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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Starlight Glimmer
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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  1. tumblr_owxmrjOrGr1wqvxmto1_1280.jpg

    I suppose you could say... Thunder and lightning it's getting exciting? xD

    1. DubWolf


      Charming :proud: .

    2. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Ahahah! Lazarev is in Rus dub of MLP. Ultrakek!

  2. I JUST found out about this... I'm a huge fan of his, count me IN this fanclub!
  3. Hello everyone. :) I am back. ^^

    1. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Welcome back, puss =3

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Hello there! :)

    3. lunarkitty


      Thank you! :D It's good to be back. ^^

  4. Oh, okay, so we need to make a thread for the actual roleplay? Has this been done already? Sorry I'm bit confused, I haven't had the time to be around here lately.
  5. Huge Star Trek fan here. I LOVE your avatar image! :D

    1. Smooya


      Massive fan, myself! 
      Which was your favourite series (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT) and who is your favourite character overall? Great to meet a fellow trekkie on here!

    2. lunarkitty


      Oooh don't make me choose please. <3 I love them all! I have to say that my favourite characters are Chekov, Bashir and Q though. :)

  6. Not at all, I'm liking it more and more to be honest. If you couldn't tell (lol) I really like Starlight's character and especially seeing her with Trixie and Maud was absolutely fantastic. I also think that it's good they focus on new characters because all these ponies are characters with characteristics that are, well, quite extravagant if you get what I mean. This is what makes them so loveable but this also makes it nice to see others. ^^
  7. Hey! Looks awesome! Could I be Starlight please? As a villain? Imagine a section of Equestria where everyone is equal and nopony is left behind... Ooh that would make a great contrast with a section of complete chaos rules by Discord! I'm loving this idea so much already!
  8. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I haven't been responding to all you wonderful people who have been sending me messages. <3 Life has become incredibly busy.

    Trust me, I will be back soon. :)

    1. Krashface


      get your time, life must be taken slowly.

  9. Me! Basically yes, only we are talking about a longer period in time and having all those villains take over at once.
  10. I personally like to think that Discord was just playing around letting his body in this pony universe be turned to stone while he himself went back to the Enterprise to mess with Picard. xD Then when he felt like returning he just broke free from that statue. Perhaps everything is not how it seems. Bear in mind that we are seeing everything from the pony's perspective, it may be different if we knew more about the other races in the show.
  11. Oooh that would be so neat! With Discord having one area and Chrysalis another and Sombra and Tirek yet other parts of Equestria and! And then there is Starlight Glimmer and her little village. xD I would love to see that
  12. Petz 4 by P.F. Magic, a wonderful little game. It's the community that keeps it interesting though. Modders that we call hexers create petz that are truly unique and because these are one-off adoptions no two petz are ever the same.
  13. Hello everyone. ^^ How are you all doing? I'm currently watching the first Star Trek reboot movie.
  14. I'm asexual. Oh and those of us who don't experience attraction? :/ I don't see why you'd need to limit your terms. If someone is happy using a more specific term for their sexuality then let them be I say.
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