Hey Mlpforums ive been a fan of mlp for about a year now and i havnt looked back, i found mlp through the song Pfudor by flufflepuff and you can guess what happend from there but here i am. I mainly joined this forum to find out are there bronys or fans of mlp really in New Zealand. I have never meet another brony or fan before or even seen one to be honest ive never talked to one before online even though ive tried. ive ever been not able to find anybody or been to shy to say anything in a chat group. In my school im pretty sure there not a single other fan, i tried to for lack of a better word make some by teling some of my friends about bronys and stuff to make them curious but i stuffed up big time making them one of the most made fun of groups, so if i tell them i am a brony ill have no friends and i have never told anyone i am a brony, not even my girlfriend so i feel pretty loney in the sence i know no other fans so here i am and if your still reading im pretty surprised thank for reading lol