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Posts posted by Jalaton

  1. I get that feeling sometimes when I'm looking at art but if it does happen I remind myself that that person probably put a lot of time into improving and since I only draw on occasion it makes sense that they'd be better than me. For fanfiction though that never happens since I'm usually too busy enjoying the story and because I feel I can get to that level if I keep writing.

  2. Rated A for Awesome - I watched two episodes and I just really don't like it

    League of Super Evil - This show just irritates me for some reason

    Almost naked animals - The title doesn't make sense to me since every animal you'll ever see is naked in reality so I don't see the point of them being 'almost naked', besides that the show is just completely ridiculous.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I say find an episode that you think she'll like, something that might appeal to her interests. That's what I did for my brother, I got him to watch The Return of Harmony because I figured he'd like Discord.

  4. It's still summer for me, I think I have 2 weeks left before school starts again. Anyway besides summer school I haven't really done anything productive this summer. Summer school did take up about a month of my summer though so I think that makes up for my lack of productivity. I'm looking forward to going to camp next week.

  5. Ehrmegawred, Drem Werld abiliteees.

    ~Gen V Comp Player


    What is everyone's opinion on DW abilities?

    I like them, they open up new playstyles for Pokemon.


    I like them too for pretty much the same reasons. My only problem is how they're obtained, if I recall correctly you have to sign up to some website and do stuff. Too much work for me, plus my wifi is at wpa2 so I don't even know if I could get them anyways. So the only time I use these abilities is in PO.

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