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Posts posted by Superwholock

  1. "I never said that's why I'm here," Arctica reminded. "I simply never corrected you. I told you I got kicked out of the academy for fighting. Take a stab at why I'm in here. Even a dumb Griffin like you should be able to figure that out."

    She regretted her sarcastic tone, though only because Mort was the first and only prison to have talked to her, aside from Vivus, but he was really getting on her nerves. Kinda reminded her of her elder sister, actually. That wasn't something she altogether enjoyed. She and Sierra had never gotten along, the latter always seeming to be the image of the 'perfect' daughter, though Arctica had seen just how nasty her sister could get. Thank Celestia she was only an earth pony. Arctica didn't want to even imagine the damage her sister could and would do if she was anything else.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. "Seems like it," Arctica replied,slightly confused. She glanced around at the other prisoners and stepped out of line, waiting to see what would happen. She tensed, prepared to run or fight. She wasn't averse to fighting guards if it came to it.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Mewni has finally been overrun by monsters. The Mewmans have fled the city in fear for their lives, the royal Butterfly family helping them to escape. With no support in their dimension and nowhere to run, the Butterflies call on their friends for help, whether they be royal, human, friendly monster, or anything in between. They're in desperate need and willing to do anything to help their people.

    -Canon characters are first come first serve, though I will allow you to reserve one if you need to
    -This is basically a different version of Ludo taking over, one where he isn't being controlled by Toffee and is an actual genius when it comes to taking over
    -Mild gore and romance is fine, but can we keep the romance to a minimum? I'm not a big fan, though I don't mind it too much. I just don't want it to become the main focus, y'know?

    -If your character/s is/are up on the character archives, just post the link and Ill go check it out

    -Your character does not have to be a royal or related to a royal. They've simply run into the butterflies before and become friends.
    -Password is Narwhal Blast

    Title: (If applicable)
    Dimensional Scissors:

    Dominique Byrne
    High Princess of Naraka
    Fire and combat magic
    This that I do not own
    Dom is a master at hiding her feelings. Mostly she does it for others, whether to help them remain calm or to let them freak out. She tends to internalize everything and most people find it hard to read her. Despite all that, Dom is a very warm and affectionate person. She's loyal and dependable, able to keep a level head even in the worst situations. She does what she says she will, no matter what it costs her. She always puts others first, whether it's her teammates or civilians or her family. Consequentially, Dom tends to take the blame for anything that goes wrong with things she's involved in, whether or not it was actually her fault. She always has an open mind when it comes to planning and is very much an 'out of the box' thinker. She's resourceful and inventive, whether it's with her magic, non-magical combat, or just a simple trap. She'll use anything and everything.
    These lovelies that I do not own
    Dimensional Scissors:
    Black blades with silver handles engraved with her family's motto: Mundus semper ardere, sed adhuc conversus (The world ever burning, yet still turning)
    She's the eldest of 6 daughters and 1 brother

    Carson Byrne
    High Prince of Naraka
    Not my art
    Carson can be very reserved, but is also super sensitive. He's smart and a fast learner, but he doesn't really like to take charge. He often doubts his abilities, both as a pyrokinetic and a prince. He's incredibly close to his eldest sister, following her basically everywhere. Not that Dom seems to mind much, in fact often encouraging him to come with her. Like Dom, possibly because he's around her so much, he tends to internalize things. Though it could also be the weight of being a prince.
    He doesn't need one
    Dimensional Scissors:
    Same as his sisters. In fact, the entire royal family has the same ones, with the King and Queen's having gold handles.
    Only male Narakese have the ability of pyrokinesis, hence why no male Narakese needs a wand and female Narakese are so exceptional at fire magic with their wands


    Arctica Superion and her dimensional scissors (A gift from Star)

  4. *Slides in awkwardly* Hey guys. I have severe anxiety, though I only recently got on meds. It was actually so bad that it messed with the serotonin levels in my stomach to the point where there was a solid 2 or 3 week period where, no matter how little I ate, I never felt hungry. When we went to go check it out, the doctor could only hear air in my stomach. There was literally nothing else in there. They put me on meds and after a week or so my stomach adjusted itself and I actually have a bigger appetite than I did before, which is really good for me since I've always been super underweight. If my anxiety ever gets too bad, or if I feel a panic attack coming on, I usually just call my older sister and she helps me calm down. So, having someone close to you who understands what you're going through and who is willing to help is probably the best medicine for anxiety disorders.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Arctica nudged Mort none too gently. "Dude, have some tact." She turned to Vivus, smiling politely. "Ignore him; he's just an ass. I'm Arctica."

    True to form, Arctica had taken a change of attitude off of someone else's. All too often she found herself suddenly protective of strangers when others were rude or aggressive. Damn cutie mark...


    -It's finally done if y'all are interested

    • Brohoof 1
  6. "That's a lima bean," Arctica corrected. "A Lamia is a snake like creature, commonly thought of as a demon. In the old mythology, ponies thought they ate children. They don't,but mothers have been using the legend for centuries to make their foals behave."

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Arctica turned to face the newcomer, surprised to see it was the creature they'd been talking about that had led to this whole conversation. She still couldn't recall what the creature was called.

    "Any particular reason you wanna know?" she answered suspiciously.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. "At least we agree on something," Arctica replied, giving up on trying to correct him. It wasn't worth it, and she wasn't all that eager to do so in the first place. The less he, or any one else, knew about her, the less they could use against her.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. "The nerd shit, dude," Arctica groaned, rolling her eyes. "My parents wanted me to be part of the royal guard. Nipped that dream in the bud faster'n' they could blink."

    She smiled in reminiscence, remembering just how she'd gotten kicked out of the academy.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. She glared at him again. "Some of us don't actually enjoy that shit."

    Actually, Arctica had planned on going into art school. If it weren't for her damned cutie mark, she might've actually made it in. She turned to look at the purple shield beneath a black sword. She hated that thing. It was always causing her troubles...

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Arctica lifted a skeptic eyebrow, though she did find herself having to agree with his statement. Was it really that important if he knew?

    She sighed through her nose. "I graduated. Top 5 in my class." She muttered before turning another glare on him. "Tell anyone and you're dead."

    • Brohoof 1
  12. "Awfully personal question," Arctica answered, avoiding the question. "That desperate for a buddy?"

    She was proud of having made it through school so well, but this wasn't your typical group of people. These were criminals; she was a criminal. You didn't go bragging about your success in school, or your GPA, or how many AP classes you had. In fact, you didn't brag at all. You threatened when needed, and that might include telling about your rap sheet, but only rookies told that stuff. Arctica had learned a long time ago that you got farther by playing it close to the chest.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. "Got somethin' to say?" Arctica growled, glaring at him.

    In fact, Arctica had enjoyed school. She'd just had such a hard time sitting still and understanding what she was being taught. Her older brother, the one who was just a grade above her, had helped her with her homework and learning ways to help remain focused in class. He was one of the reasons she'd graduated with such high marks.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Arcica glared at him before looking to the creature. "No idea. Never did pay a whole lotta attention in school. Looks familiar though..."

    She tried to recall her school days, specifically her history classes. She'd seen this kind of creature in a book before, something about a country on the borders of Equestria...

    • Brohoof 1
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