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Everything posted by KiraTakahashi

  1. Maybe the fact I want to see people burn. Movies or books?
  2. And exactly who did you vote for? Let me guess trump right? Of course you wouldn't be worried.
  3. You can thank the idiots who think he's actually gonna be able to do anything.
  4. I like you. Short and sweet. Let's just move to Europe yo.
  5. Noooooo no more nonsense, there's already monkeys running about america!
  6. He'll burn himself into the ground like the idiot he is.
  7. I don't care anymore

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CheeryFox
    3. KiraTakahashi


      Dude for years I couldn't stand america and all its crap.

    4. GrimGrimoire


      America is more than just the election, Trump or Clinton. Filter a lot of that out and life becomes a little simpler.

  8. What does it matter? America has been stuck in the toilet since before I was born.
  9. Right now I'm working at a new job at walmart deli making 10.50 an hour.
  10. I could never eat ice, my teeth are way too sensitive.
  11. So I was just a bad kid. Ive stolen hundreds of yugioh cards, hundreds of pokemon cards, a few mtg decks, some plushies and small figurines. That was just middle school. During high school it was more cards than anything. After high school I stole a lot of hello kitty stuff, a 2,000 dress, my friends van (what he wouldn't wake up to adventure), more pokemon stuff and almost all of my old wardobe. The last things I stole were the tiny mlp plushies at walmart...so it's been two years since I've done it
  12. Yay my first request XD. I shall try and do them justice. Though do you have a better pic? It's mainly I can't see the tail.
  13. I think there's one about an hour away but I'll give it a shot.
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