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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Twilight Sparkle: "EEA, why I never heard of such a thing that's been part of our government?" Princess Celestia:"That's because I just made it up specifically for this episode alone. We will never mention about them again until perhaps the end of the season where the Chancellor Neighsay is going to throw a hissy hoof." Twilight: "Wait, did you said Chancellor Neighsay? Is there a chance he was ever a Chancellor Yeahsay?" Princess Celestia: "No not really he was always a stubborn kind of pony, good luck." In the next few days. Pinkie Pie and Chancellor Neighsay both quit their jobs and then went on the quest to take over the world. Twilight Sparkle: "What the hey just happened?"
  2. Man, I am going to miss those dudes. That show was awesome.
  3. Here comes TOM! GET TO THE CHOPPA!!! I mean this HARRIER!!!
  4. Granted but it's on the moon. I wish to be a space pirate.
  5. I will finish what you started
  6. That would be an interesting crossover.
  7. There is no such thing as an alpha or beta males, they simply don't exist.
  8. Could be worse. Feel the cleansing of friendship.
  9. Where to Miss? To the stars.
  10. Footage from unrealised Venom movie.
  11. Trees are your friends, or a former colleagues.
  12. I don't want to win, there I said it.
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