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Flame Princess

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Status Updates posted by Flame Princess

  1. Happy Birthday! *gives brand new shinny axe*

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Thank you very much. I will use this axe well c: 

  2. I want a Tank plush...

  3. http://www.skulduggerypleasant.co.uk/announcement/ It's happening.....perfection is returning :3
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Flame Princess

      Flame Princess

      Wow his books sound great. Kinda Tim Burton ish then I guess? I wouldn't know which episode to pick, it really depends what moods I'm in. I love the episode with the leather trousers,but also the more heartwretching ones like the last one. How about you? I've not seen supernatural, but I've heard its good.

    3. Vulcan


      Oh my gosh , I still remember the conversation between Joey and Ross in that episode, I think mine would be time Joey was on the STDs ad....Oh my gosh XD

    4. Flame Princess

      Flame Princess

      Haha yeah that's a good one. I tried looking for a good clip of the ending to attach to this on youtube, couldn't find one. Although I did find this one.... :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      Wow, it looks awesome :o:D :D You are really good at drawing. Nice coloring as well ^w^

    3. Flame Princess

      Flame Princess

      Thank you! :D It would have been better colouring if I had any pencils though! :P

    4. JonasDarkmane


      Would have probably been deeper yes, but it still looks lovely :D

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