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Blog Entries posted by FlutterDash99

  1. FlutterDash99
    In 2 days its the last day of school, I'm going to be graduating from middle school to high school. I've been at this new school for a year now, and this had to be one of my best years yet, ending off with an emotional and fun year, bringing my grades us. I have A's B's and C's right now, and I truly think I spent this school year well. I am happy that I went to this school, and so far, 2017 has been a great year, 2016 sucked majorly. 
    And I thinks its a Sweet Victory.
  2. FlutterDash99
    Music is like a drug, I am addicted to it badly. I have records with music, cassettes, CD's, an mp3 player with music, All of my computers have music on them and I have at least 15 GB of music.
    Remember fillies and colts, don't do drugs. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are my dealers, and I take in 2 albums worth of Bastille and Boney M. (and more) a day. Sometimes just single songs and I get addicted.
    *Whispers* Hey any good songs for me to listen to? I have one for you:
  3. FlutterDash99
    How did all of the countries around the world come up with their own flag? Like, USA, Australia, UK, Denmark how did they all come up with their own flag designs and so many other countries.
    I'm making my own custom flag with a large cloth its,
    Blue > Freedom
    White > Purity/Peace
    Yellow > Justice
    And it's setup like the French flag, 3 colors going to the right.
  4. FlutterDash99
    Well after a long time, I'm back. And I have a lot to say too, I became the official video editor of the school news, and I became the official film director for concerts at school. And I won being the official Chief/President (if you wanna say that) of the School News. Now it might be put in my records and I might have my own place in this schools history. But! Enough of that, tomorrow, Christmas Day I have a 50/50 shot at this tomorrow, it might be GREAT, or it might be a complete disaster. In this house, it's like a pattern for me:
    Birthday (this year) - Pretty good, actually
    Thanksgiving (This year) SUCKED
    Christmas (This year) I don't know what it will be like....
    I don't know what to say tomorrow....
    While I'm at it, enjoy this Danish Christmas song:
    P.S. MERRY CHRISTMAS not Happy Holidays, I don't care if anyone is offended because I said CHRISTmas, you can complain all you want.
  5. FlutterDash99
    They have a thing called Musky Minute for our school (I live in Wisconsin, so expect a lot of lakes) And, they have 1 to how many kids they choose, for their musky minute video and they just record with their phone and upload it to YouTube and show it to 5-8th grade, raw, unedited footage. And you want to know how they found ME to do it? Well I have been sending videos to my teacher, and well edited videos, and it just turned out that he has been sharing this to other teachers and assistants and now I'm becoming more and more known around the school (in a good way) and its like going from Fluttershy to Rainbow Dash, and I was sent 2 videos to edit just today, and now I can finally show off my talent, and speaking of talent, earlier that morning right before Gym class for 8th grade, they had Musky Minute (or meeting) and while the younger kids from 2nd grade and under were slowly leaving they were playing music in the background, they were playing Bee Gees Stayin' Alive, and then I realized (hurry, now's my chance) and because of that song, and still a decent crowd of assistants, teachers, and younger students, it was my time to be known I started doing dance moves from the 70s and 80s, 70s Disco, 80s Moves, like the Safety Dance, a couple of Micheal Jackson moves, I even tried doing the moonwalk which my shoes were slippery enough, so.. I started to attempt it, and manage to do a lap around the gym while the kids were leaving, and guess who was standing there? The Principal, the Gym teacher and his Wife, they weren't mad, they were doing what I least expected, cheering!! The boys were straight up cheering, the girls, I don't know actually.... this was my song to move to the rythm, you just gotta move to the rythm, nice and easy. You might as well mix, Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash. I am so happy. I'm Stayin' Alive.
  6. FlutterDash99
    Turns out I bought 2 songs in my sleep last night, sleep walking?? I listen to A LOT of music, I had a Windows Store card for 3$ that I had gotten from Microsoft rewards yesterday, turned off my computer at 1 am, yeah... I admit it, after getting that new desktop, I started playing more and more games on it. How did I find out? I went on Groove to check, and my Windows Store card was almost spent, it had 0.60 cents left on it, enough to buy 2 songs with it, I wonder what it would have been like if Vinyl Scratch bought records in her sleep or something.
    Turns out I got:
    Bastille - Pompeii
    Taco - In the mood I do like Taco though, like his song Singin' in the Rain or Puttin on the Ritz.
  7. FlutterDash99
    I just got a new Desktop, just yesterday, I didn't ask for it, I worked for it.
    Dell XPS 8700
    Intel Core I7
    3.60 GHz
    16 GB of ram (That's huge for me)
    1 TB HDD
    Windows 10 Home edition
    64-bit (Obviously)
    Every game I run on it runs BUTTER SMOOTH, this Desktop doesn't wanna give up! It plows through EVERYTHING!
  8. FlutterDash99
    Yesterday at school it was 2:30 school was almost over, I was in the computer lab with another person in the same grade as me, he has his headphones on listening to music. Me? Well I was doing something completely different, I ripped up a piece of a sticky note, used the sticky part of it, and put it under the mouse on the desktop pc's in the room. Yeah I know its been done many times before, but I didn't do it to just a few desktops, NO, I did it to ALL of them in the room and the other person sitting with his chromebook? He didn't NOTICE A THING, he was sitting there just listening to music like nothing happened. HOW did you not notice me moving around in the room and doing all of that?!!!?! HOW?! Then..... I wait, time ticking by waiting for some victims to come in. And guess what? One of my other classmates came in they needed to print a document for Science? Me? just sitting there watching and smiling He goes over goes in front of one of them the usual logging into the computer until??? wHAT? WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?? (I've been known by the teachers as the class joker/comedian and I haven't even been at this new school for not even a year!) He knows that I do a lot of the joking, I start laughing, he turns to me and said? "What did you do to this?!" I keep laughing.... He looks under the mouse, and said "You suck" (in a joking/playful way) And then 2 little girls come in, possibly 5th grade or so (I'm in 8th) Why aren't they working?? This goes on when more and more kids come in.... you can guess the rest....
  9. FlutterDash99
    It seems like this year I show at least one side of the mane 6, when I was working hard at school, was showing my AJ side (minus the country talkin' y'all) , being nice to others but also quiet side like Fluttershy, my dressing and fashion side of Rarity (like my costume to the Halloween party that I had today) My serious but fun side like RD, my smart moments like getting a good grade on an assignment like Twilight and studying before an extremely pressuring Math test (I suck at math, each math test is pressuring which shows my Fluttershy side) I was dressed up today for the costume party as puttin on the ritz by Taco or at least the suit (I know there's MANY other variations of this song but I prefer Taco's version the best) (I got invited to the party by one of the girls in 8th grade, I was new to the school I was going to and other a quarter of the 8th grade came it was for 8th graders only) And guess what? Instead of being ignored my costume brought more attention than ever, it was ridiculous, I even the glow stick cane like in the music video, except they didn't know what it was from, but they thought it was great. (no sarcasm) And instead of showing off, I stayed quiet and said my thank yous and it was GREAT one great party a party on my own birthday, and I didn't even know till I got an invitation, and I know its not all about me, but this day was great. (sorry if I keep repeating myself) And now time for a face reveal, where none of you have been waiting for, + me in my costume here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKm5_WBP9fU
    also here's my brony channel too:
  10. FlutterDash99
    For the past 2 years since 2014, my Birthdays have been nothing but depressing. I'm not exactly the Pinkie Pie party planner, but these past 2 years have been depressing, maybe tomorrow might turn out differently instead of depressing (turning 14) You know what, let me tell you a sad story, ok? It was the year 2014 it was October 27th (like today) this has been a curse for the past 2 years now (history is starting to repeat itself) I always got in trouble before my birthday, some little mistake then I'm done for. I don't know what its going to be like tomorrow, but it might be bad, its not like Pinkie Pie would be here to make me happy. Anyways, I got suspended from this dreadful school I went to when I was in 6th grade, I got suspended for almost a week I got suspended till Friday. I was living at some small apartment building with my Dad after my mom died in 2013. It was my birthday I slept in till 9 in the morning, and my Dad realized, and he said in a careless response: "Hey, uh, its your Birthday today" Today was the most depressing day ever....
    I might be singing the blues tomorrow, earlier I was looking for some songs about the blues and this song made me cry almost instantly, and my nose started running, this song is so strong to me. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJA8b3esxfE
  11. FlutterDash99
    One day you're walking around in the Library (you're in 9th grade at CHS) looking for a fun book to read like a joke book or something after a long boring day of school again barely passing a Math test. And you found 3 books to read 2 Stephen King, and one joke book, you're about ready to check out until. Wait what? You see a little girl possibly 9 or 10 with 2 wagons coupled up with nothing but books upon books upon books and a few educational documentary tapes. She just casually walks over with her loads of books, and gives the lady her Library Card that she just got for her birthday recently (but you didn't know that) And now she's checking in her loads of books for the first time, the Librarian at the counter doesn't looks surprised because she seen her MANY times before she checks everything out and she just walks out the door like nothing happened with her wagon of books, you have no response to say to this little girl when she walked out.
  12. FlutterDash99
    What WOULD the world be like if we were all ponies and we were all one of 3 pony races (not including alicorn) And if all of the mane 6 and the background ponies be at in the world. I could see Rarity and Octavia living in the UK. And I could see RD and AJ living in America, I could see RD saluting the American flag. Or maybe have Rarity living in France, I don't know about the rest of the other ponies. Zecora could live in South America.
  13. FlutterDash99
    If you read my previous posts (its not about mlp, its just a thing to talk about in general) Now, you don't want to make my Dad mad, its like an explosion just went off, and if you knew my Dad and you did A LOT of things wrong (me <<<<) even for some of the smallest things (not all the time) And if I were you, and you were in my shoes, I would RUN into your room keep the door LOCKED at all times until he cools down (he WILL hold grudges later on) Its like this with my Dad, you mess up once, your done for. And you know how schools have their lock down drills and all of that other stuff. When my Dad is mad, its a house lock down, (for me) lock the door, close the window and the second layer storm window and LOCK it. With only one of 2 places to hide, under the bed, or in closet and keep the door closed (it doesn't have a lock) The best bet is under the bed, he can't bend like he used too.
  14. FlutterDash99
    My first reaction was like this: One day during the end of the summer I was searching around one of those free watch tv/movies online websites. And guess what? Just out of pure curiosity, I searched up My Little Pony, and I got MLP: FIM and before I watched season 1 episode 1 I said one thing before I watched it, I said: "I can't believe I'm going to do this." After watching season 1 episode 1 I was HOOKED on it since season 1 and I couldn't stop watching it till I reached the latest episode then I was caught up, and I stayed up late and night watching mlp episode, after episode still watching today.
    Proud to be a brony.
  15. FlutterDash99
    Now, I'm not normally like Twilight Sparkle, (to get the rest of the information about the way I am read my previous posts I'm not going to type it out every time) Now I'm normally the fluttershy of the bunch (13 years old) till now, I've been more of a Twilight Sparkle recently, I've been going to book stores and buying art books/text books because I listened to a special song with a special meaning that woke my old self up from a long slumber on something I used to do, paint, draw, color its something I had a love for and now its back. I recently started buying books from the book store and guess what? I bought books on how to draw certain things I bought a book about Pablo Picasso and how to take picture photography and how to get the quality pictures and the best look for it to sharpen it up, (its not a recent book from the 1950's) And bought a book about how the Americans painted pictures back in the 1600-1800 but enough of that. I've been acting differently this past week, I guess we all have a Twilight Sparkle in all of us, the book worm inside of us.
    And MAN Twilight loves those books
    (Besides, I'm not really an art freak, its just something that I like to do)
    It's me again, Picasso.

  16. FlutterDash99
    I've been finding what I'm good at, or my interests for the past 3 years. Something I could do later in life, and 2 years ago I became really good at computers (2 years before I became a brony) after trying out so many things on the computer. My Dad thought it was an obsession or addiction as if it was a drug. Then he crushed it and crumpled it like paper he wouldn't give me a chance it was something I had a knack for I could do coding, do decent video editing and more, desktop or laptop I went exploring operating systems tried the windows 9x series beta versions of windows went to Linux for a while went back to windows and so on and became a much faster typer (I still make spelling errors, at least everyone does that) And today, I listened to one song that I haven't to in such a long time and it was something I had a love for. Art. Making and drawing art or painting I wasn't the best but I drew a lot. And guess which song awoken my old self from such a LONG slumber: (its the translated english version) At the same time it brings back memories to the early days of YouTube. Its me again, Picasso.

    Please take this blog post seriously, but enjoy the nostalgic song too. Dad, I hope you don't crush my dreams again. After that, it felt like nothing had meaning no love put into things anymore. And what was missing, was my love for art. Its me again, Picasso.
  17. FlutterDash99
    I decided to do take the quiz, of: which of the mane 6 are you? And guess what I get every time, and I answer as honest as possible, and guess what I get every time. Fluttershy! I've probably been saying this many times before, and its probably getting annoying for people who read my previous posts. I get Fluttershy every, single, time. So I take another quiz, and I take: Are you like Fluttershy quiz, and guess what I get as a result: Are you sure that you, and Fluttershy aren't the same person?
  18. FlutterDash99
    As mean as my Dad is, the way he treats me, guess what? He bought a puppy, a cute little puppy just under one year old, he's like me, shy. And he wasn't treated right with the last owner, he thinks he's going to be abused again, but he's not going to be. Also, I want to ask you all something about the mlp forums, is role playing aloud? and why do people do it?
  19. FlutterDash99
    Today I decided to get that Fluttershy plushy I finally got the courage to buy from the store, I was nervous. After finally walking out of the store with it, I still felt nervous. (I was nervous because I didn't want my dad to notice) My Dad is very closed minded and mean, he doesn't bother giving me a chance and would be willing to beat me. My life is very depressing, and sad, after watching mlp: fim (and no, I'm not autistic or have any problems, I thought the show is adorable but now I like it more, not obsessed with it, no not like that, and I don't shove in peoples faces I stay quiet about that and keep it a secret, except for this website, and mlp related videos on YouTube and I'm only a 13 year old boy) After coming home I was hoping my Dad would be down stairs on his computer, nope, he was upstairs watching TV, he came over and asked what I had in the bag and then I stuttered and tripped over my words. Then he got really mad at me for just walking away from him and I went back on my bike he was mad. (irl I'm like fluttershy, as colt you could say, quiet talker, but loved by animals but rarely loud) After about 2 hours of riding around I think, I didn't have a watch with me so I had to guess by the light of day. I went back to my house, and guess what? Dad locked the doors on me both doors front and back, and I didn't want to ring the door bell. And then he opens the door, and he starts to yell at me, and my Dads favorite past time when he's mad at me, is to rant about me and talk about all of the bad things I did, and make them sound worse and he keeps calling me ungrateful. (My Dad's always gonna be mad at me, and our relationship together had dissinigrated like a VHS tape, with nothing left behind but distorted audio and video) I managed to get it in there without showing it to him, but something is still terribly wrong. At least I got Flutter Shy, and I think I'll never go out and buy another mlp fim toy or dvd again. And, here's an accurate video of my Dad this is the way he treats me, here it is:
  20. FlutterDash99
    You know when you become a brony and join the herd like the rest, well, I think I got brony fever, like the merchandise that's sold in stores. Well, I bought that one mlp dvd from last time I had in one of my previous posts and I keep getting random urges from time to time about mlp stuff its still a secret from my dad and age doesn't always matter, I'm 13 years old and into this and nervous to get that AJ plushie from Wallgreens they have more mlp merch than Walmart surprisingly. Besides, that DVD is the only mlp merch I have, just saying.
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