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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. a_calming_season__by_mapleb_devfb58-pre.

    I like Yellow and her dog. :squee:

  2. large.jpg

    Smol princess :-P

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Twilight'll grow into her role someday. :o


    Unicorn from hell can't hurt you anymore :P

  4. 2754872.png

    Bring me a photo of the spider-mare :proud:

    1. Sparklefan1234



      Bring me a photo of the spider-mare :proud:


      Or those pasta-loving tortoises. :P

  5. worried_by_penultimate_wishes_devdmd9-pr

    More horses :fluttershy:

  6. family_picture___dash_family_by_yumeyuuh

    There are two different ships in this family portrait :dash:

  7. 2752402.jpg

    Just Pipp Petals :P

  8. fundraiser_by_nookprint_dev9m9i-pre.jpg?

    Eep, Rarity is so helpful :sealed:

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      how much does she need?

    2. RDDash


      A few 1000 bits


    I remember when this first came out, I enjoyed it so much. :P

    I think I watched it from the Disneyfanatic, because there is a new Trixie content was made just recently :ooh: and I haven't seen it yet

  10. large.jpg

    You were trying to cross the border right, walked into that imperial ambush. The same as us.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      FUS ROH 


    2. Astralshy


      what a lovely Flutterborn <3


      You took the Th'um right out of my mouth

  11. scootaturkey_by_ichiban_iceychan1517_dev

    Ah, yes, it's a turkey day :fluttershy:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      @RDDash Happy Thanksgiving, BFFFF! :mlp_yeehaa:

      Also, my BDAFF JadeHarmony made the outline for this! :mlp_yeehaa:

  12. c_m_c___by_battisipink_dev4vfi-pre.jpg?t

    :P cute

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Scootaloo looks nervous. I wonder why. :ooh:

  13. Toothbrushes are totally illegal.
  14. wrong_twi_by_looknamtcn_dd7bwfs-pre.jpg?

    Wrong Twilight :P

  15. large.png

    Super Rarity sisters. :fluttershy:

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      So, Sweetie Belle is Luigi then? 1581832164_AnnoyedThunderLight3_20211026204942.png.fcdb3f66771f3b4725092c9609ca89fb.png

    2. RDDash
  16. full.jpg

    Beatnik Rarity :Rara:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      I thought the pony on the left sounded like Ingrid Nilson and I was surprised to find out she didn't play the part. 


    She has insomnia :sealed:

    I do love singing shark :P

  18. super_lesbian_horse_rpg_fanart__by_mirye

    Super lesbian horse RPG, I don't think I remember that game. :mlp_ooh:

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