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crispy fries

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Posts posted by crispy fries

  1. Redwood picked up one of the gas masks from the floor and clipped it onto her vest.


    "Somethin' toxic musta gotten into th' air," she observed, "Is that... music? Ah'm gonna check it out."


    Redwood began to walk towards the sound of the strange music emanating from the lab.

  2. Redwood chuckled again and took off Sparkle's visor for her, and couldn't help but think about how Sparkle was kind of adorable when she yawned.


    "You oughtta get some rest," she said.


    Redwood realized she was tired as well and laid down on the bed of hay next to Sparkle.


    "You mind if ah sleep here too?" she asked, "Ah ain't too keen on sleepin' on th' stone floor."

  3. "You almost didn't survive this one though. Sparkle, yer a maintenance tech, not a soldier, and if you keep pullin' stunts like runnin' at that bear, ah don't know how long yer gonna last. Ah admire yer gumption, and yer definitely smart, but you ain't got th' right trainin'. Soon as you can move all yer parts, ah'm gonna teach you how to shoot right."

  4. Redwood sat down next to Sparkle and said, "Yer gonna be fine, Sparkle. Y'know, taking on that bear was a bad move, and you definitely need to work on yer aim," she chuckled slightly, "Ah guess ah've got a few things ah gotta teach you. Tell you what, ah'll stay here 'till you can walk again."

  5. After what seemed like an eternity keeping watch outside the cave, Redwood went back in to check on Sparkle. To her relief, she was up conscious, despite being a bit woozy.


    "Thank Celestia yer all right. After that bear did a number on you, ah dragged you to Second Sight's hideout and bandaged you up. The cap'n showed up and made a cure for th' bear's venom, and ah think you'll be alright," said Redwood.


    "Ah promised you wouldn't die," she added.

  6. Redwood sighed as she saw the captain walk in through a portal and gave a brief salute.


    "Sir, you don't know how relieved ah am to see you," she said, "Ah left th' bear goop on th' table over there. Ah can take watch while you tend to Sparkle."


    Redwood took a quick sip from her flask and put it back into her vest.

  7. "Sir, ah bandaged up Sparkle th' best ah could, but it's th' venom that's killin' her. Ah've got some goop that came from th' bear, and that's supposed to be what we need for th' antidote. It's safe here at th' hideout though, and ah don't think th' bear is gonna come knocking'."

  8. "Oh, thank Celestia you're there cap'n. Ah'm at Second Sight's hideout and Ah'm with Sparkle. She's wounded bad, and that bear thing poisoned her or somethin'. Ah've got th' things ah need to make th' antidote, but ah don't know how to do it. Sparkle's fadin' fast, and ah urgently need help."

  9. Redwood rummaged around Second Straight's hideout for a bottle of disinfectant but couldn't find any, so she instead took out her flask and a roll of bandages. She poured some of her tequila on the bandages and went to tend to Sparkle.


    "This is gonna hurt a little," said Redwood as she applied the bandages as best she could.


    Second Sight wasn't responding, and it was a real possibility that he didn't have a radio.


    Redwood switched her radio's frequency to the one used by the crew and said, "This is Redwood, ah'm at Second Sight's hideout and Sparkle ain't doin' too good. Ah've got th' materials ah need fer th' antidote, but ah don't know what to do. Please, somepony, respond."

  10. Redwood did as Second Sight said and took a hoofful of goop, putting it in a pocket in her vest. She then took the controls of the Stingray and headed in the direction of Second Sight's hideout.


    Redwood arrived within a few minutes, parking the stingray outside of the cave. She picked up Sparkle and took her inside.


    "C'mon, Sparkle, hold on just a little longer. Ah'll get you fixed up."


    Redwood gently put Sparkle on a bed of hay and put the goop from the bear in a glass vial on what she assumed was the chemistry station.


    Redwood flicked on her radio, making sure to broadcast on all frequencies, and said, "Second Sight, if you can hear this, ah got Sparkle to th' cave and ah've got th' bear goop ready. You gotta tell me what to do with it."

  11. "Th' cap'n's right, we oughtta focus on makin' sure Sparkle don't die." Said Redwood.


    "Second Sight, grab some 'o th' bear's goop, and let's get goin' to yer lab."


    Redwood then laid Sparkle on the back of the stingray, looked her in the eyes, and said, "Sparkle, ah promised you ain't gonna die."

  12. "No, we need to get th' stuff from th' bear, not a platypus," Redwood said to Karas.


    "Hold on a minute, couldn't we just take some 'o th' stuff that already bursted outta th' bear?" She asked Second Sight, "Cuz cuttin' out th' bear's throat actually sounds kinda stupid."

  13. "So what, you want me to find a platypus and kill it? Where th' hell am ah even supposed to find one and what would ah do with it after it's dead? Oh, wait, you want me to kill th' bear or at least find some way to get th' antidote outta it. Should ah go and try to cut its throat out or somethin'?"

  14. Redwood wasted no time picking up Sparkle, putting her on her back, and mounting the stingray.


    Redwood said to the rest of the group, "C'mon, let's get goin'. Ah said it before and ah'll say it again, ah ain't lettin' Sparkle die."


    She then looked at Second Sight and said, "Ah sure hope you can whip somethin' up."

  15. "Turn this thing around! We gotta save Sparkle!" Redwood said to Second Sight.


    Redwood decided not to wait for Second Sight to respond, grabbed her multiplas rifle, and jumped off the stingray. She ran as quick as she could to Sparkle, kneeling down and picking her up.


    "Ah need a medic right now!" She yelled.

  16. Redwood was swearing profusely as the bear clawed at the stingray, undeterred despite their attacks.


    She then saw Sparkle chase after the bear and said, "Sparkle, just what do you think you're doin'?! That monster is gonna kill you! Get back to th' ship, right now!"

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