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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Well, It used to be Pinkie Pie, then it kind of switched to Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie betrayed me with cupcake fanfic.
  2. Sounds good, I forgot to add the title so I edited the post, probably could do the very first EQG movie in the style of Honest Trailer. Don't know if this is kind of an old news by now, but this is the only thing we could get for now, Jenny from ScrfeenJunkies News on the premiere night and I guess there is also this...
  3. In a no particular order 1. Twilight Sparkle "Frost-dead", Way to Die #293 dies after breathing in pure liquid nitrogen from a tube that had come loose from a cryogenic tank she had failed to fix. 2. Pinkie Pie "Dead Meat-Eorite", Way To Die #913, a stray meteorite descending towards Equiss strikes Pinkie through the chest, killing her. 3. Rarity "Gone Green" Way to Die #612, the proud and dead owner of antique green dress containing Paris Green dye (a poisonous dye containing a chemical called copper acetoarsenite, common in rat poison) 4. Rainbow Dash "Bed Buggered", Way to Die #415,Rainbow and Twilight do share a room together and sleep on the bunk bed Rainbow dies by the top half crashing her. 5. Fluterrshy "Ichiboned", Way to Die #1 basically death by orgasm induced heart attack 6. Applejack "Colon-gross-opy", Way to Die #730 Baited by Rainbow Dash in a farting contest she decides to stick a can of whipped cream into her butt
  4. Visit the world where an evil army invades the peaceful kingdom by an overpowered villain in quest to steal magic from them, who then ends up chasing the main protagonist, who then getting betrayed by the Supreme Leader Snoke, I mean Lord Tirek. No wait by The Storm King. Not Starring Hungry Hungry Hippos ...The Clowns I ordered Starring (Captain Celeno) Captain Jack Sparrow ... (Queen Novo )The Oprah Winfrey Show ... (Grabber) The rejected cast of Lilo and Stitch Movie ... (Princess Twilight caked in cake ) The cloppers wet dream, seriously thats hot ... (Capper) Puss in Boots. .... (Tempest Shadow) Filthy Communist ... (Storm King) Evil Rafiki? ... The Murphy's Law ("What could possibly go wrong?") My Little Pony: The Last Royal Guard Experience The best music Hasbro has to offer "The gay pride pony stroking her ego song." "The Grand Theft Perl Song" "The song we paid almost half of our budget on (Rainbow)" "Everypony pay attention to my sob story song" "I totally not going to sell you into slavery song to pay off my debts song."
  5. For the first nine minutes this guy reviews the MLP Movie 2017, as well as Emoji Movie. It kind of reminds me of the honest trailes videos and Everything Wrong With Series.
  6. Is this going to be just like RWBY then?
  7. There is another thing Ive seen authors do, they will upload the same exact pony story on both websites simultaneously. I am not really sure that I understand the logic in that? If you want to write stories about ponies then FimFiction is still better choice for that, and fanfiction is just for everything else the non pony staff
  8. Well they are kind of like what Tom Cruise was in that movie Edge of Tommorow. They are public affairs officers. None of them has a real combat experience, and asking them to fight in the war would be ridiculous.
  9. I am computer science student and too me computers are magical sometimes. Like code is equivalent to spells. Could you actually believe it that we using air as a medium to send information.
  10. Anyone remember what they did for Cranky marriage, I had a feeling that Earth ponies do something similar. Unicorn's have their rings, and I am not really sure what Pegasi do.
  11. Kind of like Fimfiction is more picky/elitist at choosing what they do approve on it, on the Fanfiction goes everything else that is banned from Fimfiction. Fimfiction got rules, man. It easier now because people have an auto approval system, they don't always need to go through the very long process of a human approval system,
  12. I know that 90 minutes is like a movie industry standard but to me 150 minutes is a normal movie length,so it already felt like kind of short.
  13. There is always an option to take her disability with some dignity and move on. Tempest was basically "I am going to be a massive jerk as well as traitor to Equestria just because everypony else was a jerk to me too." @Jeric What I meant is Starlight Glimmer wanted to take away ponies cutie marks, which is equivalent of taking away their magic, just because her childhood friend got accepted into the magic school. Tempest Shadow decided that the best thing to do is to take and use other ponies magic for her own selfish needs, just because of childhood trauma. I am sorry but this kind of peeved me off and I just can't take her siriously.
  14. Tempest Shadow isn't just Starlight 2.0 she is a Starlight 2.0 and her backstory just as pathetic. I am not really sure who Storm Shadow thinks he is but he gets murdered, you know for kids.
  15. I really want him to be voiced by Patrick Stewart, that would be like so awesome.
  16. Maybe you feel like you can relate to them? Like for example I do like Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity. I enjoy Twilight for her neediness, Pinkie is fun loving and social. Rainbow likes cool things, and Rarity does have a style to her.
  17. I really don't know, considering its size of 90 minutes I have my doubts. However It might get the best animated movie award for good visuals.
  18. The rest of the world is jealous of Equestria, that would be more accurate. I thought that Rarity would be the most British Frenchmare
  19. The constant running joke in my own head cannon is that ponies are self aware of their Hasbro overlords. They, ponies do have some kind of panteon of show writers as some kind of minor gods
  20. Every time reactor uploads a reaction video this technically a piracy, if you aren't watching it from anywhere but from the official source you are a dirty pirate. Everytime you are going to watch an anime from gogoanime or something, which is god help you, doesn't come from Crunchyroll or Funnimation or something, you are a dirty pirate. Hulu did have a freemium service but not anymore, it's called yahoo view now. Where was i? Oh right, nobody is going to watch camcorder streams unless they are desperate enough to watch it. I guarantee you they are going to be a very bad quality. It's a lot easier to just wait for a dvd release, so then the higher quality is going to be uploaded on a shady websites. It's a lot easier for a TV show to get pirated because it might happen on the same or the next day. I do find it actually funny when YouTube will block the Reactor video for copyright but will totally won't care if that reaction video ended up in Drive, the extra space on Drive is premium, that means that Google is making a profit from the naughty copyrighted reaction video.
  21. My theater just had multiple people who sells tickets, and there is just one guy who is going to make sure that you actually have a ticket. They aren't going to guard the entrance to the projector room itself, I just know that there some workers who might be waiting for people to exit the area so they can clean it from all of the excess popcorn trash. That's only happens by the end of the movie.
  22. I really wish I could, but with existing stigma that animated movies are for kids only, it going to feel very awkward for me knowing that other people would secretly judge me for this. I know that nobody will say anything, but they are going to be thinking about it.
  23. I think I didn't even noticed that there were another leak, big surprise, I think I just recently watched Russian dub of episode 20.
  24. If Mach 1 is about 343+ m/s, then my original assumption that she can easily fly at 200 m/s anywhere from 100 meters in height, maybe even lower, to the several kilometers in height is correct. Accelerating beyond Mach 1 is not advisable, unless you do want to literally burn alive from atmospheric friction.
  25. So like okay are you telling me that each and every unicorn is a miniature nuclear reactor, and then everypony is getting a magic cancer by the time they are twenty?
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