a few leaves would brush off. It wasn't like an ordinary forest, but at the same time it wasn't completely foreign either. Perhaps it was because of her good sense of direction for exploring forests since she was young, but it didn't scare her off, or at least not as much as it scared others off. The daylight was faintly trickling through the trees, making visibility harder. Fortunately Briar could make his way through in his own way, in which Foxy did not fully understand. "So you can tell where things are without seeing them right? Like trees? How far can you 'see' then?" Foxy asked, curious to how Briar navigated without eyes.
  14. Yay! All the reaction images load on mobile now!

  15. There is heavy evidence that a Generation 5 will be out, as the show is already successful, so it likely will still be a thing even then. Perhaps people would leave, but as long as there is interest there will be some people. I can't say how many, but I'm not so sure of it dying.
  16. He has made minor appearances before, but it has been a while. With the way the show is going, it wouldn't be surprising at all. They have reintroduced characters not seen for a few seasons such as Trixie and GIlda.
  17. Anyone notice Gummy on the bottom right side of the page?

    1. Sparklefan1234


      No, I don't see anything. :ooh:


  18. Well they are more human-like, so I see them like that, but have equine based behavior too.
  19. @Blitz Boom The reticulation of the branches and roots would make navigation difficult even for Foxy, though luckily she had Briar. As the leaves gradually filtered more and more light out, Foxy began to rely more on Briar's movement to move forward, standing behind Brittle. "Don't worry Brittle, I don't thing he would hurt us," Foxy said after Brittle tried to say something. Foxy wondered of Zhu too, but it was pointless worrying over it. Despite what he had done before, she did feel like he didn't intend to hurt them. "Zecora? I've heard of her, and seen her once or twice, but never talked to her before. I respect her work and knowledge, and meeting her one day would be wonderful. I guess I had been too shy..." Foxy tripped over one of the roots as she spoke, falling hard enough to make her yelp in pain. Luckily she wasn't injured, but such a fall and noise very well could have awakened Agni... or something else.
  20. Welcome! I hope you find this community a nice one
  21. An Eevee plush to go with my Vulpix! :flutterhat:IMG_20171225_154314016.thumb.jpg.7dbfb00fd6a1802a7274ee64766e3eb5.jpgIMG_20171225_154338380.thumb.jpg.d8ed348cc1efc4fe389f1bfe33899b69.jpg

  22. As it hasn't been shown before, it is highly unlikely that they do. Besides, they can be talented at other things without one. I don't know about special situations, but changing cutie marks had generally not worked out well in the show.
  23. Ahh a brown recluse in the house (had the fiddleback) what fun.

  24. @Blitz Boom Foxy nodded and continued on silently, trotting outside of the town. It felt much more calm and quiet, following the path to the forest. Within a few minutes she was at the entrance. She stopped for a moment to wait for Briar, and wondered what was in wait for her. "You can take over now, and I'll try to be careful. Does Brittle become scared of the forest, or is she used to it? I know you are probably familiar with the surrounding areas, but I just want to make sure she's okay." Foxy knew Briar could deal with any problematic creature, but it still seemed risky even for Foxy. It certainly was exciting though. Foxy wondered if Agni had been in the forest before, though she had no idea where she came from. The trees ahead cleared a medium path that could be followed, getting thicker until it was impossible to see ahead. Still waiting at the entrance, Foxy stared on. She couldn't see anything alive inside from where she was, though that was only the entrance. The trees seemed to be differently shaped than normal, giving them the creepy appearance. Not to mention all of the roots off the path that could make it a pain to cross.
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