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ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Okay. I apologise for my earlier outburst, Having taken time to cool down and actually, well, read meta's posts, most of them are OK, however, it still miffs me that Meta just up and decided to do that all on his own. Tomorrow I will reply to those of you who's replies need to be re-done, the rest will get a new one. -
NO. META DID NOT ASK FOR, NOR RECEIVE MY PERMISSION TO DO THIS, I MEAN HOLY F**K, I DON'T COME ONLINE FOR ONE F**KING DAY AND THIS... IGNORE META. HIS REPLIES ARE WRONG. Good day to all of you. the REAL replies will be out tomorrow. oh, and Meta, if this happens again you're fired. Let us never speak of this again.
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I was having trouble coming up with one too, that's why I left it up to you. my suggestion is to go find one of the women in your life (I know you have at least one) and ask them. -
(Happy Apocalypse Everypony!) (Also: Special thanks to Meta for filling in for Dawnpath today.) “I am not familiar with the words you say. What is this, and why are you giving it to me this day?” Zecora says with a puzzled expression. “Well, then we’ll just have to fix that, won’t we?” Applejack says. She turns to Big Macintosh. “Y’all get those apples back to the barn and meet us at the house, okay?” “Eeyup.” “Apple Bloom, you go with Big Mac and help him unload the cart.” “Got it, sis!” You and AJ leave the other two and head toward the house. When you enter, you are hit with the amazing aroma of fresh apple pies. “Hello? Who’s there?” you hear a voice from the kitchen. “It’s me, Applejack, Granny! Ah’m back from mah trip!” AJ calls back. Granny Smith pops her head around the door and sees you. “Oh, hello! Who might you be?” Celestia nods. “That sounds quite enjoyable. I shall very much like to accept your invitation.” The guard looks up. “Hey, what’s going on out there?” He stands and starts heading toward the door. You realize that you are about to be discovered and quickly search your surroundings for a place to hide. “OhmygoshYES!” Fluttershy exclaims in her loudest voice, which by most ponies’ standards was basically normal volume. “Um... I mean... thank you, I would love to see you again, I mean, if you really want too.” “Yeah... I got started on the cello pretty much the same way you did,” Octavia says. “And, as a bonus, it was big enough to protect myself with against the ponies who bullied me as a filly.” Your bandmates Look up at you. “well, about time you showed up.” Snare Beat grumbled. “Where have you been? We have to practice for the battle of the bands coming up!” D Chord cries. “We’re way behind! What kept you?” Glida pushed herself ahead just a little. You do the same, and, pretty soon, you are both racing after each other again. She smiles and trots off with you following her. She’s making sure that you know where you are going. She opens the door to her house. You can tell it’s rather cluttered. “Welcome to my home.” “I’m sure you’ll do fine, darling.” Rarity replies. “Being a male model is less about grace than it is about confidence. As for the new collection, I’m nearly there, but I’ve hit a slight snag, hopefully a break like this one will help me to push past it, and if not, I can always ask Fluttershy to take a look at it. She has a very good eye for fashion.” After you speak to Sweetie Belle, her eyes light up and she looks pleadingly at Rarity. “Oh! Oh Can I?” Rarity looks uncomfortable. “I don’t know... I must make a good impression, and my little sister has a penchant for causing trouble...” “Pleeeease?” “Well, I suppose If I can find somepony to watch her...” Before Daring Can answer. The Captain steps between you. “Briny, Take our guests and lock them in the brig. If we fall, then it must be clear that they are innocents in all of this.” “Yes Captain.” Briny replies, snapping a salute. she then looks at you. “Sorry about this, but it’s the only way they’ll believe you aren’t involved, we’ll let you out again as soon as we’re clear.” She grimaces. “Assuming we GET clear.” Daring nods. “Very well, First Mate Blue, Lead the way.” Spike rubs the back of his head nervously. “Sure, I guess. I’m not really the best singer though...” Surprise looks at the paper you just gave her and smiles. “Alright!” She holds out the paper for you to see the back. “Pay up! C’mere you!” She pulls you into a hug. “Ah, well... um...” The Doctor takes a moment to take in his surroundings. “What exactly do you sell here?” She looked at you, shocked for a moment, and then buried her face in your shoulder again. “I... I... I like y-you too...” she says, her voice muffled from your shoulder and her tears. He grins. “Several! There’s Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, and Red Delicious here now. And I’ve got five more relatives living here, too, but they ain’t here yet.” You come up with an apple-shaped plastic egg. You pull it open to find... “Tickets?” Twilight looks over your shoulder. “For what?” You look at the tickets and see that it is for... (A cheap, ponified romance movie of your choice. Go!) (Okay, I really don’t feel comfortable doing Quick, seeing as she’s Dawn’s OC, so this half of the post will have to wait, because Dawn isn’t available.) Chrysalis nods. “The pony I just sent in is going to find somepony close to the Princess that I can disguise myself as without causing suspicion, I will use that form to learn the location of my lost changelings, gain her trust, and ultimately, destroy her from the inside.” An indeterminate amount of time later, you return to the treebrary to talk to Twilight. (let us assume that this takes place either before or after the party) “Hello again, Alex, How was your date with Lyra?” “Hmm.” Pinkie taps a hoof to her chin. “Oh! I know! How about We play ‘Pony Cannonball’! We can take turns shooting each other at mattresses! Ohmygosh this is the greatest idea EVAR!” She grins at you awaiting your response. “Okay, so what do ya want to do? I’ve got some video games, Hoofflix, or we can just talk about stuff.” Dash says, barely hiding a yawn. “Yeah...” He considers what you said. “If I’m not drunk senselessly, I’ll see about the trip to Sugarcube Corner tonight... but just a warning: people seem obsessed with relieving me of my senses at my concerts.”
The Society of Flat-Young-Geocentric Earth Holocaust Deniers
Page Turner replied to Lady Rarity Pony's topic in Forum Lounge
You are using Comic Sans. your argument is invalid. -
Phineas and Ferb Why? just Why?
Heaven vs. Equestria: Where would you go?
Page Turner replied to jackleapp81's topic in Sugarcube Corner
The Society of Flat-Young-Geocentric Earth Holocaust Deniers
Page Turner replied to Lady Rarity Pony's topic in Forum Lounge
Waitaminute... if the earth is only 350 years old, then the Mayans never existed! so we have nothing to worry about! -
request shop 5 random user who posts ITT gets a theme song for their OC! :DD
Page Turner replied to Arkane's topic in Requestria
Sure, Why not? I'll toss my name up here. My Offer: I will talk about how awesome you are everywhere I go, and I'll draw you any Humanized character. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
So long as you keep me informed, and you post at least once a month you'll be fine. I'm not exactly the most reliable poster either. -
(Here we go again!) She doubles up, and speeds past you, causing you to spin out of control, “We’ll see about that,” she she says as she speeds away. Your Invitation is met with a surprised look from the Princess. “Well, I must say this is quite Irregular, asking a princess to her own party.” She smiles. “Then again, I never have had a date to the gala before, Might make the whole affair more enjoyable.” Unfourtunately, you don’t know where the Princess is meeting with this guest, so you are going to have to do some poking around. After a while, you come across a door with a plaque that says ‘Armory’ you peek inside to see several weapons and suits of armor being watched over by a very bored looking guard. It may be a good idea to disguise yourself, but you’ll have to find a way to distract the guard. (OOC: I believe you mean ‘OOC’, and ‘Characters’) As you say your piece, fluttershy seems to get smaller and smaller. by the time you lean in to kiss her she’s curled up into a tight ball. ‘Y-y-you’re so... Assertive about it. How can you be that brave? I could never say anything like that, what if you reject me? AH! I mean- Eep!” she squeaks, realizing what she just let slip. Angel looks over at the two of you and shakes his head as if to say “Get a room you two.” As you leave, Caramel Follows you. “Hey, so, She’s cute, I guess, I mean, the sight of her doesn’t make me want to puke at least, although if she’s going out with you that throws it into question.” He says. “So, what are you going to do about your little stalker? what’s her name? Toodaloo?” “Scootaloo.” you correct him. “Ah yes, little Scootaloo, how much longer do you intend to keep stringing her along?” “She’s not my girlfriend and she never was! She’s like, nine.” you defend. “That’s not what she thinks.” “-and how is that my fault?” “You never told her ‘no’.” Caramel replies. “Either you tell little Whooptie Doo to take a hike, Or I’m gonna tell Vinyl about her” “Go ahead I don’t have anything to hide.” “Not the way I’m gonna make it sound.” “You’re Evil.” “I know.” (If at any point in this conversation you feel that your character would react differently, just respond the way you want and cross out anything that happened below it. does that make sense?) “I figure she’ll be back at the house, She Ain’t exactly cut out fer Orchard work at her age.” AJ replies. “She’s probably makin’ up some of those yummy pies!” Apple Bloom adds. “Eeyup.” She’s silent for a few moments, as you begin to worry that she might just not promise and fly away again. Then she tackle-hugs you again, this time with considerably less force, as your landing spot is much softer than hardened trail ground, and because she is conscious that you just made it out of the hospital. “I promise!” She smiles, “Oh, the fun we will have,” she says under her breath. She must’ve meant the other way. (Vinyl loved* to talk about herself. Vinyl being her last (Non RP-related) date, Vinyl will be your ‘foil’.) “I first started in Fillimentary school. I actually chose the cello more for it’s size rather than anything else; Fillimentary school wasn’t very fun for me.” It doesn’t look like a subject she’ll open up with out a few more drinks. "Oh sweet! They actually kept making these!" Spike says "They gave me one of these for my birthday last year, it was amazing!" Spike takes the treat and is about to eat it when he stops. "actually, why don't you take it? you didn't take The baby Blue Sapphire earlier, so you should have this." She smiles, a little embarrassed, “Uhh, no offense, but the work kind of requires some... vision.” She thinks about it for a minute, “But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have you try...” You get an Apple. Just an apple. a green one. Twilight Shrugs. “Well, they can’t all be fun stuff.” she says before reaching her head into the bucket and coming up with a tennis ball on a spring, which immediately pulls her head back underwater. she comes up again sputtering. “Well, that was interesting.” “Well, Rarity says searching the menu. “This looks quite lovely.” she says “rosebud Salad.” Sweetie belle do you know what you want yet?” Sweetie Belle looks over her own menu. “um, can I get the same as yours?” she asks. “Of course you can.” Rarity replies. “That will be two Rosebud Salads and... Wildcard?” All present look to you expectantly. “I think that was enough for one date.” Lyra Replies. “You still have a few more to get through before you can choose, after all, but for the record, If you end up choosing me, I’ll be really happy.” She smiles. (If that date is any indication, Pwny will be back by the time we get through all of them.) He grins, “I have a spare minute. I do have one question though.” You get a tad bit nervous as he looks you up and down, “Why would you ask me out tonight if you knew I had a concert?” “Okay!” Pinkie Takes a similar position. “3, 2, 1, GO!” Both of you begin shovelling Cupcakes into your mouth as fast as possible. fortunately for you, Pinkie seems to get something stuck in her throat for a second about halfway through, allowing you to pull ahead. even with that extra advantage though, you only manage to beat her by one. “Whew!” She says. “Good job! Nopony ever done that before!” Daring Facehoofs, and there is a moment of silence before Briny and the Captain both burst out laughing. “Ahahahaha! that Hat on you!” Briny snorts. “Young’un, you need to learn the difference between Fact and Legend.” the captain says. “Do you really believe that the Royal Sisters would allow such a place as Turtletoga to exist?” “Well at least he’s getting into the spirit of things.” Briny adds. “and his suggestion, while flawed, is a valid one, I still have a good six months left in me assuming all goes well, and a supply stop would be a good idea.” The captain says. “Professor Do. you will provide your companion with a full list of everything you will need for this venture, and I shall set a course for a REAL pirate port. in the meantime, please make yourselves at home here.” “Hang on” Daring says. “I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking for.” “Ah yes.” the captain says. “you would need to know that. very well. are you familiar with the legend of the Seapony’s Tear?” “No.” Daring says, she seems surprised. a legend she hasn’t heard of? “Well then, Allow me to-” Before the captain can begin, Sea Salt bursts in. “Captain! We’ve got Navy!” “The captain stands, suddenly looking much more business like. “Where?” ‘Off the port bow, They don’t seem to have spotted us yet.” “let’s keep it that way, Run up the Zebrican Flag and head away from them, not to fast though, if they do spot us I don’t want them to think we’re running.” “Eye Sir!” the off white pony says, rushing off to relay the captain’s orders. (how do YOU like THEM apples?) (OOC: Either that or your OC happens to be out of the loop) “Just the Doctor.” the Doctor replies. “and I’m here because I wanted to make sure everything is completely back to normal, tell, me, have you seen any suspicious statues lately? or perhaps ponies wandering about with an extra shadow? or even just odd gaps in your memory?” “Oh yes, Quite a fool.” Luna says. “Nopony in their right mind would ever attempt such a thing, however... One does get quite lonely. And it is good to know that not all of my little ponies fear us.” she smiles. “that said, We hope that you will continue to try.” He grinned, it seemed that was his norm. He patted her on the back, and sat down next to her. “I certainleh ‘ope so. I got en’uf trees, ‘least. Not as much as mah cousin, but we’all get by,” he gestures around the table. Getting an apple-stick for himself, he ate the whole thing in one bite. “Well, I had set up a race through ghastly gorge, to decide which animal would be my pet, but then there was an avalanche, and my wing got caught. All the other pets were too focused on the race to help me except for Tank here, and he was able to dig me out.” Dash explains. “If it weren’t for Tank, Who knows how long I’d have been stuck there?” The point is that there’s more to choosing pets than thier raw ability, and the same goes for friends, and-” she lowers her voice. “The same goes for choosing who you want to be with... Forever.” There is a moment of silence. Finally Dash speaks up again. “Anyway, that’s enough of the mushy stuff, lets have some fun.” (Sorry, no Higurashi today, My brain can’t handle Rhymes right now.)
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Well since it's 1:30 and I'm still up for some reason, have a picture I drew of Briny Blue the Pirate Pony. I think it's worth noting that this is only the fifth hand-drawn pony art I've ever done. -
(Something Clever) Octavia looks you up and down, “How about we just stay here for a bit, get to know each other,” she suggests. “You first.” Noteworthy frowns. “Sorry, Sky. Not tonight. I have a concert tonight.” He looked up, thoughtful. “I have a free night on Friday... how about then?” “Well, I imagine my student will be wanting to spend time with me again this year, But of course I have to greet everypony who arrives, and I’m usually very busy, why do you ask?” The guard looks stunned for a second. then looks to his companion. “I don’t recall hearing about a messenger from Manehattan” “Me neither, Perhaps I should go get Captain Armor.” “Perhaps you should. we don’t want to get removed.” “Can a messenger really do that?” “I dunno, but I’d rather not find out.” Both guards turn back to look at you. “Now please wait here while-” one begins, only to cut himself off when he realizes you are no longer there. “Oh he’s gone.” “Do you think he snuck past us?” “Couldn’t be we were standing right here the entire time.” “I guess his message wasn’t so urgent after all.” Having snuck past the two idiot guards, you make your way deeper into the castle. (think of these two as Murtaugh and Mulroy from Pirates of the Caribbean and it becomes hilarious.) Angel darts outside. you turn to watch him go and find yourself looking at Fluttershy. If you are blushing like crazy, then it would be hard to find words to describe Fluttershy at this moment. She has turned so red that it’s hard to imagine that she’s naturally yellow. “D-d-d-did you mean that? What you just said?” she stammers. Before you can respond, Angel returns, holding up a small picture of another bunny with a bow. He points to it as if to say “I do so know what it’s like to be in love.” He then hops over to your perpetual carrot and begins eating. She blushes, ears flipping back nervously, “But I almost broke your spinal cord last time we were together,” she says, “I don’t want to hurt you...” she looks on the verge of tears again. “Whatever you want!” Pinkie says. “There’s plenty of things to do, and I want to do them all! you go ahead and pick what you want to do first!” Apple Bloom looks down sadly “Um, no, we don’t actually have one of those...” Applejack steps in. “We’ve had a good year this year it’s true, but we prefer to spend our bits on more practical things, like new equipment, or tools.” she gives you a playful nudge. “Yer the biggest risk we’ve taken in a while, But Ah think it’ll pay off.” “It’s no problem.” Briny says casually. “The Princesses have done everything in their power to make us look like monsters, and, truth be told, we like it that way.” She gets right up in your face. “So don’t you go spreadin’ rumors that we’re soft or nothin’! Anyway, we’re here.” she backs off and looks a little uncomfortable. “Now, before I present you to the Captain, I’m going to have to ask you to hand over any weapons you may be carrying.” she winces at the look you give her. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll get them back, we just don’t want there to be ant chance of something unfortunate happening to the Captain.” Daring nudges you. “Just go along with it.” she whispers before handing over her whip and several small knives that had been concealed in various places in her vest, tail, and hat. After the two of you have been disarmed, and your weapons handed over to Jolly Rodger, for ‘safe keeping’, You, Daring, And Briny enter the Captain’s cabin. “Father! I brought you Daring Do, as you requested.” Briny Calls. An older looking dark blue pegasus with an impressive seaweed green beard looks up from his desk. “Ah Briny, you look more like your mum every time I see you.” “Daaaad, not in front of the guests...” “Oh, right. Ahem, Greetings Daring Do and Guest, I’m sorry If my crew treated you roughly.” “Not at all.” Daring replies. “They have been quite civil, especially for pirates.” “I’m glad to hear that. you see Professor Do, I have a problem that only you can help me with, you see, I am Dying.” “WHAT?” Apparently this is the first time Briny has heard about this. “Yes, And only you, Professor, Can read the map that will lead to my survival.” “If it were nothin’,” she says, walking up to you, “You wouldn’t look like someone just rubbed you sideways. What’s wrong?” She doesn’t look like she’s going to drop this; she had learned from more than a few Derpy trips that when ponies try to hide something, it ends badly. She had to assume it was the same for Changelings. “So you think we should just leave those 30 to die? It is recklessness like this that got you in the disaster you are in now. Celestia shall pay for what she has done, but not yet. She will return my subjects to me, and then she will be made to feel our pain, and then, and ONLY then, she has my permission to die.” You hear a note of sadness enter her voice. “I’m sorry, Vendana. Business... took a nosedive this year. I won’t be able to go.” You sense her looking down at her hooves. “I’m sorry...” “Dontcha worry, you’ll get tah know ‘em just fine,” he says, guiding her to a seat. There was a plate, and various apple dishes and bread roll baskets along the table. “You go on ahead.” Vinyl Says. “I’ve still got a few more songs left before they bring out the Karaoke machine, I’ll catch up to you when I’m done here.” (Not sure why you felt the need to split that) The strange Pony seems to have stopped listening after ‘purple’. “Ah, excellent, that means everything is back to normal. I just got back from an alternate timeline where she had dyed herself green. Horrible color. Didn’t suit her at all. Oh, there was also the thing about Celestia being replaced by a Changeling and Luna becoming Nightmare Moon again, but if Twilight’s purple again, then it’s all fixed.” He finally stops talking and sees your look of confusion. “Oh, I’m sorry. It seems I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m The Doctor.” Rarity Looks around. “I do not believe I have eaten here before, I was sure I had been to all of the best places, This place must be fairly new.” (That’s perfect) Gilda glanced over at you. “Oh, hey. A race?” She stretches out her wings. “How about... now!” She leaps into the air, leaving a cloud of dust behind her as she zooms off. Dash is silent for a moment. then suddenly, she begins to laugh. “Bwahaha, hahaha, you idiot!” She points to herself “Element of loyalty, remember? I’m never gonna leave you hangin’! and if you’re afraid of holding me back, there’s someone you should meet. TANK!” she calls. Very slowly, a tortoise enters the room. “This here’s Tank, my pet turtle.” Somewhere far away you imagine you can hear Fluttershy’s voice. ‘Toooooooortoise.’ “Whatever, the point is that I didn’t want tur-tortoise as a pet at first because it would slow me down, but then Tank here saved my life.” You pull out what appears to be one of those plastic Easter eggs, except it's the size and shape of an apple. "Ohh! you got a prize! what is it? What is it? I wanna see!" Surprise exclaims jumping up and down in excitement. you crack open the Easter apple to find a rolled up piece of paper, apparently the thing was water proof, you unroll it to se that it says simply "Free Hug from the pony of your choice, just show them the other side of this paper -Pinkie" Flipping it over you see that it simply says. "You have to, It's the rule -Pinkie"
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I'm going to have to say no. It's not a BAD idea per se', but If I made that exception now, others might want it, and then things would get complicatid, and, ever a fan of simplicity, I can't accept this idea. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Welcome aboard! You have been added to the OP, Feel free to post at any time, New replies should be up on Monday, but i'm not going to promise anything at this point. Holidays. Please Refer to the lists in the OP to see what ponies are and are not available. and LightningDash is the name I just gave to Rainbow Dash x Lightning Dust, it was either that or RainbowDust. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Quick Update: Lightning Dust Has been added to the dateable ponies list. Also, This has nothing to do with anything but: Okay, what gives? It's been a whole day since the episode and there was a leak erlier in the week beforehand, so why aren't there any LightningDash Fics on Fimfiction yet? I think we've gone beyond 'reference' and hit 'parody' at this point, maybe even 'crossover' if you're definition extends to include 'x, except with Ponies" -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
There are a few problems with this post, Firs off, you didn't Sign up First, abd second, you didn't ask any pony on a date, which is the whole point of the exercise, Please come to the OOC topic and state your intended and a link to your character sheet. -
(Once again, I apologize for the long wait. to get these Bleeping replies out, but they're here now, enjoy.) Sea Salt doesn’t seem impressed by your threats. “Boy, I’ll be happy to settle this with you another time, but know this, I did not betray Equestria, Equestria betrayed me. I am loyal to my captain, and if the captain says he wants Daring Do, then I get Daring Do. That’s all there is to it.” Daring leans in to whisper in your ear. “Please try not to anger the Pirates more than necessary.” “Right this way.” Briny says, pointing towards the door to the Captain’s Cabin. with her one wing. Daring nods and follows the pirates, you follow Daring. you notice that Daring seems oddly Ok with this, even striking up a conversation with one of your captors. “So how does a mare become First mate on a Pirate ship? Isn’t having a mare on board supposed to be bad luck?” “Ordinarily, yes, But I’m a special case, you see, The Captain is my Father. I was born right here on this very ship, it’s the only home I’ve ever known, after I came of age Father made me First mate.” “How very interesting.” Daring replies. “You must have some very interesting stories. “Same for you I’ll wager, Stick around and maybe we can swap them sometime.” “Maybe.” “It seems an old... acquaintance, of mine is not quite as dead as I had been led to believe, and he thinks that my attack on the changeling hive was a breach of our treaty, although that was already broken when Chrysalis invaded us, and now he is coming to kill me in three days time.” Celestia Admits. so, as I said, It’s not urgent, we still have time to finish our dinner. you go up to the palace gate and ask to see the Princess. “I’m sorry.” the guard there states. “Princess Celestia is having dinner with a friend at the moment and has requested she not be interrupted.” “You alright? You seem distracted,” asks Quick, picking up on his disinterest. “You are going to do WHAT?” Chrysalis quickly glances both ways to make sure she has not been overheard. before leaning down and whispering. “As your queen, I forbid it! Think you foal! That Princess is the only one who knows where my changelings are being held! How do you think I am going to find out where they are if she’s dead?” “Is that so?” she asks, smiling. “Then it’s a good thing you finally got the guts to ask me. Somepony ELSE might’ve picked me up, and then where would you be?” She gives you a quick peck back and turns back to the drink. “Ah’m Apple Bloom!” Apple Bloom says. “An’ this here’s Big Macintosh, an’ Granny Smith is back at the house! So you're that racer Pony Big sis was talking about! When She told us about ya Ah said ‘Hay! we should totally sponsor him in that there race! seein’ as bussiness has been really good this year!’, and Big mac said-” “Eeyup” Big mac said. “An here we are!” Apple Bloom finished. “Evil Exes.” Vinyl Corrects. “Don’t get too full of yourself, it’s only gonna get harder from- SOMEPONY IS TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENT WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!” Vinyl Rushes away. leaving you a tad confused. Dash Tilts her head. “Hey you okay? You looked like you went a little introspective there for a second.” there is a moment of stunned silence. “What? I can know big words! Seriously though, you can tell me if something’s bugging you.” “I want to Read!” Twilight Says immediately. “Oh, I mean... sorry, automatic reaction. Let’s go bob for apples.” the two of you head over to the large wooden bucket filled with unhealthily opaqe looking dark water. Twilight catches your expression and smiles. “Don’t worry about the water, Pinkie puts die in it to hide the surprises in the bottom.” Just as you are about to start singing a very angry looking DJ snatches the Mic Away from you. “Excuse you, but I don’t recall giving you permission to touch my stuff.” she says. “If you want to sing, you’re just gonna have to wait, Karaoke hor doesn’t start for another ten minutes. now i’f you’ll excuse me, I have a request to play.”she goes over to her equipment and, after checking that you didn’t damage it, pops a new record onto the turntable and picks up the mic. Surprise is at your side in an instant. “That’s okay Halfy, You can sing to me later. Right now, I see an Apple bobbing bucket with our names on it! Well, It doesn’t actually have our names on it, but you know what I meant!” The other pony seems completely oblivious to your warnings, probably because he’s too busy trying to be subtle about staring at Twilight’s plot. (He’s failing, but fortunately for him Twilight doesn’t seem to mind) just then you hear Vinyl’s voince on the speakers. “ Ahem, This next song goes out to Cheerilee, from the lucky stallion that loves her from the bottom of his heart.” A song begins to play, Cheerilee Looks at you in surprise. “You did this for me?” “Whatever you want!” Spike replies. “There’s apple bobbing, the snack table, pin the tail on the pony, the snack table, I think they're going to start kareoke in a few minutes, the snack table, dancing, and, oh yeah, the snack table.” Braeburn smiled. “Nah, we can just go ahead and go. Anything else you want to see can wait until after the community breakfast. Come on!” You follow Braeburn to the Town Hall. When you step inside, there is this huge table that is taking up most of the space, with various styles of apples scattered on it. Others have already started to arrive, but it’s obvious that you are relatively early. “Welcome to the community breakfast!” (Dat all black txt) “Oh, yes! I love muffins! Thank you!” She throws one of them- wrapping and all- down her throat, and then buries her head in your shoulders, sobbing. “Thank you for coming after me... but those others are so mean! They’re always making fun of me when I mess up.” (No, I didn’t. If you find anything you don’t like, edit it out.) Pinkie manages to keep pace with your zipping around perfectly, “Well, the process isn’t Strictly speaking legal, but let’s just say that it’s concentrated essence of me. what you are experiencing right now is exactly how I feel all the time! the trade of is that you’ll sleep like a rock for the next 24 hours after it wears off, but that’s okay.” Rarity looks up in surprise. “Oh, I’m so glad you like it Darling, What color do you think i should use on the trim? she holds up two samples that appear to you to be identical. “I suppose I could use a break, it is nearly lunchtime, after all. perhaps we should all go get something to eat.” Noteworthy looked up. “I’m doing good.” He sighed and continued to look in the window of the boutique. “How do you think I would look in a suit in my next concert...?” “You needn’t be shy, and I’ll tell you why, One More about you I have learned, your feelings may well be returned.” Zecora says. and you are able to extrapolate that she wants to get to know you. Carrot Top looks at you. “Oh... I’ve seen you around before.” There seemed to be a note of pity in her voice. “Sure... what do you want to talk about?” She thought for a moment. “Excuse me... but I haven’t caught your name before. What is it?” “Oh wow! that’s amazing!” Fluttershy Says. “Although I’m not sure how a carrot that never goes away will help if I can’t get him to eat his regular Carrots...” she Shakes her head violently, as if to clear it out. “Anyway, Angel is upset because he wanted me to play with him yesterday and I forgot and went to the movie with you instead, so now he’s going on a hunger strike.” Suddenly you hear an odd sound outside, somewhere between whale song and fingernails on a chalkboard. a moment later, an odd brown stallion gallops into your shop. and gets right up in your face “Quickly! What color is Twilight Sparkle?” he asks in a Trottingham accent. (For the sake of Whovianitismnity, a word I just made up, let’s operate under the assumption you have no idea who this pony is.)
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Okay, I Haven't forgotten you guys, seriously, and I'm sorry this round of replies is taking so long, every time i open the doc to work on it i get distracted. I may need a break soon, but not until after I get these replies out at the very least. please be patient with me. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Sooooo, you may have noticed a lack of replies yesterday... sorry about that, but even if I had finished mine, Dawnpath never showed up to do his so I couldn't have released anyway... I'll try to get those out today. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
(OOC: Okay, I really should wait until reply time for this but... how the hay did he 'See' her around a corner? A. he's blind and B. that would be impossible even if he wasn't! I call Hax! Either that or you meant 'sense' which i can kind of buy... <GASP> is your OC Daredevil?) -
(OOC: Okay, I really should wait until reply time for this but... how the hay did he 'See' her around a corner? A. he's blind and B. that would be impossible even if he wasn't! I call Hax! Either that or you meant 'sense' which i can kind of buy... <GASP> is your OC Daredevil?)
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Replies will be out later today, Carrot top will either be myself or Dawnpath, as for Molestia... you can never tell when she'll come for you! -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
It's at the top of the OP, (the one you didn't read) It's also in my Signature. Right up at the top (In both places)