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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Crunchyroll for me, their subtitles are pretty decent
  2. The great and powerful magic trick
  3. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Eh... not sure if I should spoiler it or not
  4. Based on the movie where everypony suppresses their emotions.
  5. Have been watching Fallout 4 let's plays. What really throws it in your face is that people who obviously had been born and raised in the wasteland still manage to keep their ancenstral accents.

    Bobrov brothers has strong Russian accent and Cait has "In your face" Irish accent. In both cases their ancenstral accent should have been blended in with the other Commonwealth  residents.

    1. Clod


      Accents can easily be passed down through family despite not living in the area it's from.

    2. The_Gobo


      I do believe it's called fiction for a reason o3o


  6. I really need to continue reading this comic, I fear I am missing a lot
  7. I thought it was good at that time. Injustice Supermare anyone?
  8. Anime girl that is in charge of your computer
  9. That rectangular thing that right in front of your face, maybe
  10. $1400 wooden handcrafted keyboard, I think Ill just stick with my plastic one
  11. boops back @Im_not_crazy_im_just
  12. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    if its in the show, then its legal
  13. Someone has to loose for someone to be a winner.
  14. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Yeah, probably. Characters like her is a one episode pony. Designed to vanish by the end of the movie to never be seen again. That of course romantic interest characters have a long shelf life.
  15. A new Fallout game is coming out, and I feel like it's going to be awesome. I am so excited for this, Let the new chapter of wasteland ponies to begin in the Vault 76. Don't forget to mute your pip-bucks to fight the copyright infringement.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thorgir the Mighty

      Thorgir the Mighty


      ‘Nuff said

    3. RDDash



      I really hope it something simple like they did in the Fallout Shelter. The thing is, single-player RPGs thats been converted into multilayer games is that it berely works at all. Always on-line connection, some ridiculous pay to win penalty.I heard Bethesda had been mocking EA, for its insane practices, so we would have to wait and see

    4. Thorgir the Mighty

      Thorgir the Mighty

      Well,Bethesda is one of the good guys. I don’t think it’ll be P2W

  16. Rainbow Dash doesn't do emotional
  17. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I always wondered why they created completely new charater that never existed in the ponyverse Like who the hay are you lady, at least if they used Sombra that would have made more sense.
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