Yes. Speedruns are amazing. The live ones from Awesome/Summer Games Done Quick are really fun to watch. There's usually a lot of excitement from the crowd and commentators. Tool-assisted speedruns are also fun to watch, just to see how far games can be broken with frame-perfect controller inputs.
The best one I've seen recently was the latest Super Mario 64 tool-assisted speedrun. The record was at 5:02 (5 minutes, 2 seconds) since 2012, but a few months ago, a group of people found a way to skip collecting one of the keys and get the time down to 4:21.
Then there's the speedruns that use controller inputs to execute arbitrary code and completely reprogram the game, while it's running.
Here's one of Pokemon Yellow. The game was changed to include appearances from Tetris, Link's Awakening, Super Mario Bros, and Spongebob.
For myself, I've tried doing a bit of Super Mario 64 speedrunning, though I never got any good at it. It takes a lot of time to practice.