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Sir Wafflington

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Posts posted by Sir Wafflington

  1. Hmmm...



    Doesn't judge, at least until the person in question has proven themselves over much time to not be worth spending time even occupying thoughts

    Honest, never reserved, which could be bad to some people, but I view it as the way it should be done (like when I try someones cooking-I tell them exactly what I think, I never sugar-coat it).

    Good sense of humor, both sophisticated and immature, only disliking potty humor and sexual innuendo (although both CAN be funny, depending on the delivery/context).

    Funny(imagery) depending on how warped you are-if you see the lightheartedness in the most disturbingly crude drawings-found in things like Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, Flapjack, and especially Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat. You can appreciate my humor.

    Funny(verbally) very witty, can come up with a clever remark/comeback to virtually any comment/insult.


    Very much an oddball.

    Very creative-sometimes too creative for my own good, often getting into trouble for drawing in class.

    Mad gamer skillz!

    Me being the only person in my crazy home with any shame, where my family walks unclothed and and gives TMI 24/7, which as you can imagine, it is very difficult to not vomit there.

    My love of animals.

    Determination (I've been a vegetarian for almost 10 years now-since I was 6- and never gone back).

    Being only myself. Not once have I thought of being someone else, and as a result have not turned into a "gangsta", pervert, douchebag, or juvenile delinquent like 99% of the boys at my school.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Uhhhhh.... Why isn't "demolition for hyperspatial express route"' an option? Everybody knows that's how the world's gonna end, I mean, all the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in Alpha Centauri for 50 years now.

  3. Sorry to come in here in grumpy mood, because I think this is actually a great idea but reading all these posts, it seems that people have no respect for orderly play. Everybody here seems to think that AR's are good, when they're actually ways for lazy bums with no skills to cheat their way through games, EVs and stat-maxing are fair, when they, while fair in the sense of not hacked to get, still give 99% chance of beating someone who raised their pokemon the traditional way, and using legendaries are normal.


    And to the dude who said Generation 1 and 2 are overrated, while I can see your point what with all the old people now goin' "oh you young-in's these days don't know nothin' 'bout good games..."'but I can assure you that Gen 1 and 2 are from overrated. While I'm aware that everybody has their own preference, they are great, past the nostalgic feeling which clouds those oldie gamer's minds. They laugh in the face of time. They may not have the special features or good graphics (in fact Red, Blue, and Yellow had very below average graphics, even for the Game Boy) buf that's part of their charm. They are everything that pokemon was, is, or ever shall be-a trainer and his/her pokemon.

  4. In another topic, one which asked what you would do if you lived in Equestria. Many of you had said you would overthrow Celestia. But then what? That's what this is. If YOU you were the ruler of Equestria, what type of ruler would you be? What would you do? How would yo go about doing it? That kind of stuff.

  5. I'd say about 2 years from now. They've already succeeded in controlling our minds. So we're already too weak to fight back when their unicorn and pegasus armies invade.


    You seriously don't think they invented saddles and barns themselves, do you? That would be them making things to limit their own freedom. And that makes less sense than the talking horses themselves.

  6. Oh wait, duh-I can't believe I missed that. Yeah, looking at the post I did overreact. It's just on every forum I go to. Whenever someone double-posts they get eaten alive for it. I just wanted people not to be mad at me for it thinking I was a spammer.

  7. (For the sake of keeping of simple and/or staying on topic, I've decided to keep from going into too much detail.)-(I've been doing this on my iPod touch, due to my sister being on the computer)


    Earlier today I made a post. Seeing that that post would best using the quote thingy (I don't know what it's called) I tapped the quote icon, thinking it would add to my previous post (II've only been a member of one other forum ever, and that's how it worked). think it would to my previous post. I got a notice saying that I had to wait 27 seconds before could post again. I then realized I had accidentally double-posted, which I'm well aware is very much frowned upon on the Internet. Later encountered a similar problem, when I wanted to edit a post, I wasn't really paying attention and tapped post. I got another notice now saying I had to wait 49 seconds to post again. Seeing how the time went from 27 to 49, I saw that it was giving me more time, like I was like a repeat offender, or something. I just wanted you to know I didn't mean to cause a disturbance, I've been my iPod touch (as I said before) with a really slow Internet connection, all while participating in the "Banning Game" over at Cloudsdale Coliseum, which is very high-paced and since your post only makes sense about the previous poster, if someone posts while you're still typing, it kinda messes the game up. I didn't mean to double-post, I really didn't. I feel terrible about it. If I can do something to make up for it, please let me know.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Banned because my Internet connection is so slow every time I ban somebody, somebody else bans the person I was banning so the ban I was giving to the banee gets given to the next banner and it turns into complete/r gibberish!

  9. Banned because why would I do that when you never corrected me on grammar AND said that you were?


    *Bans self out of frustration of the frequency of these posts as well as having to type on an iPod touch with a really crappy Internet connection*

  10. Banned for saying "The E Word" on the Internet.


    EDIT-Banned for posting while I was typing the above, so no it doesn't make any sense.

  11. Double-banned for being another master of sarcasm AND forgetting to ban previous poster.


    Seriously though, that was a pretty good one.

  12. Banned because you didn't read my post right. I said it wasnt subtle ENOUGH. I'm the master of sarcasm! Do you not remember our conversation, nightfall?

  13. You mean Donkey Kong? Because the name Mario (at least the one we know and love) didn't exist until Mario Bros.


    I only know of one place to buy arcade/pinball machines and that's Pinballz-and it's in Austin, Texas but I think they have a shipping option, but that'll cost you (arcade machines are heavy, you know). I suppose eBay may work too, I've seen those pop up from time to time, but the same rules apply.


    In terms of gameplay, be prepared for lots and lots of frustration. It's nothing like regular series Mario games.

  14. @ cutiecindyhoney: Jeez, dude. Why you gettin' all bent outta shape about it. I didn't say YOU did. I didn't mean to take my frustration out on you. I'm talking about people in general. Like Ghostbusters. Whenever I wear my Ghostbusters shirt somebody goes "Who ya gonna call?!) to me. It just gets annoying sometimes.


    And I was joking about you disgusting me. I was just saying a kind of "Dang it bobbeh*, now I want candy! Crap, we just finished all our Easter candy yesterday!".


    *sometimes I make the KoTH reference "Dang it Bobbeh!" instead of a normal dang it" or "dammit".

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