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Posts posted by Superwholock

  1. Arctica began her investigation by asking the local residents if they knew who had written Marble Horns. After about ten interviews, she began to think that no one here knew anything. She felt her heart sink. If she couldn't find someone who knew something, her investigation would end before it had even begun!

  2. Arcitca found the comic pages, disappointed to see that Marble Horns still hadn't updated. She sighed, although she'd come to expect it. After all, it was the very reason she was here.

    She'd met one of the creators briefly at a convention for aspiring comic artists, a genre of art that Arctica had been carefully testing the waters for a few months now. He'd given her a few tips on her sketches and some other really good advice that Arctica had appreciated. After that, they'd sent a few letters back and forth whenever she was struggling for ideas. He was incredibly kind and patient with her, a task she was well aware wasn't that easy. When Marble Horns had suddenly stopped, she'd sent a letter to make sure he was okay. That was two weeks ago; she hadn't heard back.

    True, she wasn't really friends with the stallion, but he'd been kind and helpful and she felt she owed it to him to at least figure out what was going on.

  3. Arctica stepped off the train from Manehatten, breathing in the fresh country air. She hadn't been to Ponyville in a while, having only ever come by to drop off orders from her parents cafe. Understandably, this didn't happen very often.

    Arctica adjusted her saddle bags nervously and headed into the station and out the other side into Ponyville. On her way through, she picked up a local newspaper and began flipping through it as she headed up the street. Specifically she was looking for the comic pages and a strip called Marble Horns.

  4. Too injured to follow Mist, Arctica lay in her bed in the infirmary at their base. Her right foreleg lay stretched out, covered in a bright cast. In addition to that, she had a few stitches in her ear and above her eye as well as wrappings around her ribs for the few cracked ones. She was lucky to escape that rockfall with as few injuries as she had. Although, could it really be considered a rockfall when the rocks were shoved onto her by an enemy?

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Finally, Eros stopped outside a large wooden door. Said door was open just a crack and light flickered out into the hall, obviously from a fire. Bellatrix, Sergio's chamberlain, sat at her desk outside the office reading a book. She glanced up as the four of them reached her and smiled in greeting as she closed her book.

    "Good to see you all well," she greeted, rising to warmly hug Virgil.

    "Good to see you too, Bella," he returned, hugging her in response.

    "Your father's waiting for you. In fact, he's probably already heard your approach."

    "Thanks, Bella."

  6. "Hi!" Eros chirped, turning and bounding inside. Virgil sighed, shaking his head and smirking. That filly had boundless energy.

    They entered into the main foyer as Eros flew down a hall to their right, the group just catching sight of her black and pink tail turning the corner. A few staff members were moving through the foyer, cleaning or carrying papers and supplies to other ends of the town hall.

    Virgil followed after his little sister, the four of them passing several more staff members. Eros flew ahead of them, occasionally hovering while she impatiently waited for them to catch up.

  7. As they climbed the hill leading up to the town hall, they were hailed by two guards standing outside the gate and holding spears.

    "Your sister has already informed us of your arrival, Captain," the one of the left said. "The governor is waiting for you in his office."

    Virgil dipped his head in acknowledgment and continued through the gate and into the courtyard of the town hall, a massive brick building encircling a garden with a cobbled path leading up to the main entrance. Eros stood on the long porch, just before the door. Or rather she pranced there, clearly impatient for them to reach her.

  8. "You're gonna go see papa?" Eros asked excitedly. "C'mon then! Let's not keep him waiting!"

    She took to the air, racing up towards the town hall. Virgil sighed, trotting after her with Alric and Syren in tow.

  9. "Are you sure? Equestria is quite a ways away from Puerto Seguro," Virgil informed her. "It's completely up to you. I can get you in touch with some blacksmiths and inventors around town. I'm sure some of them would be willing to help you."

  10. "Hi, Luna!" Eros greeted, flapping her wings excitedly. "Are you my brother's girlfriend?"

    Alric and Syren snorted in laughter as Virgil sighed and placed a hoof to his forehead. "Eros, not every mare you see me with is my girlfriend."

    "Why not?" Eros asked, turning back to face him. "You need one! You haven't dated anyone since you and Joss broke up."

    "Eros, that was barely a week ago," Virgil groaned.

  11. "That would be Virgil's little sister, Eros," Alric informed her. Virgil and Eros finally separated, the former ruffling the filly's hair. Eros dodged away, giggling, bumping into Luna's foreleg.

    "Sorry!" she said, whirling around to face the new pony. Not recognizing her, Eros tilted her head curiously. "Who're you?"

  12. "Virgil!" a voice squealed as a dark brown, black and pink shape plowed into the stallion from above. Virgil chuckled, just barely managing to catch Eros before she drove them both to the ground. He hugged the filly close as she nuzzled into his chest, grinning happily.

  13. The docks were busy as per usual, but they were nothing compared to the town. Ponies, pirate and resident, crowded the streets, calling out to each other or shouting. As they walked the cobbled streets, a pony came flying out of one of the many taverns. Said pony stood, swaying drunkenly before stumbling off, probably to find another tavern willing to take him in. Virgil continued past unphased, silently shaking his head. He would never understand the call to drink. He couldn't stand the taste of alcohol.

  14. "The captain's home?" Alric asked, not quite understanding the question. "It's at the top of the town, near the town hall."

    "And it's quite a walking distance," Virgil added, cutting off anymore distractions. He moved to the rail and leaped down to the dock, quickly followed by Syren.

  15. Virgil gave one of his few small smiles. "No need, miss. We were more than happy to help."

    Before he could continue, a blue pegasus landed near them, offering Virgil a salute. "The Governor is waiting for you at your home, Captain Virgil. He wants you to bring your rescue with you."

    Virgil nodded confirmation. He figured news would've gotten to his step-father by now. The pegasus saluted again and took off.

  16. "Ah, Ms. Luna. I hope you had a good rest, short as it was," Alric greeted. Virgil and Syren looked at the new unicorn, the latter smiling in greeting and waving.

    "Pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Luna," the first mate greeted, giving a polite salute.

  17. It took them about fifteen minutes to reach the floating guard posts and another five to actually enter port. Virgil watched as his crew, experienced and well versed in the ship, lowered the sail and let the ship drift into its typical dock. Several crew members leaped off onto the dock, moving to tie her down. Several more threw canvas over the rail to protect the ship against any scratches or dents from the wood of the dock.

    His ship safely docked and his crew gathered below him, with the exception of those who'd tied down the ship who now waited on the dock, Virgil nodded in approval. "You have a week on shore, perhaps more. If we leave sooner, you know the drill."

    "Yes sir, Cap'n!" the crew answered as one, their voices creating a yell. Dismissed, they all gathered their stuff from below decks and headed off into the town of Puerto Seguro, leaving their captain, first mate, and healer behind.

  18. "Nearing port!" the new scout yelled. Virgil glanced up, shading his eyes with a hoof and squinting to make out who it was. The black and green mane told him it was Dirk. He turned back to facing forward, his squinting gaze just picking up the dark sliver on the horizon that marked land. It was still quite a ways off, but he waved to Dirk to let him know the captain saw it.

  19. "We'll see if we can get her back on her way once we reach port," Virgil said, confirming Alric's earlier statement. Scout reached them, having been relieved by the one of the other lookouts.

    "Sea looks clear for now," he reported. Virgil nodded, giving Scout his leave.

  20. Alric chuckled. "She's all yours. You know where to find us if you need anything."

    He turned and left, closing the door behind him and heading up to the main deck. He moved to join his captain and first mate at the helm.

    "How is she?" Virgil greeted.

    "She's resting and appears to be unharmed. She said she was heading to Equestria to find her missing sister," Alric informed him.

  21. "Why don't you get some rest in here?" Alric suggested. "I can guarantee you won't be disturbed."  

    Aries preceded his master out while Alric waited for Luna's answer.


    Above decks, Virgil had retaken the helm from Syren who now stood beside him.

    "What do you plan to do about her?" the pegasus asked.

    "Take her with us back home, find a way to get her where she was going," Virgil replied.

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