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Props Valroa

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Posts posted by Props Valroa

  1. Aww, that OC looks adorable <3 Of course I'am going to draw it. ^-^ I'll try to get it done as soon as possible, I'am sorry, I just really struggle with depression lately (it's 5pm right now, I'am still lying in my bed because I couldn't motivate myself to get up >_<). It's really not like I don't care, but I can't do anything productive when I'am depressed.

    I hope you get better. I wish you luck 

  2. In an alicorn village far away from any one, Lord Senvious has been testing his teleportation spells with varied results. He has attempted one recently and has ended up in Ponyville... He looks around the town being as casual as possible, though his flowing mane and wings is sure to give him away, so will his slit blue eyes. He sees how the ponies don't have wings and a horn like he does. Curious. If anypony would notice, his cutie mark is a blue tornado.

  3. Can you do these 2 when it opens?



    Stern Steel: A stubborn and stupid former Celestia guard, he has a mallet for a cutie mark


    Intertia: A rebellious pegasus, pink with black mane, she has a newton's cradle for a cutie mark


    I put it up so you could. You seemed to have a better grasp on cannon ones the last time. :)






    Okay, I'm... I'm gonna need some sort of info here I'm afraid.


    Far as I know, Alicorns are a rare thing that have only happened naturally once in cannon, and should still be rare in OC's, with some being able to transcend. That last one is still not regular though, and it makes me wonder how an entire country could be filled with alicorns like this, and not be more well known as a common species.


    Also, when all are Alicorns, that means they are all basically powerful demi-beings, sort of. How does the system work when everypony could destroy a landmass on a whim? I mean, I can understand if this is a country of lesser alicorns, so to speak, with the occasional real power alicorn popping up, so it is sort of like how the actual place of Equestria is right now, but just with more wings and horns. However, all being as powerful as for example Celestia? How would that work, and especially without being known world wide?


    Which brings me to why the two are near Equestria, if they really are so far away from that place.If it is just for racing, why dod they need to go all the way here? And if we are talking this being because of them being so strong that they basically zoom around the world to race, that returns me to needing to know how power levels are in said country, and for your OC specifically.


    I know it's a lot of questions on background and such, but with Alicorns, I need to be wary about how powers and backstory goes, because it seems some people like to think of them as something akin to gods, and that would just ruin the fun. :/ And when it comes to a potential country of these, I also have to ask by the canon rules of how usually rare - likely because of power - beings like that are yet somehow still enough to fill a country? A village, perhaps, but a whole country? Seems strange unless the country is well hidden and the power levels, as mentioned, wary greatly there. But that is an assumption by me, whereas what you could tell me of especially the power levels would be considered your canon, and that I need to be certain of.


    Not sure if I talk in circles right now. Pretty tired, but makes sense enough in my head at least.

    I'll tone it down to a village. A village of maybe 20 or less. These aren't very powerful Alicorns all of them are 'Semi - Alicorns' that basically have above Average magic but nothing over powered like celestia or luna. I will move this village to some place rather isolated that isn't visited, high mountains, cliffs?  


    I could probably have him cast a spell instead of him racing someone else, like the teleportation spell ends up a bit wrong and he ends up in ponyville? 

  5. "GET ME OUT OF HERE! I DEMAND I BE RELEASED AT THIS INSTANT!" Lord Senvious roars from his cell. Wings flaring. "HOW DARE THEY TAKE MY MAGIC!" He yells, absolutely infuriated. His mane flowing rapidly as a sign of his pure Animal like rage. 


    "This isn't going anywhere..." He says to himself as he quietly sits down in the corner, frowning. 



    Hah, bet you thought I forgot about you, eh? :P


    Your OC is an interesting one from sight, though please, another time you get bored of an OC, tell me in advance before he storms off please? Makes it easier to plan things for what is to come. :)


    As for the new Lord, I'm going to need to get some information. Standard protocol and all. :)

    I'm sorry. 


    Alright sir. Well he basically lives in a far away land way beyond equestria, where everypony is an alicorn. He has his friend named Amara, they often race each other, Lord Senvious is loud, lazy, brash and independent. He likes to be cool. His mane flows like Celestia's. Amara won't show up in the RP. But I think that while they are racing Senvious could be blown off course and crash into the ground in ponyville and deal with his new life...


    He has powers of water and ice. His cutie mark is basically a blue tornado.

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