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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I suppose she is This must have happened.
  2. 56BBA5E79871DA79175A75B61CD179624279CFAC

    So I was playing this game Pony Space Program, and I looked at the contracts that they want me to do, this is the following experience. 

    Derpy: Well, we have good news and the bad news.

    Twilight: What's the good news?

    Derpy:  We have 13 years  and 400,000 bits reward money to build fuel depo around the Moon.

    Twilight: And the bad news is?

    Derpy:  They want 6,000 liters of kerosene Twilight. We can't even mine it because we didn't unlock the equipment yet, and our rockets are just not powerful enough.

    Twilight: So the usual insanity then. Just put with the other jobs. I am sure we can pull it of as long as we continue to rescue unicorn astronauts from the teleportation accidents and the space tourism jobs. Also schedule a rocket launch for a spacelab, we are going to need it.


    1. The_Gobo


      Mares in sppaaaaacce



  3. full.png

    I don't know this voice actor by name, but if people had said that he was famous cartoon mouse who wanted to take over the world I would have totally recognized him.

    1. The_Gobo


      That comic is outstanding XD


  4. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Just a little something.
  5. Twilight Sparkle: Did I mentioned that Alicorns are imortal. Everypony else: Yes, like a billion times. Twilight Sparkle: I mean it, I am going to live forever and ever, completely alone, and, I am going to see all of my friends di-i-i-e
  6. And she gets supervised by Celestia
  7. Principal Celestia is a secret vampire, how else would you explain that she is over a thousand years old human?
  8. Tried to tell a computer joke
  9. hm...she has tacky dress darling, so uncouth
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