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Posts posted by Superwholock

  1. The Captain and First Mate exchanged a few words with their crew before saying goodnight and heading up towards the Governor's home. Given that ships and crews were constantly coming and going from Puerto Seguro, the streets were always busy, especially down by the ports and around the taverns. With the crowds, it took them several minutes to make it up the steady hill and through the gates of the Governor's home.

  2. Virgil and Syren wove their way through the hoof traffic, headed towards the docks. Occasionally, some pony would call out a greeting to them and they would nod or voice a greeting in return. Eventually, they made it to the Lass's dock where they saw that she had been unloaded and only a handful of the crew remained onboard, cleaning up.

  3. "Should we tell Mar so she can prepare for tomorrow?" Syren asked.

    "Knowing her, she's probably out for a few drinks," Virgil pointed out. "I'll send a messenger out for her when I get back to Sergio. For now, I want to check back in on the Lass  and make sure everything's going smoothly unloading her."

  4. Virgil dipped his head in farewell and turned to leave, weaving his way through the growing crowd of diners. Syren saluted with a hoof to Luna, a cheeky grin on his face, before taking off after his captain, apologizing occasionally for bumping into others.

    "Syren." Virgil's voice could be heard chastising his first mate from where he stood in the doorway, frowning at the unicorn as he joined him.

  5. -Sorry, got slammed with family plans and homework

    "She'll be happy with that," Syren said as he and Virgil rose from the table, his captain tossing some bits on the table for a tip. "We'll see you tomorrow then."

  6. "We'll come by in the morning," Syren offered a he finished off his dinner, "and take you to the forge so you can get to work on it. Mar will probably bribe you into giving her your plans. She's always interested in new stuff like that."

  7. 14 hours ago, Star48955 said:

    Luna gave the two a small smile. "That...is good advice. Thank you."

    They nodded and returned to their meals.

    "So, how long do you think you wanna stay here?" Syren asked.

  8. "There's a chance you'll run into this pony again at some point," Virgil told her. "Just keep in mind that many ponies come here because they're running away from something."

    "Yeah, so you gotta be unassuming in your approach," Syren joined in. "Otherwise you could spook 'em."

  9. "We could try catching up with them," Syren suggested, but his captain instantly shook his head.

    "We'd never be able to find them in this crowd without knowing exactly who we're looking for," he pointed out. "Thousands of strange ponies come through daily and I'm sure many of them wear cloaks of some sort. Puerto Seguro lives up to its name." At this, he gave Syren a pointed look, causing the unicorn to look at the table and nod silently.

  10. "We're talking about your sister, right?" Syren asked. "My guess is she had a run in with some pony on her journey, got robbed and you just saw said pony with something of hers."

    "Did you get a good look at them?" Virgil asked.

  11. Syren flicked his goggles down, searching the landscape for any heat signatures. "Not sure what you mean by that. Not a whole lotta alicorns out at sea."

    "We've heard some rumors over the years about their vulnerabilities and such," Virgil answered. "Not sure how much of it is actually true. One common story is that they're susceptible to lead."


    -Soooooo sorry guys!

  12. "Point taken. I'm Syren, this is my captain, Virgil," Syren introduced, nodding his head towards his friend. "On the topic of weapons, we may not have any nukes, but we do have some pretty heavy duty weaponry on our ship. Could call in a drop."

    Virgil frowned, half in thought and half in disapproval. "No, we'll make do with what's at hand. That stuff isn't very mobile off ship."

    Syren nodded in acceptance, though he was pretty sure part of Virgil's true reasoning stemmed from his distrust of these ponies. Virgil didn't trust anyone without time and proof that they could be. It was what made him such a good captain and somepony hard to fool.

  13. "You guys really have no idea what pirates actually do," Syren snorted. "Honey, our lives are a connection of one death sentence to the next. We're still kickin' and we have absolutely no intention of changing that. Just tell us where to shoot."

    Virgil's lips brief curled into a small smirk before relaxing back into his neutral mask. He had no intention of dying and even less of letting Syren die.

  14. "I mean, we're here now," Syren said, shrugging. "May as well get something done." He turned to his captain. "¿Quieres que llame al barco?"

    Virgil thought for a moment before nodding in confirmation. "Dice a Joss que se muede al barco más lejos de la costa."

    Syren nodded and did as told, using his goggles to send out the message. An answer came back a few seconds later and he nodded to Virgil to let his captain know Joss had gotten the message.


    -Do you want me to call the ship?

    -Tell Joss to move the ship further offshore

  15. Syren tilted his head curiously, urging her to continue. Virgil remained silent was well, taking another sip of his coffee.

    When silence continued to reign, Syren decided to break it. "It would mean what?"

  16. "Then what was the whole distress signal about?" Syren asked, tilting his head curiously. "Why send one out when you have no intention of leaving?"

    "More importantly, what was the point of the distress signal in the first place," Virgil added.

  17. Virgil noted her sudden drop in mood and turned to her. "Are you alright?"

    "Worried about your sister?" Syren guessed. "Homesick? Somethin' to do with your hesitation at the door and whatever spooked you?"

  18. The stallions turned to their food, Syren devouring his burger in a few quick bites before moving onto inhaling his fries.

    "You're going to get a hernia one of these days," Virgil stated calmly, his voice emotionless. Syren grinned around a mouthful of fries, knowing that his friend was teasing him.

  19. "Be right back," Eloise promised, trotting back towards the kitchens to grab the drinks. Syren picked up a fry with his magic and popped it into his mouth. Eloise returned with their drinks, passed them out, then turned with a grin and headed off to check on another table. Virgil took a sip of his coffee, humming slightly I appreciation.

  20. A few more moments passed while the three waited for their meal. The trio of ponies playing by the fireplace took a break to resounding applause and someone put on an old jazz record to fill the background of the collection of ponies conversing and eating in the meal room. A young mare, no older than 13, trotted happily toward them, tray balancing on her back.

    "Good even'n, Cap'n," she greeted as she served them, "Syren, and Miss. Anyth'n else I can get for you lot?"

    "I'll take some coffee if you've got a pot on, Eloise," Syren answered.

    "Comin' right up. Same for you, Virg?" Eloise asked, flicking her dark brown mane out of her dark green eyes with a small jerk of her head. Virgil nodded in confirmation and the young mare turned to Luna. "And you, Miss? Anyth'n you'd like to drink? Gov's got it all covered."

  21. "We're not here for any sort of job or payment," Virgil denied. "We're here because, for the first time in nearly two hundred years, we received a signal from Equestria. The fact that it was a distress signal only made it that much more urgent."

    "Our ship's just off the coast by the docks," Syren added. "We can take you someplace else, even to Puerto Seguro if you want."

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