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  1. Some of you helped by pre-reading this - well here's the official Submission: http://www.fimfictio...s-of-Engagement Once upon a time, on the not-so-magical planet Earth. There was a US Marine who signed up to defend his country. He was assigned to a fire team, the fire team assigned to a squad and the squad assigned to a company. Together they defended the area surrounding a Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan from insurgents. If only it were that simple. When lone Marine is transported to Equestria only he finds a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With no orders, no resupply and seemingly no hope of return, he sets out to find what brought him here, and why. Strong Language Warning: He swears like a Marine. Disclaimer: I'm not a Marine
  2. That's alright. Just out of interest, are you the same Dragonshy from Equestria Softworks?
  3. I thought when I said: Disclaimer: I am not, nor have I ever been associated with the military of any nation, nor do I have para-military training of any kind. I have never handled a firearm, been shot at, or watched someone die so I can’t claim to understand what it’s like to be a Marine That would be enough lol, but no, I'm not a Marine, I don't live in America, and the closest tie I have to the Military is that I sometimes go paintballing with a guy who was in my country's airforce at some point. So yeah, any pointers on what Marines are really like would be very helpful. I wasn't sure what route to take the Brony thing in - I suppose I could expand a bit more into the kinds of jokes they would make. Thanks. Of course - I'd love you're help.
  4. Have you read Fallout Equestria? Cool, thanks. Uh, how do I contact him?
  5. I'm transporting a Brony US Marine from Afghanistan into post-apocalyptic Equestria. If that hasn't scared you off, yes, I am a serious, capable writer, and the first chapter is complete (aprox. 5000 words). Second chapter is WiP and beyond that it's just a flexible plot outline (this will likely be a long fic). I'm linking the document here, and it's completely open to edit (what the hay, I trust you guys). If your interested in being an editor/pre-reader, give me a shout. I'm hoping for someone to correct any grammar issues and give me opinions writing style and technical issues. Although I would be extremely grateful for any amount help someone can give me. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11XcDBx2lU7vbq3O6MihOOR-BY8R8wj7PEYwyO-GLHMQ/edit Although I will ask people not to vandalise the page, anyone should feel free to make edits if they feel they improve the story (I may or may not keep the edits). Also feel free to comment in this thread.
  6. Ok - so I've decided that I'm going to write this thing - but, I want to do this right. So. Given that this is a HiE story, what are some of the things you want to see, and what are the things you think I should avoid?
  7. So, I've had a crazy idea, what if a Brony was magically transported to Equestria - but 200 years in the future (using Fallout Equestria as canon). The idea isn't very well developed but I've got a few things: - the human has no knowledge of the Fallout:Equestria fanfiction (it did not exist in his universe) or the Fallout game series. - the human still has a human body - because all of his show knowledge is historical at this point, nopony will believe his story. - The Brony is a Marine fighting in Afghanistan (so he has combat experience). - Yeah, I know, it's essentially a self-insert, but I'll try to keep it from going Mary Sue. Sample (rough, rough, ROUGH draft): Note: this is not the very start of the story and it needs work. "-and so I said, 'chicken nuggets? Are you crazy!?'" exclaimed Jackson The other two marines in the humvee's back seat roared with laughter. I'd missed the setup so the joke didn't really work for me. I did crack a smile though. Heh. Oatmeal. The first humvee in the convoy exploded. Or at least the front of it did. Supersonic metal fragments pinged off our windscreen. "IED!" someone yelled. In the movies, this is where everything would go into slow motion. Real life was not so forgiving. Everything happened nauseatingly fast. No time to think, only react. We skidded off the road in a cloud of dust. I threw myself out of the humvee, but, blinded by the dust cloud, I missed my footing and fell on my face. Tasting dirt I rose up into a crouch, I'd managed to keep ahold of my rifle. I could hear rounds being fired, rounds impacting sand and metal. AK-47's. At this distance my armour would hold, but that didn't mean shit unless I got hit directly in the chest. Goddamit where were they! I scanned left. There up in the cliffs. "Ten o'clock," I yelled "up high!" "I got more at three o'clock!" called Jackson, "looks like they're dug in." I fired my M4 ineffectually. I wondered why the fifty wasn't firing. I looked back and was met with a sight that upon reflection is horrifying, but at the time was just numbly accepted. No time for feelings. Most of our gunner's face had been blown out from a shot to the back of the head. "We're too exposed," yelled the Lt. "Run for the cliffs, Pearson, you go first, now, COVERFIRE!" That was me. As my teammates covered I sprinted forward for the first piece of cover I could find. I dove into a convenient alcove in the rocks.Something wasn't right. I looked more closely and my blood ran cold. There was a wire sticking out of the ground. "Secondaries!" I yelled, diving as far as I could back out into the street. The explosion followed me, focused by the rock walls throwing me like a ragdoll, shrapnel tearing into my left leg. I hit the ground. Hard. -x- I guess I must have passed out because when I came to, it was cold and dark. Really dark. Thick cloudcover blocked both moon and stars. Where the hell was everyone? I scrabbled in the dark and was relived when I felt the familiar shape of my rifle. I switched on the barrel mounted torch and the powerful beam cut through the darkness. This couldn't be right. I looked around and saw nothing I recognized. The humvees, even the wreckage was gone! The cliffs were all wrong. Hell even the dirt was wrong, it was soft and fine, completely unlike the coarse, sandy grit that filled my boots. They couldn't just have left me behind! I pulled out my radio and turned it on, cycling through the different military channels... nothing. That wasn't too surprising, the range on those things is only a few miles. I put out a few calls, but I wasn't going to hold my breath. Luckily the shrapnel wound to my leg was not that serious. As I bandaged it however I noticed something bulky under my left sleeve. It was so comfortable that I hadn't noticed it up to this point. Rolling up my sleeve revealed some kind of wrist mounted computer. A small emblem read 'PipBuck 3000'. Weird name. I was hesitant to press the 'on' button in case it turned out to be filled with explosives. You never know. Eventually my curiosity won out. After all, someone had gone to the trouble of putting it on me while I was unconscious. If they'd wanted to kill me they'd have done it already. The monochrome display lit up amber and revealed a map. Wow, retro. I thought to myself. All the sudden my vision flashed and when it came back I could see a compass in the corner of my vision. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Some kind of retinal projection? Wow, I take back what I said about 'retro'. There was a direction marked on the compass. A direction I should travel. I looked down at the map and... da fuck? It was navigating me to a place called 'Ponyville'. Since when do Afghans name their towns in English? Somebody was having a joke. That or this was some kind of coma dream, still couldn't rule that out, but I couldn't quite bring myself to believe that it was. This was real. -x- ... if any one could be bothered to read that - what do you think... any ideas, is this worth pursuing?
  8. I've got an idea for a new PMV (even though it's the middle of exam period and working on it is probably not a good idea). If anypony wants to use the idea - go ahead, it would probably improve my grades! So here it is: Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts, telling the story of Octavia and DJ PON3. I will be editing the audio (not quite a remix) to make the voices sound different. Of course most of the video will be mostly fanart (with some fan animation) similar to my Simple Plan - Jet Lag. Here is my dA favorites folder created for this purpose, showcasing the artworks I will be considering for this new PMV. If there are any I've missed please link me to them. So does anypony think this is a good idea? Not sure if I should bump this but whatever - CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE (Obviously! It's a Full Metal Jacket Parody.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS4G-lXsFEM
  9. These artworks are really good, but I think you could photograh them better - obviously a scanner would be prefered, but if you must photograph them: Activate the flash. Manually set the shutter speed to around 1/320 - experiment, every camera is different (the automatic light meter will fail taking a close up shot with flash and overexpose the photo - you must set it manually) Set ISO to 64 (or as low as it will go), to avoid grainyness. No need to really mess with aperture too much in this case - your camera can deal with that. If neccessary, turn on macro. If you don't have a flash, or your shutter speed is greater than about 1/100, set the camera down on your desk and prop up the paper in front of it, to avoid camera shake. If you're shooting with a webcam or somthing which doesn't have those kinds of settings, just get the brightest light source you can find. Just some tips - not trying to be rude. Your stuff is really great and I only *wish* I could draw like that!
  10. If what you say is true... wow. - I mean I know people who think rage comics are TL;DR! I can see myself getting well into this community... once exams are over -> another six weeks or so until I can really work on some fanworks !
  11. Okay, so my name is Anon3mous1... not exactly the friendliest of usernames, but it actually started out as a play on DJ PON3 when I made my first non-anonymous (lol) brony post, during a discussion about a Fallout:Equestria Chapter. There were other anon's posting so I changed my name by one letter to make my posts distinguishable. After that I just kept the name, because it was starting to have some notoriety attached to it. My claim to fame in the brony community would have to be this 50,000 view PMV I made with John Joseco's art (asked and credited of course) Last Friday Night - Katy Perry: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiV_Lb2i2BU Since then I've made another 17 relitively well recieved PMV's, but none come even close to approaching that view count. I've been meaning to write some fanfiction for a while now - as I have done with other fandoms I have been into, but I just haven't had the time. As a profession, I am a full time robotics engineering student. Unlike most people, I wasn't supprised when I liked MLP and I did't know about the Brony movement when I first watched it. You see, I saw this image: posted randomly on a site, and I of course assumed that the show it was from must be a cartoon for adults like Family Guy or South Park. (afterall, there's no alcohol in children's cartoons). Basically I was expecting a network syndicated version of 'Charlie the Unicorn'. Man was I ever wrong. I wasn't supprised that I liked it because never really grew out of children's cartoons; 'Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy' and 'Ruby Gloom' just to name a couple. Before MLP I was a massive Simpson's fan and created dozens of fanworks (fanfics, art, music) under the tag - UndeadSamurai01, so I wasn't particularly suprised when I started enjoying the fanworks for MLP. What did supprise me is how big this community is! Initially I thought I was going to have to hide my fandom from everyone. I have a tendency to randomly quotedrop from things I've seen - subtly. Just so I can laugh to myself at the extra context - well one day I droped a couple MLP quotes... and discovered that almost 20% of my existing friends were Bronies. The only female Brony (I refuse to say Pegasister, Brony is gender neutral) I know likes Transformers Prime more than MLP, so I guess gender rules can just fly right out the window! I know this is TL:DR for most people, but whatever, I said what I had to say.
  12. Actually I didn't make the music on those ones - but the original didn't have a PMV to it, so I decided to make one. If you're ever wondering about credits, just hit up the youtube version - I always keep track of who's stuff I'm using. Seeing as how you all like them, here's another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjP31fp4q5Q
  13. So, I have 18 PMV's up on my youtube channel. Not trying to brag or anything, but they are high quality, 720p and well recieved by youtubers - I thought you ponies might enjoy them! example: and for some randomness: I will post new pmv's as I make them
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