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Everything posted by Sherem

  1. *rise eyebrow and drink a glass of Jaggerbomb*
  2. Sherem

    gaming 2019 E3 Thread

    E3 will only be relevant for me if they give more Details about Doom Eternal and only to use the EA Panel to mock the idiots. I just want to kill them knowing that they will screw the next dragon age tittle
  3. nostalgic, angry, lonely...but some hope yet remains.
  4. 30/6/4 with Kayn in lol, needless to say I was carrying that team
  5. I really don't, my country has no money to afford them at all, even decent guns for the army
  6. saw it and it was ok...although DC is not doing good in any kind of movies lately
  7. Kimyfly! don't know why but the Kim possible (obviously) and the word (not the insect) fly came to mind first
  8. Strong hooves but looking for diversity in something, not a bad guy but can't be too sure
  9. nostalgia and some other sites I visit showing me things from a previous time when I was happy
  10. cut lots of dummies with a katana what was the last thing you did and really really wish you didn't want to do?
  11. literally, loney...I'm mister lonely...

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Sherem



  12. Who told you that I was the dream you once dreamed? who told me that you would turn my future upside down? now it's 7:16 and the corpse of the minute passed on says to me: "your strategy fucked you up, nothing else remains but to learn to live alone, if you have any guts left" 

    Minutes, that are salt in my wound, my life goes by spending the clock. Minutes, they are the morgue of time, the corpses of moments that will never come back there is no clock that winds things back

    Minutes that mock me
    Minutes like the fury of the sea
    Minutes that are passengers of a train that goes nowhere
    Minutes like rain of salt
    Minutes Like fire on my skin
    Minutes that are outsiders and that come and go without saying a word
    Minutes that hurt me without you
    Minutes that don't pay up the rent
    Minutes that when dying will form the battalion of yesterday
    Minutes that steal the light
    Minutes that rust my faith
    Minutes tenants of time as long as they last
    Minutes that enjoy death
    Minutes that don't go anywhere
    Minutes that crash on me, are the kamikazes of the Gods
  13. All I can say is that I did and that costed me a relationship with a dear one
  14. only when I´m really depressed to be honest
  15. once, years ago in a zoo...but saddly seems that´s no longer a safe option
  16. There's only one "F" for Falon'din...oh wait, I forgott Fen'Harrel. Everybody does.
  17. Because death has many faces, Hindu worship believes that because death is the only certainty in life, it only means that it's the help of transition into higher planes of existence. Who knows honestly. whether you think it's right or wrong. You must keep these things in mind, you are no one to judge the beliefs of others, you can only be sure and speak about your own beliefs without judging others. And second, if you think about it the only thing that is certain is that we are all gonna die one way or another and if you whine about it...well you are only a wussy
  18. can't say that this makes me happy, but then again...I'm glad I'm not into it.
  19. it has to be able to be modded in various ways... have you jumped from a balcony to a pool?
  20. with the two of them? oh definitely, I have Tolkien´s work for books that they would enjoy reading
  21. thank you for the following!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sherem


      sure why not! 

    3. Kion


      Awesome thanks for friending me to.

    4. Sherem
  22. not one cent, I´m more of a formal wear shoes guy Food out of depression?
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