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Everything posted by stellaluna

  1. This is my fault and not anyone else's, but I wish people could magically understand that just because I don't message back right away I'm not ignoring or upset with them. I'm just either a) having a panic attack or b ) unhappily busy
  2. drawing/illustrating writing listening to musics reading hanging out with pets chatting watching youtubers flight rising idk I'm lame o.o
  3. Hmm, okey. Let me give this a go. :3 Name: You can call me Stella for now. :3 Age: 17 Gender: Female Continent: North America Likes: Uh hmm everything? XD I like chatting about all sorts of things, and I really like philosophy, regardless of what yours is. I just find how people think to be really fascinating. I like all sorts of music, especially brony artists. Sherlock, DW, Tim Burton films. Cryptozoology and aliens. Creepypastas. Art. Reading, esp. fantasy. Probably other things too but this is what comes to mind >.< Dislikes: Idk?? I don't really like English muffins. Does that count? Hobbies: Writing, art, bunnies, flight rising. Other Stuff: Uhmmm. I'm nice and I don't bite? Idk. If any of this sounds remotely interesting please say hey. ^^
  4. I think to say yes to that question would be to prove otherwise. What's your favorite music genre?
  5. *boop* thanks for the add! ^^

    1. TheRockARooster


      No problem. *boops back*

  6. allo! ^^ it's nice to see a fellow catholic about. :3

    1. Mario3D13


      IKR? It's real hard to find fellow Catholics on the web these days.

    2. stellaluna


      Yeah; not just on the web but in general really XD Feel free to shoot me a pm or whatever if you ever feel like chatting ^^

    3. Mario3D13


      You got it, bro!

  7. As a Catholic, no, I don't believe in them as they appear in the show, clearly. However. I feel like the ideas that people come up with and the ways they use to express them can be infinitely valuable to theology. The Bible uses parables to explain things. Do we actually believe there was a prodigal son? No, but we believe the essence of the story because it makes a point and represents a truth. (or if you're not Christian, insert any parabolic tale you find helpful into that example) Therefore, I believe in the Sisters so much as I believe that they represent balance and virtue to me; they are a parable that I especially connect with and love.
  8. I quite like peppermint tea and also chamomile. I don't generally like cream or sugar in it tbh. Also, I'm sure some of you would find this awesome: http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/fandoms.html
  9. Eeep, okey, I shall reveal my human form >.<
  10. I suppose that's true too. We're not exactly told for certain that all of the griffins we see come from that particular region, as we do have Gustav - it seems unlikely that he would have come from a place like Griffonstone. On the other hand, it seems that Griffonstone is central to the Griffon people and thus represents them as a race. :| There are other races we haven't seen fleshed out yet, such as the Saddle Arabians we saw for a few frames. What would be really good to see is the mane six working together with members of another species to help a singular member of that species, or even a pony. Party Pooped was good as in the end, the ponies didn't really end up 'teaching' the yaks anything; in fact, I believe Pinkie apologizes at the end of the episode. So it's not all that bad, but seeing a new or underdeveloped species present themselves as positive but different would be quite nice, agreed.
  11. These are all really good points, but take into account that we've also seen the mane six helping and teaching their fellow ponies, even large groups or communities of ponies at a time. Every episode revolves around a friendship lesson, whether that lesson is being taught to other species or fellow ponies. It's the girls' job to spread harmony and do their best to make things right; so of course we're shown them doing just that.
  12. hello from a fellow newcomer to this community :3
  13. I only subscribe to about... ten or so channels? Dan and Phil respectively, their gaming channel, two doll-collecting-centric channels, Grav3yardgirl, GMM, and ellimacsSFX.
  14. I actually like some kinds of cereal quite a lot; though to be fair, I'm not the household member in charge of purchasing milk. I kind of think the whole thing about millenials being 'lazy' is more like we just prioritize things differently. We grew up in an era where computers and technology were becoming quickly prevalent, and many of us tend to have jobs that require us to prioritize technology and intellectual pursuits over unnecessary physical tasks. (especially students, ofc) so that's oftentimes much more important. Can we take a breakfast bar to class or eat it on the way? Can we easily read a book while consuming a bowl of cereal? Is it more important to do the dishes right now or finish that essay? Of course we all do procrastinate, but whether or not that comes into play doesn't really change the fact that streamlining things makes them a lot easier for everyone.
  15. Okay. Just kind of miffed about having piles of homework on a weekend and fun things like that. >.>
  16. Hallo and welcome from a fellow newcomer to the forums!
  17. I really think the wings are adorable. I'm not sure why there seems to be such a strained reaction to her in the trailer as it seems pretty obvious she'd have been born an alicorn (or maybe not, as Dad isn't an alicorn? I dunno.) But the wings are very cute.
  18. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: The googles o.o How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Someone on a small art forum (now defunct) that I used to belong to recommended it to me. I fell in love and I've never really stopped being in love. I've always felt connected to some character in some way, and every time I watch an episode there's something special in it for me. I've filled out my bio in my profile pretty well but hi ^^ I am le average teenage female human who lives on the interwebs. I like Melanie Martinez and pastel goth things and art and snakes. (my avvie art is my own, actually ^^) I've just recently lost someone close to me and I'd like to reach out and make new friends. So! Hi guys. <3
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