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Status Replies posted by fredpaisley

  1. For the love of Discord I created a Discord, if you want to add me #3099 BaconLettuceTomato please message first with your username from here... I am off to check the Nexus for MLP mods for Skryim, if you have any favorites feel free to share!

    1. fredpaisley


      You are very welcome. My service to mankind is complete! -fades from existance-


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    1. fredpaisley


      idk, I am pretty new to all this though so it all ~feels~ new >.<

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Merry Christmas! It's been decided so by Discord's fanclub! Enjoy!

  3. Can't sleep again. :(

    1. fredpaisley


      Lavender oil and frankincense oil to rid the bad dreams (good for depression and anxiety and naturally distress your body, sinuses (the nose is an emotion center, which effects your sleeping capacity extra) even if its not sinuses I highly suggest those two, just a few dabs under your nose or on your throat/chest. Its a natural sleep aid and I use it myself.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Thanks! You too! How goes?

    1. fredpaisley


      Thanks, if you need a chat feel free to pm me or w/eves :) I hope your day perks up

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Welcome to MLP Forums, fredpaisley! I hope you have a great time here. /)

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