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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Leavemealone

  1. Flare Blitz nodded. "I was born ready!" He turned to Supersonic's legions of Pegasi. "For Equestria!" He and Supersonic's army charged. --------------------------------------- Supersonic flew silently through the air, landing silently on the terrace of one of the guest rooms, then crept through the halls until she found the door to the throne room. She was about to open it when she heard an evil-sounding laugh. "My weapon will be ready soon, and then I can subdue the resisting ponies!"
  2. Supersonic unsheathed her shortswords with a grin. "I can make it so that we can see each other but no one else can. Gimme a minute." She handed Maple a small leather bracelet with a small purple gemstone set into it. "This is one of the alert bands that I give my soldiers, except that yours is that of a high rank officer, like Flare Blitz or me. It has a Truesight spell on it, so you can see me. If you need me, especially if we get separated, tap the gemstone and I will hear it when you talk, and be able to talk back. Got it?"
  3. "Oh! I forgot to mention the other ingredient. It's rare because one, it can only be made from the scales of dragons who have died, and the killer must be an Alicorn, and second of all, the second ingredient is powdered chimera tooth. If you've ever battled a chimera, you know what I mean." She reached over and dumped a small amount of the silvery dust on Maple. "There! We will be able to sneak in now! Our armies will take out the guards of the castle and Trixie's main army, with Flare Blitz and Moonshadow in command."
  4. Kinda like Goku's hair, actually! Spiky and frizzy.
  5. It would matter lots to me if you would do my OC. Name : Supersonic Gender : Female/Mare Personality : Kind of a loner, kind. Interests : Combat. Shaded : (Yes or No) YES! Race : Pegasus Poses preferred : Any! Number of characters in pic : 1 Cutie Mark: A lightning bolt going through a ring.
  6. Flare Blitz's medics started to bind Elyssios in bandages and casts. The flames from Flare's horn melted one of the Hellbrute's arms clean off. He fell to the ground panting, his horn glowing with the heat of a thousand suns, and noticed Techno. "Get him, robot pony!"
  7. Supersonic uncorked the bottle. "This? This is ground dragon scale. It makes you and anything you are carrying invisible for about an hour or two. It's incredibly rare!" She poured a small amount on her head and promptly vanished.
  8. Flare Blitz flagged medics towards Elyssios while he face the Hellbrute alone. Before it could move, he flew up and pulled out an horn ring, which he hung around his metal horn. He lowered his head and a small but powerful jet of fire flew from the horn and the ring and towards the Hellbrute.
  9. One of the Hellbrute's beams was fired towards Flare Blitz. He barely was able to catch the beam in his energy horn, and flew over to where Elyysios and the Hellbrute were fighting. "With Celestia as my witness!" He said, and flung the bolt at the Hellbrute.
  10. @Maple Bat Scene change: Supersonic flew with her army, creating the last hill in front of Canterlot Castle. Black Guard soldiers guarded every entrance and exit. Patrols were everywhere. Supersonic pulled open her pouch and retrieved a small bottle filled with silver dust. "Time to go incognito."
  11. No prob. Managing a lot of stuff right now, I'll be sure to post once or twice a day.
  12. Supersonic noticed the slaughtered of guards, and Maple heading towards it. She flagged her "elite seven" the highest trained ponies in combat, and sent the rest of her main force at the cultists while taking her elite and following Maple into the clearing, where some sort of crab-human was killing palace guards. He pulled out his crossbow and fired an energy bolt. --------------------------------------- Flare Blitz was cornered. He had broken up with Moonshadow and was swept away by the thrill of battle. Cultists stood around him, backing him up against a tree. He took the hood off of his head and it showed a horn like that of a unicorn, except it looked like it was made out of steel. A cultist fired a plasma bolt at him, and he caught the bolt with his "horn" and slung it back at the cultist, killing him.
  13. Flame Blitz signaled for the lightning bolt. He then lifted his spear. "For Equestria!" The cheer was echoed throughout the army as some 350 Pegasi took flight. --------------------------------------- Supersonic was already in the melee. Avatar activated, her swords ripped through cultist after cultist. A chaos marine stepped out and charged at her. She blocked the blows from his chainsword and signaled for a lightning strike. He was killed instantly by the power of some 30 lightning bolts striking him at once.
  14. @Mickey Adaptus @Maple Bat Blitz laughed. "Oh, don't worry. I've been through the mill one or twice. Nice spear." He turned his head upwards. "Windbreaker! Eagle Eye! Prep the storm clouds!" --------------------------------------- Supersonic readied her forces. "We're ready to attack when you are, Elyssios!"
  15. Supersonic looked thoughtful. "What if I stole those?" Aside from the ritual, across from the camp, sat a rack of plasma weapons, sizeable enough for ponies. "I bet those would penetrate power armor!" She said, and rummaged through her pocket universe bag, finally pulling out a small bottle of silvery dust.
  16. Supersonic nodded. "Yes, I will have one of my stormbringers strike your spear. Make sure the haft is covered with wood." She turned her head. "Blitz! Get over here!" She looked back at Moonshadow. "This is Flare Blitz. You two will be fighting back to back in this battle, as it is safer. My army will strike from above, but I want you and Blitz to fight on the ground. Oh, and by the way, calling me Captain is fine."
  17. @powerpuff-tsubasa I have seen multiple of the shows listed, but I only like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Teen Titans Go, with MLP:FiM obviously being my favorite, and I'd have to go with Clifford the Big Red Dog being my least favorite.
  18. I heard that @WiiGuy2014 is a good changeling that can find the best in a character so often overlooked by other ponies.
  19. I heard that @Tilgoreth just typed random characters when he created his username!
  20. @Burpy I like Twilight because she is me, essentially. Obsessed with school and grades (the episode Lesson Zero is a great example of a phase I went through in ninth grade) and found it hard at first to make friends but soon developed a close circle-all of that happened to me. I also find that Twi is simply the most interesting character to choose from.
  21. Banned for Yajayra Brekke Doc de jangle moop!
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