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Ruffled Daydreams

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Status Updates posted by Ruffled Daydreams

  1. Does anyone here also watch Voltron on netflix?

    Season three just came out and I drew the new villain:




    1. Macavity Wilko

      Macavity Wilko

      Want to see it but don't have too much time, is it worth it? 

  2. Me: Hey maybe I'll start a request shop. It's gonna be so much fun and it will help a lot of people with their OC's!

    An hour later

    I gave up sleep and food. I need to finish these requests.

  3. me: I'm so lonely in this universe!!!

    *sees notification*

    nevermind everybody loves me I'm so lucky to be alive!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruffled Daydreams

      Ruffled Daydreams

      Yeah, when I'm bored, I go on pinterest or somewhere cool. But sometimes I do that for too long and then I have absolutely nothing to do/ feel like I haven't done anything that day. 

      Its always nice to get notifications, though. but sometimes they are boring.

    3. MickeyAdaptus
    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Awww *hug*. :fluttershy:

  4. A really awkward hello to you too!

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