Elvis (2022). I actually enjoyed this movie a lot, the transition and pacing was spot-one when aligning with the songs from Elvis into storytelling. I already know about his personal life and career beforehand, but witnessing on a screen and did a little more reading into it, I did not realize how depressing it was for Elvis. I give this movie 10/10. I literally felt the passion through the foundation of rock music originated from the blues and jazz.
Elvis as an artist alone, damn. Literally I cried till the end and afterwards. I remember college years was my most hellish experiences that I have to put with up. Because it was when I got the first taste of feeling isolated and depression. I needed a music that can give me both a rebellious and anguish aesthetic feels. So I decided to listen to Elvis. When I started listening to him, his songs literally pulled me out from this college hell as I got absorbed by his voice. I didn’t know anything about his background as much when I listened to it. But I definitely can hear the emotions, the sadness, and loneliness from his voice when I listened to it. That voice and his songs, connects the every emotion I had, since his songs was there at my lowest and my loneliness time during my college life. I would listen to Elvis everyday at that time and still do. So watching this yes, it really hits me hard.
Elvis will always be appreciated and remembered as long as I live and as long I listen to his songs because his songs had got me through hardship and loneliness. Elvis was the artist that got me into blues, swing and jazz. Which was the discovery of my aesthetic as in today. This just really hits me emotionally.