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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by TBD

  1. Probably stayed at home till the hysteria dies down. While at the same time try to build a decent defense. Then when needed, scout out to gather supplies and food.
  2. You actually think Luna’s fans glorified her suffering? I’m sorry, but if that is how you see it then expect to be the only one. But hey, that’s your opinion and I won’t argue against that. People can either hate Luna or like her. Either way, it’s won’t change the damn a thing. If you guys wonder why people like Luna then lets stick to the topic exploring why, instead of ranting. That can be for a new separate thread.
  3. If you say so, but just a heads up, having Luna going through shit isn’t what make her special or liked by many fans. It’s her character that got the fans’ attention. I mean out of these princesses beside Twilight, princess Luna shows character development and depth. Unlike princess Celestia and Cadence.
  4. As a kid I was bit of a sport manic; soccer, football, and mainly basketball. Now I’m into tennis.
  5. I don't know about you, but my "social" life haven't change a bit even after knowing about MLP FiM and it will remind the same when it ends.
  6. Doubtful...but it would be nice to have a MLP anime pony or human. If they're going for humanized, I would expect them to look like this . Hell, sure there's a lot of those "magical girly" anime you guys talked about, but these days now.. Japan couldn't care less for unique anime anymore. As long it's "cute" with big eyes and girls, it will eventually just be pass as being popular anyways. So the hell with it, if they're planning to make a MLP anime. But final answers...100% doubtful due to copyright (unless Hasbro gives permission)
  7. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
  8. Banned for thinking that a fictional character could kill me.
  9. Pretty much. how many hours do you spent on here?
  10. “Go ahead, take the shotgun sit.. I dare you.”
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