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Posts posted by J.J

  1. 57 minutes ago, Props ValRoa said:

    It is a matter of decency and respect between both parties to not use profanity in serious conversation, such as the topics in the debate pit. Profanity erodes the value an argument has, though that depends on the context. No matter what political alignment someone may have, it is important to avoid insulting language towards anyone involved in the discussion.

    There are better ways to express one's argument. We are all on an equal level here, and everyone is deserving of respect and decency. Profanity stands in the way of that respect. At least that is just the way I see it.

    Let the arguments speak for themselves. 

    The arguments can't speak for themselves if you censor the person trying to participate in them, but like I said "pish posh, to those swearing heathens" right? Lol 

    "Erodes the value of an argument" that is the sentiment I am disagreeing with right there because that is just one person's arrogant opinion who would rather choose to hone in on the way someone verbalizes themselves and not what they are verbalizing themselves about... 

    And "insulting language" sounds like you should have been debating on the old Twitter if "shit" offends you, because that's what got me banned ultimately, but yeah if you are offended by people using ass, or hell, or damn or the F word publicly you are very easily insulted 

    And since I'm someone that ACTUALLY believes everyone is on an equal level and deserves that respect and decency, that includes the people that may use profanity by force of habit like myself, I will not condone directly insulting someone with derogatory terms or offensive slang in a place like this, but I can handle people having emotions, it's up to you if you want to hold yourself to a higher standard, obviously I have expressed I can communicate with or without swear words, but the internet is such a cesspool of profanity I'm not always conscientious about when I'm doing it, it's a force of habit with the way I communicate in some places, it's the internet it's not like I'm fowl mouthed at a church or around children, these are all  extended self manufactured perversions of who we want the world to see us as, not who we potentially are in reality... Like I said it can seem needlessly aggressive if someone interjects with profanity in an argument that didn't previously appear to be that emotionally driven, but from my perspective all arguments are emotionally driven, and you can sound equally as insulting without the use of profanity, kind of like when you tried talking to me like I was a child for having a right to an opinion... But we're past that part now, I'm not gonna battle to get profanity approved, I recognized I broke the rule and I accept it as a rule, but I won't recognize someone on a higher level of understanding or maturity for not using profanity, maturity is a sentiment that can only be proven by actions and the sentiments those actions serve, all words are empty at the end of the day, I can pitch you objective points from both left and right leaning perspectives on the same issues... How I or anyone else chooses to conduct their verbalization of said perspectives online is only meant to manipulate others into adopting rationale for our biased political perspectives or agenda, your lifestyle is a literal reflection of your political alignment and affiliation, your words are just a way to sway people toward that alignment, typically a man on welfare is an obvious democrat, watch how quick he becomes a conservative after coming into some money, rationale is determined by our inherent standing in the world, it's impossible to be wrong or right on many issues from a personal standpoint because that is merely circumstantial...



    • Brohoof 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Props ValRoa said:

    I am glad that the Debate Pit has been moderated much more than the old one is. Now that we've had some more time with it, I have to say that it is good to see threads without the incoherent profanity the old debate pit had. I would argue that the current level of moderation is fine.

    When reactions were allowed, I found it rather tedious when users would use it in a targeting manner. I do not agree with the idea of having it a free for all. The Debate Pit should be intended to be a serious form of discussion, without any sarcasm, jokes, profanity, or other such behavior. 


    The use of profanity doesn't take away from the integrity in the sentiment of someone's statements, especially if you use it contextually like did, I didn't call anyone an ***** name of refer to anything in a manner with the profanity that took away from the maturity of my general presence in the debate pit, it just makes people look more needlessly aggressive, that I can agree with, but you aren't any more mature or have more rational political perspective simply because you "don't use profanity", not from what I've seen, some people really need to get out there on the web and try to broaden their horizons if they think they are material for the "debate team" some people bring very structured manipulative arguments to the table and get shut down and made a fool of by fowl mouth bigoted assholes, sometimes in funny little quips and one liners even, the contextual use of the words really don't take away from the political/social awareness of an individual or the education they truthfully retain in reality ...

    One just looks more appealing and friendly, but I know people that are very gutter mouthed that are way more friendly, understanding and open minded than some of the posh arrogance I've seen from people who falsely believe themselves to be worldly because of how they structure themselves in an online debate with people that don't even know them, yeah these are serious topics people should be talking about them anywhere in my opinion, but sometimes swearing shows just how serious someone actually is about these topics, not that they aren't taking it seriously, it is the arrogance of other debaters that refuse to take the perspective of another potential debater seriously because they swear, not the person swearing...

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Working physical break back labor 7 days a week pushing around racks of ham and pork bellies for years, the only time off I got to go to Bronycons and when the seasons cut down to 6 day weeks in the summer, then I go to being told I'm basically not fit for human cohabitation, I spent time at a garbage company for awhile, and I threw dog food bags for a little bit at a Dog food plant, my "circumstances" limited options in those times, but now I'm basically doing everything on devices and I'm bored out of my ffing mind, I just can't risk ruining what I have now to try to be ambitious in the ways I want but I want to be"part of the action", I was almost a supervisor once, but with my issues it's like nah that wouldn't end well, I have a lot of other things I feel I could be doing with my time, but ultimately don't know what's gonna will my dreams into reality the situation is more complex than want it, get it, trust me I've always been a "want it get it" person...

  4. 8 minutes ago, abrony-mouse said:

    mod-ponies, can we be gentle with the debate pit ban hammer please :( I know it's often just a temp ban, but unless a poster has gone totally toxic and genuinely needs a time out, can we just assume that most of us in the pit are pachydermatous ponies? Honestly, the debate pit is angelic compared to most places on the web addressing these topics :P 

    As true as your statement is, it was irresponsible of me to not keep track of my neurotic typing habits and that's ultimately why I was banned, I'm so censored on MLP forums compared to other sites, but I had the objective outline of what I could and could not do before me, what I was banned for was not malice or direct Ill intent in my words, but just like the real world even if you are just holding that pipe "for a friend" it was you that objectively had possession of it when it was found and unfortunately the law just like the rules are held to literal sentiments... 

    I swore in a place I shouldn't swear, I deserve my time out, but at the same time yes, if some of you guys saw the content that was put into some of the other forums I attend you might be scarred by their words alone, let alone some of the imagery, and this is all on the regular web, there is content so brutal and disgusting in this world I just don't know how some people even go on with their day without being utterly furious or demanding a strict change from our internet providers, I am a man of free speech, but what I do more or less is meant to present that freedom of speech is harmless but way more complained about by the mass majority of individuals trying to present themselves as white knights, where are these so called white knights protesting animal cruelty, pedophilia, leniency in rape cases, people want to cry about racist or sexist memes when the reality of sheer cruelty in this world would rock these SJW babies, no you aren't a good person for trying to make someone shut up, you are a coward or just ignorant for not doing everything in your power to get involved WITH REAL INJUSTICE...

    • Brohoof 1
  5. On 2022-11-03 at 3:36 AM, RDDash said:

    ponies will go to the Adult Swim, no?

    I actually had an idea for a fan made podcast called, "Pony Tonight" and it was going to be like a Space Ghost type theme of show hosted by Lyra and Bon Bon, but with ponies asking other ponies adult questions, questions with themes that are definitely intended for older viewers lol, like 14+ version of Pipps Podcast, I think that would be really cool it would just be hard to find fans that could do the VA for the weekly guests, and I'd love to see it animated to lol, had this idea years ago, and it was originally my intent to be able to allow Lyra and Bon Bon to be scripted lesbians on its face, but then I thought, what about crimes, sex life, gossip, grudges, tied in with some pop culture references it would be cool

  6. The "mustelidae" family representation for better and for worse, you were so close Duke....


    She is the most adorable thing ever, absolutely love her, I scoured the web for better pictures but the Zootopia fans haven't been on the ball yet 








    And for some reason I CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME, find a clip of Thunderhooves and Silverstar roasting Pinkies song or how Pinkies song basically reignited Thunderhooves fury to lead the attack on the Appleloosans 









  8. I mean I really couldn't find subjective sympathy for Tirek he's a sneaky leech who uses trickery and gains the trust of others by deception so he can proceed to take everything special about them to make himself more powerful, Chrysalis you can say has objective purpose and the others it's up to what you headcanon, does the fact that Tirek worked with Cozy and Chrysalis disqualify him from being a "complete monster" bc from my perspective there's literally nothing good about him, and he gets strong by stealing from others, he isn't strong without the magic of creatures that actually retain redeeming qualities, he isn't a loveable rogue, he's just a complete thug that would be nothing without the support of others.... When he blew up the library it was like, this is your inkling, this is what you are up against, he is a soulless coward who will literally kill for self empowerment... He doesn't care about being meticulous or have a plan for others, he just wants to take what is theirs because he's a thug 

  9. Over the years the "magic of friendship" has seemed to have lost its value to some bronies, but hey I'm really glad you are here, better late than never, I'm going to be the first to greet you before you decide we wont talk again, I would say "welcome" but sometimes I don't even know if I'm in the position to say that around here.... xD anyways yeah good taste, top waifu pony maybe next to Maud 


    • Brohoof 1
  10. "I was never really a communist entity, don't you know that China's really just a crony capitalist authoritarian project made to exploit the worker for the gain of a few large companies?" Gotta keep those gears in check.

    Always made me wonder if Starlight traveled out of "Our Town" for economical trading purposes there are clearly no farms there..... Unless there is somepony else among Equestrian ponies Starlight's never told us about that was helping her? 



  11. Hopeful it's all that any of us can be, the truest friends you will ever make in life aren't friends that need/seek you for validation or that nod when you speak your mind, true friends challenge our perspective and often cut each other down to size, and help us come to grips with reality, it's why having a political adversary is a very healthy thing, we are supposed to compliment each others strengths and weaknesses, it's not healthy to keep yourself in an ideological safe space and to shield yourself in denial as it is often BOTH parties have a lot of growing up to do and personal concessions to make.... First impressions mean nothing about who is meant to be in your life and who it is not, we know very very little of each other's personal experiences or how these experiences have influenced us as the individual we've become, don't surround yourself with yesmen or toxic positivity in the same way you don't surround yourself with needless negativity bc the results can be the same, true friendship can come from the places you last or least expect it and I know this in full heart... You decide who or what's best for you from your own experiences and these perspectives that challenge our own, it's what makes us come to grips with what is MOST important 


    Edit: if you don't think you can love someone that disagrees with you, you will never know what love is.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. On 2022-10-10 at 10:02 AM, Cryoshi said:

    People that say "that's one of the best albums of all time".. I think that's related to a personal connection to one or two songs on the album, or based off it's success in sales, bc honestly, I've never heard a complete album I like, and I feel like have scattered musical tastes is actually more realistic than pretending a bunch of mid/forgettable songs are good just bc you are addicted to a few good songs on an album, I do love KoRns Untouchables and the original Planet Earth by Hed Pe, the one with "Blackout", these are probably the only two albums where I have myself convinced that I "love the entire album" but ultimately I know some of the songs arent as good as the standouts.. it would just depend if Hasbro ever made a Friendship is Magic: Greatest Hits, I'd probably be in love with that xD 

    As it stands my musical tastes are kind of crazy and I like all sorts of random shit, it's honestly amusing watching YouTube try to make playlists for me sometimes...xD

    Except KoRns "Untouchables" xD that shit slaps. 


  13. Here is an example of me calling myself out on my own bullshit, I know that this wisdom should pertain to all social interactions, not only the ones we have in the real world, everyone is like this in relative ways, I'm honestly a great dude that loves ponies and cartoons just as much as you, but with my experience it's hard to know whats socially relative without being so ourselves... I'm not going to apologize or change my opinions, but I am going to conduct my social behavior much more maturely just so you understand I don't have an inability to do so, so much as a cynical need to hold everyone to identical standards without biases if someone else is doing this themselves... 



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