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Blog Entries posted by Altastrofae

  1. Altastrofae
    So I have started a 2 week trial of a Lucid Dreaming technique commonly referred to as WILD.
    Lucid Dreaming is when you're dreaming normally, but you know your dreaming and exhibit a certain amount of control over it.
    I have not had a successful Lucid dream as of me typing this, but that's why I'm trying out WILD for 2 weeks to see how well it works, and also to practice the technique.
    WILD is an acronym, which stands for Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming. This basically entails keeping your mind slightly awake but restful enough so that your subconscious thinks you are asleep. This is actually an important survival tactic, and the subconscious will actually check if the mind is conscious before it starts to perform a shutdown. The goal here is to get into a dream and remain awake as it's forming. This differs from other techniques where you achieve lucidity after the dream has formed. Here, you should be able to see it forming in front of you.
    Now that we have that out of the way, onto last night's attempt.
    TL;DR My Attempt Failed
    I did make progress however! I did feel my body falling asleep, reached a point where my thoughts stopped making sense, and had brief moments of hypnogogia (a pattern of colours or shapes that some people see before a dream fully forms). However I kept getting pulled out of complete sleep time and time again, either because my position was uncomfortable, or because a pool of saliva was forming on my pillow, and I just had to ignore that because I was supposed to be asleep. Not only that my parents always have the TV up way too damn loud, so eventually I got up. It was actually really hard to move my body. This is evidence that my body was in fact close to a full shut down. I told them to turn it down, and tried again, but alas, I fell asleep then and I was so tired I forgot to actually stay aware. I did look at the clock before this and 3 hours had passed since the start of this attempt. It most certainly did not feel like that at all. This also shows a part of my mind was prepared for sleep. This was most certainly progress, but mistakes were made. But this is why I'm doing this for 2 weeks. I didn't expect a complete success on the first attempt. I'm learning, I haven't done this before. It's a weird new feeling, feeling yourself prepare for sleep like that.
    I am running on slightly less sleep, due to not getting into deep sleep when I should've, and it's a Monday so that's not excellent. I'll manage, I think. It's not that bad, just feels like I'm maybe an hour short on sleep? Anyways, I'll post tonight's attempt tomorrow. Maybe I'll have more success this time around.
  2. Altastrofae
    Hello! My name is Astro, and I am doing a blog, basically documenting my life
    Things I will be talking about as central topics might include:
         - Weird dreams I've had
         - Progress in my lucid dreaming attempts
         - Life Drama
         - Slow Progress with Learning to play Guitar
         - Stuff I Learn or Do in at my Trades school
         - Poems I think Up
         - Philosophy
         - Politics
         - Rants of Pain and Depression
         - Anime
         - Stupid Shit
         - Gay Shit
         - Stupid Gay Shit
         - and MORE
    So Stay Tuned ya Weirdos!
  3. Altastrofae
    Today we are gazing through the looking-glass into the life of history's most renowned physicists, the father of gravity and the modern Newtonian physics, Sir Isaac Newton! 
    If you are not already familiar, Newton not only discovered the gravity existed as an tangeable force, rather than simply a law of existence, but also discovered the core parts of white light and how to split white into its key components.
    But just think about that for a second. Even if you're super well-versed in your field of study, you don't just wake up one morning with you Rarity smirk on saying " hmm... Y'know what, I'm going to bend light into 7 core pieces today, modernizing how 17th century scientist view light"
    Well, the origins to this revolutionary proposition are more than fascinating to say the least. See, while Newton studied both college-level mathematics as well as physics, as most are aware, but he had a third interest— Alchemy!
    "Oh oh! Like Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist?!" I hear you asking!
    Well, yes technically, but Fullmetal's take on alchemy is heavily exaggerated to say the least...
    Anywho, in the 17th century, Alchemy was a well-respected field of study, built around the idea that with the right recipes and metaphysical concoctions, you can break down a material into its core emalgumatons and reconstruct them to make new materials. One of these materials was the Philosopher's stone, created using what was presumed to be an odd chimera of Lead, Mercury, Sulfur, and Iron.
    Now, Newton woke up one morning and thought, "If one can do such things with minerals, it would stand to reason that every complex thing is made of smaller things, so why shouldn't that be the case for light?"
    So he toiled in his study for weeks, barely eating or bathing. In the end, a quartz pyramid he used for meditation had a beam of sunlight from the window strike through it. While this wasn't groundbreaking, it made him think. He realized that spectralized light mighg actually be light's core components. So he moved the prysm to a more controlled environment, then used a second one to try to do the same to each individual colour, which no one had been know to attempt before then. Sure enough, it didn't split. None of them did.
    So, after further hypothesis were made, Newton attempted to recombine them into new light, or various other colours, seeing the results, as you'd do in any alchemic experiment. Eventually he got all the colours to combine back to white. He even discovered ultraviolet and infared light while making a thermograph of spectral light. He first called this light "dark light" because it was part of the light but he couldn't see it no matter how many alchemic methods he used.
    All of this because of alchemy
    Crazy right?
    Keep shining your light on the world, my stars,
  4. Altastrofae
    Merry Meet, Fellow Stars
    Today, we will be exploring the 7 chakras of Hinduism
    What Even Are Chakras?
    In most forms of modern metaphysics and alchemy, it is said that a living thing is comprised of 3 parts: a physical body, an emotional body, and a spiritual body (or as it is better known, a mind, body, and soul). These chakras are parts of all of them in a way. That being they are energy centers, pools of mana, control centers of your very being. Hindu monks often related them to the lotus flower, and claimed there to be thousands of them. Now, we won't be going over 3,000+ chakra today. Luckily, relatively recently, a little over 1000 years ago, several monks came forward claiming there were only 7 you needed to really keep an eye on, plus a few more if one wished to devote themselves entirely to enlightenment. We will go over 9 today.
    The Earth-Star
    Location: About a foot beneath the soles of your feet
    Colour: Black
    Element: Earth
    Associations: Connection, Roots, The Physical
    What It Deals With: This chakra is not of the main chakra, but it comes into play when you are grounding yourself, to connect with the Earth and Her energies. This star is the end of your roots, the source to that connection, like an electrical adapter.
    The Root Chakra
    Location: The base of the spine
    Colour: Red
    Element: Earth
    Associations: The physical, survival, ancestory, blood, connection to the Earth
    What It Deals With: If the Earth-Star is the root's end, the Root Chakra is the root's base, and is the beginning of the cycle of kundalini, or Source energy through your being. This chakra is what connects you to everything you can see around you.
    The Sacral Chakra
    Location: Just above the genitalia
    Colour: Orange
    Element: Water
    Associations: Passion, inspiration, creativity, emotion
    What It Deals With: The Sacral is our emotion. However, this isn't emotion for others so much as ourselves, our own emotion. This is the center for our creativity and passion as well
    The Solar Plexus
    Location: Just above the naval
    Colour: Yellow
    Element: Fire
    Associations: Optimism, self-esteem, gut feelings, drive
    What It Deals With: The Solar Plexus deals with taking action, knowing what you need to do and doing it without doubt. Just Do It! This Chakra is also associated with general happiness for this very reason
    The Heart Chakra
    Location: Over the Heart
    Colour: Green, but it is sometimes associated with the colour pink (I personally like to envision a little of both, like a rose bush)
    Element: Air
    Associations: Love, emotion for others, sympathy, social balance
    What It Deals With: Finally, at this chakra, we begin to hold our emotions over others. Those we love we can sympathize/empathize with, and be there for them. But this chakra also deals with self-love, the ability to know your own worth, as well as maintaining a take/give balance
    We will finish later on, as after this, chakras get more complex, and require more explanation than is provided here to understand, and this post is long enough as it is, so for now, Blessed Be my bright stars, keep shining your light upon the world!
  5. Altastrofae
    Torrent of Shadows
    I had a dream that I was in a dark place
    Surrounded by darkness, couldn't escape
    A test against my heart and my soul, the ultimate race
    And the dæmons spit fire at the wound left agape
    And the torrent of shadows tear through my heart
    Tears at the coastline of my soul...
    Waiting for the tide to turn in, so I cant start
    To breath again — need something to fill this hole
    I had a dream that I could take the pain
    No longer — I try to stand no matter how much it hurts
    Just waiting for the fall of the rain
    To wash away the sorrow the darkness exurts
    And the torrent of shadows, it fills my world with pain
    I can stand it no longer, the torrent of shadows must end
    It leaves a stain on my heart, 'till it comes back again
    How do I mend
    The soiled, stand cloth of my soul?
    The torrent of shadows...
    The torrent of shadows destroys what I hold dear...
    Will there be anything left once it's no longer here?
    What will I be with no light...
    Once the torrent of shadows falls?
  6. Altastrofae
    Beltane is coming in only a few weeks, people! SO EXCITING!!! April 30th
    For those who don't know, Beltane is one of the eight Sabbats of the Celtic Calendar, some of which were adopted by the Catholic Church during the Crusades and other times of widespread convert, such as Lammastide and Yuletide.
    Beltane in Wicca is a celebration of the God reaching manhood, and the Spring being in full swing, and we can already feel those effects now (in the Northern hemisphere). This is when the Goddess takes the God as her mate and start to make the land fertile again. It is for this reason that many choose to have their handfastings (an ancient style of wedding ceremony) on this day. The God impregnates the Goddess so they immediately start to prepare.
    To prepare, we have a feast. Full of delicious food, and special friends, almost like Thanksgiving. A portion of the feast is then typically given as an offering to the now pregnant Goddess.
    Women have traditionally braided freshly picked flower blossoms into their hair.
    It is also customary to dance around a fire or totem pole in some practices. This is still done today on the more modern celebration of "May Day" where people dance around the May Pole.
    This is also a time where the veil between the physical and spiritual thins out. Faerie become more active, and will sometimes just waltz on over into your house XD. Spiritual experiences are common. I once saw a shadow girl stare up at me. She looked so sad... 
    I will not be having a feast, for my own reasons, but I will try to make an offering if I can. I do think I will go on a nature walk, and possibly have a bonfire to dance around, cuz wynaut? Bonfires are the shiz!
    I think I may make my first attempt at Drawing Down the Sun here soon, I think it fits.
    I have yet to make a Beltane altar, but I hope to soon, and hopefully be able to present any offerings in a more-or-less formal matter.
    I thought about making a batch organic brownies, and offer one to the God and Goddess. I think it could be tasty. Organic chocolate is the bomb 💣
    So have a Blessed Beltane, maybe you have a special somepony to cuddle with ❤ or just want an exuse to light a fire XD but either way, I'm sure it will all be a very special time for all of you!
    If you live in the Southern hemisphere, people more commonly are celebrating Samhain, not Beltane. But more about that in October 
    Blessed Be, my little ponies! 
  7. Altastrofae
    Okay, so I have a conundrum.
    I gave myself too many options for meditations, and now, I don't know which one I should do.
    So I'm leaving it to popular decision. Place your votes now.
    Here's a brief explanation of the current options:
    Sun/Moon Walking: This is where you let a divine presence possess you, and then meditate to learn things from whichever diety directly. I've heard it can be strange. It seems to be difficult and this will be my first time attempting this Summoning Something: Pretty self-explanatory, you summon something, then meditate with their energy, and hopefully form a lasting bond with thee creature Automatic Writing: This is where you write, but don't really pay attention to what you're writing. Then you read over what you wrote to learn things from your subconsious mind that your consious mind doesn't know Scrying: A form of divination, this is where you observe something to see signs, whether they be prophetic, about your life choices, or a guide contacting you. This could be coupled well with Number 3. Whilst scrying, you automatically write, then read over what your subconsious thought of the signs and make a fact based conclusion around that Convene with Guides: Call upon my spirit guides and meditate with them. Other: If you have a suggestion, select other and comment down below to explain You can vote for more than one, and I'll announce what I ended up doing before Beltane. Sometime next week, preferably.
  8. Altastrofae
    Okay so i started writing a novel after buying alot of books n the topic of coure. anyway my book is about a strange boy who doesnt even know that hes a part Faery - Part Daemon - Part Human. He is litterly the most powerful being in the galaxy. He now has to stop a war between faeries and daemons thats been going on for eons and destroying the earth slowly from the inside out. Does Luke have what it take? Afterall, hes JUST Luke... find out all about it as i post its development right HERE.
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