My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: Google ^^
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I wouldn't call myself a fan... or at least not yet.
Well... where do i start?
Honestly i don't like telling personal stuff about me on the internet but hey, who cares? ^^
I'm 18 years old, from Germany and i honestly never thought i'd end up on a brony forum.
I actually always wanted to stay away from any fandom because they just had a bad reputation and i'm also not really a guy you would expect to meet on a brony forum. However i just can't deny that the MLP fandom is pretty weird ... in a good way (i guess?)
The Fanart is pretty awesome and the people seem to be really nice here. I talked with a brony and he was really a good guy and i totally didn't expect this. Well thanks to him i decided to register here and (maybe) become .... a brony.
I didn't really watch the show yet (only watched 1 episode so far )
So yeah, thats all, hope to meet some nice people here. ^^