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  1. Oh, I'm not up with the memes but its funny I'll give you that.
  2. I'll definitely take a good look into these! Thanks for the help lmao what even is this? xD
  3. Thank you everyone for the great discussion! Brought up alot of points I never thought about, going into asking this question I had a theory that ponies worked so well because the concept of loving ponies is typically seen as a feminine one but what FiM did was help include more people and branch out who liked them, thus making a degree of freedom and acceptance for loving the show. Thats something everyone craves in my opinion. I can't say I feel the same way anymore, I think going in I was focused too much on the mlp fandom making a statement rather than just being genuine fans! This has left me with alot to think about! but I feel like I understand alittle bit more than I did yesterday. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to ask this question!
  4. Pegasisters is a term I've never heard before! Just shows that the forum moderators are good then I guess! ^^
  5. So I've been thinking about what genuine things I'd like to ask while here at this forum as someone who isn't really involved in the MLP fandom in a big way and this is something that sticks out in my head first! Would you still have liked my little pony if it were, lets say: My little doggy? or any other kind of animal, meerkats or elephants you name it
  6. I'm sure, but every fandom/thing has its black sheep/extremists. Even still, as someone who has been a regular on a social anxiety forum and dabbles in the WoW forums/league forums this is the nicest one I've been too yet ^^
  7. Thanks for the list, I'm doing the research for the purpose of correcting my own ignorance on the show/ as a way to understand the fandom abit better. I watched the first seven episodes so far but I'll admit that I'm having difficulty keeping myself coming back so I think I'll switch to the recommended list! You're all very sweet for helping me out
  8. Thank you everyone! very warm and welcoming community here. The more time I spend interacting with people on this forum the more I understand how very inclusive you all are. I wish more people were like the MLP fandom! Yes it is ^^ I own two rabbits with my girl friend. Peter is the one in the picture, and Nala is an angora we have who is not in the picture lol
  9. Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'll make sure I see them all
  10. Thank you! I hope so too, people seem very friendly here. ^^
  11. So I am trying to get to grips with the idea of the MLP fandom, as part of my research I'd like to watch a good bit of the show and understand the themes and ideals involved. I'm watching from the beginning right now but I can't say I'll be able to watch every single episode. So I am wondering what episodes stick out for you as a good representation of the show? These don't have to be your favourite, you just need to feel like they are good at nailing what MLP: FiM is about. The first two episodes seemed to get the ideals down well but I don't wanna make any assumptions! Some feed back would be appreciated, thanks for your time.
  12. Hello there, my name is Mog! I am a 21 year old with alot of time on my hands and have taken it upon myself to try to understand the things that people like to stereo type on the internet. We're all humans after all (or ponies :p) So in order to enlighten myself I'm watching the show idle while I try to get into contact with some people who are willing to share with me their experiences with the mlp fandom and wouldn't mind me taking some information and the like ^^ But if this is not allowed then I will stop and leave immediately. Thanks for your time!
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