Let's look at the ever ridiculous "flat earth" theory, if you believe in this, I will most likely offend you. The amount of assumptions made for this theory to work, are so numerous, all evidence for it, is miniscule, from what I've heard anyways. If you can provide one, small, solid, piece of evidence for this, and not something most definitely assumed to be evidence, I may start to understand your reasoning for this. But for now, this theory only serves to prove my point.
"Aliens are real" is another one, it's fun to imagine that aliens exist out there, but to say they built the pyramids, replaced government officials, and constantly saying. "That's what they want you to think." is ridiculous. You can repeat the previous saying to all this, but to be honest, most videos you use as proof are most likely faked by some bored guy on the internet anyways, can you find out perspectives of it? then maybe I'll believe you, by a small amount. There's a likelihood that it was some other event that's yet to be explained by science, and wasn't really aliens, or some space debris coming close to earth. We laugh at you alien believers for a reason, all of your proof is either a video glitch, space rocks, or faked for fun.
Theorizing is fine to do, you can continue doing it even if you fall into these positions that I hate and the others I didn't list, don't stop just because one person on the internet hates you. But be careful, if you have more assumptions than evidence, you're thinking can be flawed by it, it's important to think logically instead of looking for some astronomical reason or cause, you were probably on drugs when you were abducted and forgot. You're probably not on a mountain high enough to notice the horizons curve. Aliens could exist, but they didn't visit earth, if they did, the government would've stopped searching for them. If the earth was flat, why does the government fake it's a sphere? It wouldn't even cause mass panic to say it was flat, why do maps vary so much in design if the earth is flat?
Ask yourself questions about your own assumptions, wonder if someone's proof to your theory being wrong might be true, don't be upset if your theory is wrong, just means the world is actually simpler than you want it to be. The world doesn't have to be complex to be amazing, there doesn't have to be an illuminati for you to be tricked by the media, there doesn't have to be an alien as president to have a corrupt government, there doesn't have to be a flat earth to continue living normally. The world is simple, yet amazing as it is, you can theorize for fun, just don't assume what you theorize is true.
Anyways, that was my rant. Make your comment on other theories or whatever. And honestly if you do have solid proof for the two theories mentioned here, I'd love to see it. as long as you are certain it is not faked.
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