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Everything posted by Olly

  1. Tachyons, the universe itself, dark matter, and neutrinos all travel at speeds faster than light.
  2. It's probably more of a guy thing to approach from the "friendly bully" angle, because guys are discouraged from showing sensitivity or friendliness. So some people end up basing their friendships on jabs and insults and jokes, but that can't be healthy, or long-lasting. So I try to be polite and nice when I talk to my friends and I expect the same. Not that you can't mess with each other or poke fun at each other and yourself, but that it's much better not to base your friendship off of that.
  3. Because, quite frankly....... someBODY once told me the world was gonna roll me I aint the sharpest tool in the shed She was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead well, the years start coming and they don't stop comin' fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin' didn't make sense not to live for fun your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb so much to do so much to see so what's wrong with taking the backstreet? you'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow, so HEY NOW
  4. I'll "socially distance" from people I don't know, like everyone normally does. I'll wear a mask when I have to, like in the grocery store. Will I wear a mask and stay 6 ft apart when I'm around my friends and family? absolutely not. If you're upset because I'm not as afraid as you, or you expect some different reaction out of me then what I give, that's really your own problem. I don't need to behave differently, or to act more frightened, or whatever.
  5. See, this is why talking to non-native english speakers is really difficult. You don't seem to understand what I'm saying, when I'm being serious or not, nothing. I don't even know if we can have a conversation when you don't really know what I'm saying and I struggle to understand you as well. You're making lots of accusations, too. This: Let me back up, why don't you tell me what I did that was reckless in the first place? you say I don't care about what I do to others. What exactly makes you say that? you have to base this on something before you just say it like you know.
  6. What's all this about injustice? I'm just saying we all sneezed at each other Germany is like the size of New Mexico my dude. Germany only has 80 Million people in it. Do I have to walk You through this I'm not reckless. I'm very very scared, trust me. I am just terrified.
  7. Too late. I've already sneezed at like, half a dozen people. They sneezed at me too. Most weren't wearing masks, the ones that did just had their sneeze blasted into their own faces. I heard from a friend who heard from a friend who heard from a friend who heard from their neighbor who heard from their relative a friend of theirs got the cororo virus. Turns out it was just the flu. Anyway, I'm buying 500 masks just for myself. I'm going to dig a bomb shelter and live off canned tuna, just me and my 500 masks. Can't take any risks in these dire times.
  8. Ironic how you say these things without ever noticing what's right in front of you. Of course it has roughly about 1/15th of the infected because it has 1/4 of the us population. The us is a big country. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT larger countries would have more infected people. Not as easy to micro manage when you're dealing with a country many many times the land mass and population of germany in the EU. Listen I go to the park and I walk around my neighborhood and not once have I worn a mask. And I'm not going to get sick. Just want to let you know.
  9. Says who? I've never even heard of someone getting this virus except on the news when it's one person 500 miles away who's already recovered. I know it's a disease but why do people insist on playing hype man for this one? don't crap your pants Is it wrong to go to the beach, or step outside? I'm sure most people who go for a relaxing stroll aren't doing so because they think said virus "doesn't exist". Also when you say, "not willing to wear masks" what does that mean? And to what extent does mask wearing go? should we wear them to bed? refusing to wear one in the supermarket would probably be bad. But how much of a nanny do you want to be with the mask wearing and the 6 feet apart. What if you're only 5 feet apart? or 4? will you get upset?
  10. One can only hope, given how unbelievably annoying this situation is, and has been. Not the virus itself, mind you. Having to wear masks everywhere. Everything being closed forever and always. Hysteria and panic. It's a goddamn nightmare and here I was hoping for a normal year. You know, do some summer activities, join a club, all kinds of things! things that didn't involve masks and "social distancing" and all this retarded stuff that's now our norm.
  11. I adore both so I'm not going to say one is "better" than the other. I'm just glad when other people listen to the beach boys, they're painfully, painfully underrated compared to the beatles. And anything off pet sounds or smile is as good as anything the beatles ever did.
  12. lol 70 dollars for a video game? fuck outta here with that. 60 is insane as it is but if people are willing to pay 70 they'll just keep going up and up. Some people may pay that much, but not me, not ever.
  13. Supremely pointless but in basically every movie about anything ever. What's the point in shoehorning in a subplot with a love interest if it has nothing to do with the actual plot and doesn't contribute to the story in any meaningful way? get rid of these useless characters.
  14. I used to like them. Can't eat them now because they all have gelatin, which is basically the marrow of animal bones they use to give things a gooeyness, like marshmallows and jello.
  15. Not great, unless we can get our sh%t together more by then. But people won't stop having babies and that will just keep making things harder for everyone. Prices will keep climbing, resources will get scarcer, jobs/careers harder to get and hold, major worldwide environmental issues, societal problems too.
  16. Life without love, for years and years and years and years and years and still more to come. I guess at a certain point most people would do anything
  17. You know I really like most anime styles but Arawi Keiichi's doesn't do much for me. I don't dislike it, but I can think of a dozen moe artists who are better.
  18. Most of the movies people have mentioned are actually good movies. So I guess I don't hate anything
  19. they're hot. Usually. I wouldn't go for it myself though
  20. Warioware twisted because the final boss level was literally impossible.
  21. dubstep is awful and you should listen to something better. I'll give you recommendations.
  22. It's always cloudy, and raining. And it's june
  23. When someone is so confident in their own stupidity they start insulting people. Although that can be pretty funny too.
  24. Most things. Just being alone with my thoughts. But I really don't like being in crowded places, like supermarkets, or busy streets.
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