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Status Replies posted by DJ_Bonebraker

  1. Sometimes I think I should just give up on trying to make friends... It always seems like sooner or later I end up hurting those whom I love, annoying the crap out of those who I care about & generally just become a bother to those who I want to hang out with...

    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      The thing is, it's probably my anxiety talking...  I just needed a place to get it out last night & I figured nobody would bother reading anything I posted here.  There are plenty of logical reasons why my best friend wouldn't reply to my Skype message this week, and just because one of her other friend's friends (who's a bit psycho) falsely accused me of stalking people in their FFXIV guild (that I left 8 months ago, and I treated the people who I was still friends with the same as I always did the entire time, doesn't mean my REAL friend believes any of it)....

      Still, I do have ADHD & I've done completely thoughtless, hurtful things in the past (mostly when I was in elementary school) without even realizing or remembering I did them, so I kinda get paranoid any time a friendship looks like it's going south due to automatically assuming it's my fault, when in some cases (like my ex-wife) it really wasn't....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Ok. Getting real here. 

    I'm not entering any thread with a spoiler tag. I'm not responding to people quoting an old speculation post. If I so much as see a spoiler for Season 8 not in a spoiler block, you go on the ignore list permanently. If it gets out of hand then I'll enjoy the show without enjoying the community. 

    It's one thing when completed episodes get released online due to another country airing it. I have no interest in watching an episode that is incomplete. I expect to be able to enjoy the show as the Directors intended it. 

    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      Yeah, I'm about to go full Spanish Inquisition mode on any leaked Season 8 MLP videos I see on YouTube....  I mean the early releases in Season 7 were bad enough, but this is beyond ridiculous!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Warning! The following comment is political in nature and may cause a medical condition known as Partisan Ocular Combustion. If you are impacted by POC, please seek emergency medical care in an expedited fashion. 


    I don't care what Party is dominant in Alabama. If Moore wins that Senate seat, I'm excommunicating Alabama from the United States when I become Emperor of the World. Those allegations are disgusting. 

    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      Jeric, I agree with you:  Stuff like this is one of the reasons I went Independent about 4 years ago & never looked back....  Too many people blinded by partisan politics to see the truth anymore.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Gonna be switching through a lot of this characters movie avatar over the next few weeks. 

  5. I approve of this new banner! 

    I suspect a certain Admin does as well. 

    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      I also heartily approve of the new banner. :D


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Roof and carpet damage from the rain and winds and a whole hella lot of debris. The is a silver lining though ... 

    I get to use my chainsaw on some downed trees :D

    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      Glad to see you & your family made it through in one piece, though.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. I keep hearing a voice telling me that we all float down here. 

    Also this is a thing that is now happening. Anyone wanna buy a house?



    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      Stay safe, Jeric.  I'll be keeping you & your family in my prayers.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ok you bastard of a storm. You ruined my freaking vacation so you are officially an ass. When I have to board up my house you can be sure one of them will have a spray painted middle finger on it. 

    To all my fellow Florida compatriots, keep your eye on this one and don't take anything for granted. Stay safe and get prepared. 


    1. DJ_Bonebraker


      Stay safe, Jeric!  I'll be praying for you and all my other family & friends in Florida.


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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