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Silver Note

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Everything posted by Silver Note

  1. I could try and draw him if you want! I hand draw things, no digital drawing skills here, but I can still draw nonetheless. Here's an example of my armature drawing abilities: I'm not the best, but I'd be happy to try.
  2. Hey, don't worry about it; that was me for the longest time. I have a pretty active imagination, so, as a kid, I was always thinking of new characters. I could write, but it just took too much time. I wanted to draw. After years and years, I finally can draw. Basically, I found this Youtuber called TheOdd1sOut, and I liked his artstyle. So I drew my own little interpretation of it. Now, after maybe a month, my style is still evolving and changing. Now, it looks almost nothing like his style. All you need, Wii, is perseverance.
  3. I admit it, this was a great idea for a thread. Alright, now seriously. I admit it. I'm an extrovert. I like people. I have a bunch of friends. But I hate making new friends. I have so many inside jokes, layers of understanding, and all that with the people I know that if I meet someone new, I have no idea what to say or how to interact. This means that I'm left in a tight click. Clicks aren't always that good, because if someone is in desperate need of a person to talk to... Tough luck. I admit it. I'm fading out of liking MLP. Le gasp! Heck, I know. I love the show and everything, I just don't have as much time as I did a year ago. Come back, seventh grade... Yup, I'm only in eighth grade. I am aware that life gets harder. No need to remind me. I admit it, I'm really frikin' sensitive. I'm just pretty good at hiding my emotions. Just kidding. I'm not. Ha, remember that time I started crying in science for literally no reason? That was fun. I hate myself for how sensitive I am all the time. No, I don't go around bursting out in tears. I can hide that as much as as any normal human. Things just effect me more internally than they should. I don't know why, I hate it, but it happens. I've always envied those people who have a face of stone; who can become completely emotionless in an instant. They're lucky. So yeah. I admit it. I'm flawed. Hurrah.
  4. Is it bad that I just brushed my teeth with white-ish water that tasted like lemons? :wat:

    1. rainbowtrashmammal


      this watER! is IN! unacceptABLE! condItION! UNACCEPTABLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. SILVER NOTE Silver Note took a moment to answer, distracted by the stallion’s large, bat-like wings. "It's alright, I've got it," she said finally, trotting inside and down to the basement. A smile spread across her face. So many instruments... “Silver, you’re fanfillying over music again,” she mumbled to herself, setting her instruments down in the center of the room. Silver Note glanced around the room, noticing the other ponies around her. Another bat like pony, a pony with flowing blue hair who she’d seen around ponyville before, and the gray pony upstairs. Was that it? Alright then. Silver caught the two other ponies staring at her. She was suddenly conscious of the age gap. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea... “So... hey. I’m Silver Note,” she said, turning to the other ponies in the basement. “You two are?”
  6. Welp, this is my Christmas list so far.

    • iPhone 4 + my choice of case
    • Laptop - Any kind as long as it isn’t a trashy computer that will die within a month
    • [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ )̲̅$̲̅]
    • Post-its - All colors, but mostly white *MUST HAVE STICKINESS ON THE BACK*
    • Crayola colored pencils - Rather, let me pick them out so I don’t get duplicates 

    My life includes a trashy flip phone, no privacy while I'm on a desktop, no [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ )̲̅$̲̅], and drawing. 

    So yup.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      xD fine. 

      But the other two I knew.


      Longest note.


      Music is magic.


      ...I should go to bed now so I can wake up for school in the morning...




      Literally Alliteration


      Monday morning

      Groggy groaning

      Monday morning

      Linger longer

      In my bed

      Five more minutes, Mom!


      I'm an artist.

      I wrote that a year ago, actually.

      'Night, Puddle Splish Splosh. 



    3. Duality


      Does that mean I win?


    4. Duality


      Anyway, semibreves aren't the longest note around.

      A breve is twice the length of a semibreve.

      I'm pretty sure there's longer notes out there, too.


      But, night, Floof. Don't let school kill you or anything.

  7. SILVER NOTE ROSE THORN “Hey, what’s that?” Silver Note asked, skipping over to a fallen paper on the ground. “Looks like a flyer,” her cousin said blatantly. “Well, duh, Rosie. I know that now. Hey, band for hire? Sounds fun!” “Unless it’s a scam to abduct little fillies and--” “--And no. I’m not a filly. I’m a mare...” “...Barely...” “...And I can handle myself,” Silver finished. Rosie sighed. “Just be careful. Not everyone is as nice as you are.” “Girl, I’m from Manehattan. You’ve never even been to the city.” Silver Note laughed. “Imma go grab some stuff. Cya tonight!” ~~~~~~~~ Silver Note marched out of her aunt and uncle’s house with a trail of instruments behind her, all enveloped in her light blue magic. “Guitar, amp, electric guitar, ukulele, capo, picks... I think I’ve got everything! What was the address again?” she mumbled to herself. “Oh, heck, it’s right there,” she laughed, heading towards the house practically caked in a colorful display of band advertisements. Silver approached the door, suddenly self conscious of her parade of instruments. She knocked. A moment of chaos and clattering resonated from the other side of the door before the door creaked open. "...Hello. Is this where the band is?"
  8. Alright then, hardcore-over-the-top-electric-guitar-with-a-13-year-old-filly-rocking-out-to-the-bones coming right up!
  9. Alright, here you go! Sorry for the bad lighting and stuff. Hope your friend likes it.
  10. Alright, here's the cutie amen, color scheme, and the pony with the cutie mark. Alright, am I good to go?
  11. I think a bad ending is worse than no ending. Sure, a bad ending has at least some sort of ending, but does it really have closure? At least with no ending, fans of the production can create their own endings.
  12. Don't mind me, just posting a picture that I couldn't post in a PM. 

    Let me know if I need to change anything, Chrysalium. If not, I'll finalize. :)




    1. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      Alright, here's the fixed expression. 



    2. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      Cool, I'll finalize and show you the final product. :lol:

    3. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      Alright, here's the finished drawing! Sorry the lighting's all wonky; I tried my best. :derp:

      Enjoy! :squee:


  13. Okay, here's all the fixed stuff. Do you want me to add a cutie mark?
  14. I messed up the paper and stuff, but here're my coloring skills. 

    They're trash. 




    1. PlzDelete


      You should see what MY coloring skills looked like when I first started using pastels in art class. It looked like a rainbow blob monster threw up on paper. XD 

    2. Silver Note
    3. PlzDelete


      thats so cute!

  15. Alright, I finished the sketch. Let me know if it's good or if you want me to add or fix anything; then I'll outline it and color.
  16. I'll do my best! I'll draw the idea in pencil and show it to you before I outline in it pen and color, because I might will probably do something wrong.
  17. Silver Note

    request Cutie Mark request

    Ah, alright. Good luck, then!
  18. I could try and help out if you want! I have no clue how to do digital art and all that jazz, but I could hand draw the OC. I'm far from professional, but, hey, I can do something.
  19. Boom.

    I tried. :P

    Don't worry, it's not an alicorn OC, I was just practicing drawing wings and a horn. 



  20. Hello! I would love to join any music related roleplay. Is it alright if I join with my OC Silver Note? I see the lead singer is already taken. Would it be alright if I rolplayed as a backup singer? I could play guitar or ukulele (which is the best) in addition. Thanks!
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