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Sir Wafflington

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Posts posted by Sir Wafflington

  1. WHAT WAS THAT?!?!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!


    Wait, that's better. So yeah, loud music can be good, depends on the type of music and when and where it's played. But yeah, when played at an inappropriate time it's just plain annoying. I can't remember how many times i'd be trying to do my work and the kid sitting next to me would start blaring this horrible rap "song" with every other other word obscene and/or profranic. Jeez, the nerve/stupidity of some people.

  2. I'm more of a science fiction kind of guy, so I'm not familiar with many fantasy books, much less "dark" ones except for some of the previously mentioned ones. But may I recommend the Earthsea series? It is targeted a young adults, yes, but it tackles quite a few "darker", more serious topics than other fantasy novels aimed at that age group, such as the ease of which corruption consumes the mind and soul, or the futility of attempting to escape death.


    I suggest only the first three for what your interests appear to be, because the last two take a sort of feminist turn for some weird reason.

  3. That's kinda funny, I guess.


    But what about that guy Devin? You know, the one who was actually interested in it? Has anypony seen him around.the community? Or was he told to say what he said? I mean, he only saw the opening and he was already talking about how cool it seemed, almost as if he was overacting for a role as an infant brony.

  4. Hmmm... Okay, here we go.

    (in order of "Mmmmmm... Nah." to "Hell yeah!"


    Rainbow Dash-NO. Would not work. We're friggin' polar opposites!


    Pinkie Pie-Wouldn't last.She may be my favorite pony, but it would be impossible to have a meaningful relationship with her. We share lots of common interests and I'm sure we could be great friends for sure, I couldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to sit down and speak to her, you know?

    ...Plus I'm pretty sure her style of parties span lots of other ways than the show tells us....and I don't think I like that...-JUST SAYING. (I'm not the kind of guy who always has his mind there-in fact, those people disgust me. I only think that way when it's relevant to the topic at hand.


    Applejack: Not likely. While we share a lot of the same morals, I feel that our personalities would conflict sometimes. For example, she's very headstrong, not a bad thing. But I feel that if I were to say just the wrong thing she'd get angry, so I'd be having to walk on eggshells constantly which is not something I want to deal with. Although a relationship with AJ would be a nice albeit bumpy ride, it wouldn't last long.


    Rarity: Maybe. I actually share quite a bit with Rarity, we're both very generous, always willing to go the extra mile for a friend, and despite my more less formal personality, I very much enjoy the more classy things. So if I were to be in a relationship with her, I wouldn't mind doing the "girly" things we'd do together. And I'm also usually quite passive, so I wouldn't really mind all the things she'd make me do. However, I'm the most akward looking somewhat normally-functioning person in existence so she'd want nothing to do with me.


    Twilight Sparkle: Dreampony (near tie with Fluttershy) while Twilight is my least favorite in terms of portrayal in the show. In real life, she'd really be a wonderful soulpony. We'd spend hours on end sharing intellectual discussions on a variety of subjects, we'd work together organizing the library, and a bunch of other nerdy stuff too!


    Fluttershy: Super-Ultra-Mega-Dreampony (near tie with Twilight). Fluttershy would be a perfect match in every way. Pretty much the exact opposite of RD in terms of compatibility. I'm pretty much everything she is but with a much stronger backbone (no offense to her), so I'd be able to support her in times of need. We'd share so many wonderful memories, like nice, qiuet, walks in the woods, picnics, or just sitting there, on the Everfree forest floor and listen to the sound of nature with her. Oh Cesestia, how I wish I could leave here and be a MLP pony right now! (Yes, I'm aware that sounds pretty creepy, but honestly, if we happened to be the same species, she'd really be the one, true girl for me.)


    So... Yeah. That was kind of weird...

    • Brohoof 3


    It's so much fun to draw from just the description!! XD That's my favorite, personally!!


    Your favorite way to test your creative abilities within certain guidelines? Or favorite way to draw-period?


    I'd love your help! I fail at drawing.


    Cool. I'll get started.

  6. Question 2: What are your thoughts of humans crossing over into the MLP:FiM universe in anyway?

    • I think it could work if done correctly but the concept reminds me too much of a few shows from the 80's and 90's where kids get sucked into a video game.

    Oh no you di-ent just diss The Master of Games- CAPTAIN N!!!


    On topic, using the main 6 can be tricky, as their personality traits and backgrounds have been established so there is little room given for further development if you wish for your story to remain somewhat canon. OC's work well, but if it contain too many it will become very boring and repetitive, to the reader as well as the author, if he/she plans on it to be a series of fanfics or one, very long one.


    As for humans-people seem to have many different views on this. Some people hate it and other people could really care less. It seem that quite a few of the fanfics that contain humans-at least ones I've read-seem to have said human/s in the spotlight, with the ponies being nothing but pointless side characters that play little to no role in the actual plot. But I imagine that a decent pony/human fanfic can be pulled off.


    But it is YOUR creation-not ours. So really, there's little sense in asking us what you should write. Write what YOU feel like writing.



    The English language does this quite a lot. For example, bow as in ribbon and bow as in the stick used to play the violin. Bark as in a dog's barking and bark as in the outside of a tree trunk. River bank, savings bank. Things you probably wouldn't have even realized are homonyms are. I'm constantly reminded of this, as I teach English to non-native speakers, and when I ask my students if they know the meaning of a word, which clearly has a specific meaning in this context, to the point where I didn't even realize that it had a different meaning, they pull out another meaning of the word, which, while a correct meaning, isn't correct in the given context. It kinda blows my mind when they do that. /tangent


    And yet somehow English is the most popular language in the world... Does the standerd really have to be one of the most confusing? Why can't it be a simpler language-like Spanish? *sigh*



    The prefix "a-" has two meanings. First, it describes something that isn't as it normally is, such as arrhythmia or anaemic. Being that sexuality doesn't have a normative default, this doesn't apply. The other thing it can mean is that of all of a number of options, this thing falls under none. (e.g. atheist, not believing in any of many gods; aphobic, none of many phobias; etc.) Sexual orientation is a spectrum, and there are a number of different categories you could fall under, and even ones that need definition by the person him/herself. However, there are also people who fall nowhere on this spectrum, and have no sexual attraction to others. Given the many options, not falling under a single one and, in fact, not fitting into the definition at all of what it is to have a sexual orientation, these people are called asexual. However, the prefix "non-" has a different meaning. It's the choice between two things. Smoker, non-smoker. Existent, non-existent. Therefore, non-sexual would be someone who isn't currently sexually active, being that there are only two options, here - sexually active and not sexually active. So asexual and non-sexual wouldn't be the same thing. As you said, asexual reproduction isn't possible for humans, anyway, so why would one assume that it -does- apply to humans just because you've used a homonym of that word to describe them?


    I don't know, it's always just seems weird to me. Having two words spelled AND pronounced the same way and have distinctly different meanings. I can tell apart the two by the context-and I assume anyone who know either one can as well. And I didn't mean nonsexual would be THE word to use-just something with a similar prefix as there are quite a few that mean not/no-like things.


    because asexual MEANS nonsexual. the "a" stands for "non" in the name.


    I'm not stupid. I'm saying that I think a word like nonsexual seems more appropriate because the word asexual itself describes species that reproduce by itself. So calling a human asexual doesn't make sense because it is biologically impossible for Homo sapiens to do that

  10. I'm asexual. I have friends of all sort of sexualities and I respect everyone's sexual preferences but I, personally have never felt what people consider "love" other than the bond I have with my friends and family. But that's just me, just like everybody else.


    And this is kinda random, but can someone tell me why asexual isn't called nonsexual or something like that, I mean, I've never been able to figure out why it's called asexual when a human feels no attraction to males or females-when asexual means being able to reproduce without a partner which no human is capable of doing.

    • Brohoof 1
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