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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. the_pie_sisters__christmas__by_battisipi

    :P they are so happy

  2. shop__till_he_drops_by_rocket_lawnchair_

    Thank you so much, Spike :proud:

    1. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      There's a gun there? Now I'm scared...

  3. 2771929.png

    She is cute changeling moth :ooh:

  4. large.jpg

    Found you :P

    1. Miss


      Would've been more funny if it was Sprout cuz he's scared of unicorns

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      I actually like this anime look style...hmmmmm


    3. Astralshy


      Nice reference xD

      I still like Izzy :>

  5. enjoying_the_holidays_gift__by_mew_me_de

    Sunny's first Starlight figurine :P


    Why I didn't think of that before :ooh:

    Gaston came to Equestria and became a pony

    I mean, mob mob mob mob mob mob angry angry mob

  7. comfy_twilight_by_asimos_dewv8xk-pre.jpg

    Science sweater :P

    1. Astralshy


      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

    2. Rikifive
  8. hear_the_sirens_singing_carols_by_robuku

    Carols Carols Carols :fluttershy:

  9. Hm I'm not sure how to answer question 11. I thought for sure Fluttershy was shopping for someone else.
  10. 512165704dc3ff8c9299994672f171ee--wizard

    That's okay, they are just different. :catface:

  11. detuay0-e4dc9c2a-6165-4dfc-aab5-13a4bc23

    They got you too :ooh:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      U2? I think that's Maredonna. 

  12. sunset_shimmer__i_want_a_pony_for_christ

    Pony for Christmas :P

  13. raindoe_dash_by_graphenedraws_dewr4kt-pr

    Raindeer Dash :fluttershy:

    1. Astralshy
    2. Rikifive


      So adorable it's illegal! :wub:

  14. mommy_kissing_santa_hooves_by_rockhoppr3

    New Christmas classic :mlp_icwudt:

  15. large.png

    Only the best supporting character pony :P

    1. Astralshy


      Cute and definitely a case for @Tacodidra

    2. Tacodidra


      100% true! :wub: *hugs Coco* ^_^

  16. i424qrxmwc361.png

    I do love her so much :fluttershy:

  17. large.jpg

    This is cute :fluttershy:

  18. what_are_you__by_marenlicious_dewmj28-pr

    Adorable sandwich :mlp_icwudt:

  19. 2767580.png

    Nice dress. :P

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