Starburst sighed as he kept on moving, his mind never staying on one specific thing. Night had fallen across the entirety of Canterlot, and the only people around were some night dwellers, a few cretins, and the occasional mare that he strayed far from. He never had the gall to speak to any mares before, never have and never would. He was as much of a coward and less of a risk-taker.
"Go over to this night club, she says. Make some new friends and stop being such of a loner, she says." He spat out with distaste, mimicking the words of a fellow baker at... Sugarcube Corner? Yeah, that was the place's name. "Please, the only words they'll hear from me is a bunch of 'hmm's' and 'oh yeah's'. And that's only after I've gotten the whiskey." Starburst was only 17, barely reaching the legal age for drinking, but he looked almost like an adult that it barely counted.
His hooves kept scraping against the smoothly packed dirt as he craned his head to look at the moon, radiating its warmth over the citizens of Canterlot.
He stopped, checking back to see whether he was in the right neighbourhood, and took a few steps back, seeing as he had passed right by the night club.
"Don't worry, you've already got a reservation! I sort of know these people!" Pinkie's voice spoke in his head.
Lucky me.
Stepping right up to the door to meet a gruff-looking bouncer holding a clipboard, he said to him, "My name is Starburst. I think I'm on the list."
He added in a hushed tone later, "Or Pinkie's led me to a dead end. In which case, I'm equally screwed."