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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by weesh

  1. i'm in the middle of commissioning Sunburst's cape for a cosplay. It suddenly occurred to me that it is sorta similar to starswirl's cape. should I get them to make a matching wizards hat, or make it double-sided? is that realistic, or is it too far different?

  2. some of the guys i've talked to who have served in less developed countries have told me stories of demonic possessions, and of casting them out. I've never heard someone call it an exorcism though.
  3. lol, that sounds great, but I have no idea how to pronounce it!
  4. we are 10 days into Ramadan for our Muslim friends. It seems polite to acknowledge it, but perhaps "Ramadan Mubarak" is going a bit far? My muslim friends know I'm a christian, and have responded positively to that greeting though. Any thoughts?
  5. if they made the spike/celestia friends forever into an episode, it would have been one of the strongest episodes ever. the characterization was far stronger than the average show, and maybe better then any episode ever. I don't even like the CMC, but the CMC/discord friends forever was very nearly as strong. But the main series isn't full of misses. For instance, the 4-part Sombra series was heartbreaking and turned him into perhaps the most interesting villain in MLP. From obsession with Chrstals to a full origin backstory was a massive improvement of the character. Also, the 2-part Big Mac Gazebo arc did more for his characterization than the entire show has done so far. the ability to read his thoughts is incredible for a quiet character! Though now that I read your post, i'm thinking that maybe I like the one shots, be they main series, FIENDS forever, friends forever, or micro series, you just seem to get more out of them.
  6. I buy all the episodes and comics (except equestria girls stuff), and the episodes have more CONTENT (in minutes and frames) per dollar than the comics, but I feel the comics have more VALUE per dollar. the average comic is just stronger than the average episode. I'm happy to pay more for less time, if it is more enjoyable. That same philosophy is why I'm willing to drive an hour to get to a movie theater that provides a better experience.
  7. the nightmare rarity episode was darker and more disturbing than necessary. But that wasn't the main problem. instead, it was unfortunate implications about not having a choice, and being forced into that darkness that gives it painful consequences if its considered any kind of canon.
  8. this one has a long title, and really long and silly credits! --- this is just the perfect pinky/rarity arc. if fits my desire for a lovely adventure between the two that never leaves the building! they are believable and crazy together...i love it! not only that, the visuals are incredibly surprising. i don't want to spoil it, but you'll know it when you see it XD its a grand act of creation that is the adventure, but the punch takes it over the top for me. THIS is why I read the comics. Interestingly, this would have been a fine "friends forever" arc, since they are the only two characters...
  9. Mad Libs: a game in which the audience picks the important words of a story before they know what the story is about. This is the story I wrote for an IRL pony meeting activity, I've play tested it, and I'm ready to share it with you. Just do these three easy steps: 1) Select a word for each of the 11 selections (reviewing parts of speech if necessary) 2) open the spoiler tag and insert your word inside the parenthesis for each coded number (leave the parenthesis in place) 3) post your words and stories for all to see PARTS OF SPEECH REFRESHER Noun (animal/thing/idea): the PONY sang a SONG about a MOOSE Noun, plural (animals/things/ideas): the PONIES sang SONGS about MOOSE Noun, Abstract (ideas): we desire JUSTICE, COMPASSION and DESPAIR. Verb, past tense (action): Yesterday, you JUMPED Verb, present tense (action): You are JUMPING Verb, future tense (action): You will JUMP tomorrow Adjective (describes a noun): the BEAUTIFUL, YELLOW dog was EAGER to lick the FLAT lollipop. WORDS, WORDS, WORDS 1) Job Title, plural 2) Verb, action ending in 'ed' 3) Adjective 4) Location 5) Noun, thing 6) Adj, describing appearance 7) Noun, abstract 8) Plural Noun, animals, things or ideas 9) Adjective 10) Plural Noun, things 11) Verb, ending in 'ing' OPEN AFTER YOU SELECT YOUR WORDS My playtest results (open after you are finished)
  10. the only thing that frustrates me with iTunes is that there is a limited number of licenses for the shows that I've bought, and I've changed computers so many times that I have run out of licenses for season 1 and season 2. so the next time I buy a new computer, I have no ideal what I'll do to keep my access.
  11. I like the cliche's in gothic horror settings. vampires got CLASS. what fantasy villains are dressed better, or comport themselves better than vampires? And then you contrast that to the completely out of control werewolves. WILD. And ferocious! The cliche's surrounding them make for a rich world to draw stories from. I don't want to see classless vampires, or werewolves that are in control.
  12. "somewhere over the rainbow" has it all. quite soulful, a bit hopeful about things getting better, and then the last line hits you. I love that some of you have submitted some pretty rockin' examples. some people have a lot of depth that is hidden, and made more interesting by the trappings of the song. For instance, "one" by metallica has a very sad story behind it. And "Hey Ya" is a super high energy fun song that has no business being super high energy and fun because it is so sad. In fact, there is a really interesting cover of hey ya that matches the music to the words:
  13. i'm a fan of the x-men... you can go back and read the original comics form the 60's on marvels website, and I've really been enjoying that.
  14. my best friend is a guy i met through ponies...so when things are bad and i chat with him, that's sort of like ponies helping
  15. i'll never get tired of inversions of cliches, which are often themselves cliches. I love it when the writer is clearly leading you somewhere, but not explicitly, so I start to expect a certain thing, and then there is a radical about face.
  16. aside from any in-show references, there are also many references to that that predate MLP.
  17. on my list of important things in a significant others, love of ponies is like 40 spots down. Seems like there are better dating sites to use... but if pony-love is in your top three, it might be a great deal for you?
  18. I think the fact that it was acrobatic and insane got in the way of her logical nature.
  19. well, the show made is VERY clear. from a communication perspective, they probably made the right call! You and I certainyl got the point. i included the item in a list of engineering nitpicks for a reason! XD
  20. the industry standard is that green is the desired range, and red is bad. for instance, look at this commercial refrigerator/freezer gauge. it shows allowable ranges in green: clicky
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