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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Rebuilt_Dreams

  1. I dissapeared for a 1000 years again...my apologies guys! I can't help but forget this place exists...

  2. Well then...it's been some time since i was last here...i mean 118 notifications? Gawd. How long was i gone?

  3. I can't think of a horse pun so Happy New Years! Lets hope it's better than this year.

    1. Mothra


      Happy neigh year ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  4. Hey i can play a guitar and a harmonica now! I'm still horrible at the violin i can hit the low notes but the high ones just sound off.

  5. Having a nostalgia bomb is hard....mostly because i have to stop it just to scream from the nostalgia.

  6. Anther day of not knowing what to do...

    1. Rebuilt_Dreams


      DANG IT WORDS! Another*

  7. O. Mah gawd. That new description took FOREVER!

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      So many spelling errors

  8. I am confused on how these contact methods work. I already got deviantart but for others it doesn't seem to be working.

  9. It's funny that my status is "Blank Flank" when the character in the photo has a cutiemark XD

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