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Here No Longer

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Blog Entries posted by Here No Longer

  1. Here No Longer
    I've always found myself quite interested about the idea of thinking what will be, in our future. A few decades, a few centuries... Of course the former is much, much easier to do with a ready degree of certainty (even if with that you're bound to be wrong on at least half of any predictions that may be made), and the latter is pretty much impossible. I've always wanted to compile a list of things that would happen in our future and really think about how things might turn out. Now that I've said enough times that I find the topic fascinating in different words, before getting to the topic at hand, this prediction assumes we don't annihilate ourselves, and is also as optimistic as I think it can be:
    Global warming will have ravaged the planet in such a way where vast parts of the globe are uninhabitable, whether to do with heat or with going underwater. Some coastal areas will need to be evacuated, with an estimated roughly 3 foot rise in sea level by 2070. Globally, the average temperature will be roughly 3 degrees Celsius (or 5.5 degrees Fahreinheit) warmer than today. Most of the Middle East, northern Africa, and parts of Central America will be rendered unsuitable for human life. The global population will be roughly 11 billion, even after the near extinction of middle-easterners by xenophobic lawmakers (the likes of Trump of course). We will have chips implanted into us plausibly in the first days of our lives. These chips will track your movements and can also be modified to grant you a heads-up display of sorts. These chips will likely also allow you to have mental access to the equivalent of today's internet. The US, China, and India will all no longer be world powers. I personally predict, though this will likely be wrong, that we will have a single state spanning the globe whose biggest influences are the districts that are today's Norway and Japan. This will more than likely have been prompted by yet another close call with nuclear annihilation. Cars will pretty much have made a complete transition away from gasoline, to a different source of energy altogether. Perhaps smaller scale nuclear fusion engines (using the fusion of hydrogen atoms to create energy much like our Sun) will be available to the richer of the public, while everyone else will end up with electric cars. Yes, nuclear fusion energy will be a thing and will quite likely power most of what we do. It will be substantially cleaner than our current unrenewable sources of power. However, it will still require some sort of backbone from a more primitive source of power, plausibly solar after new innovations in the area (one is taking place right now). Poverty will be pretty much solved for the most part by the implementation of a global Universal Basic Income or Negative Income Tax. Healthcare will be payed by the state from money they get through taxes. Education will be free at all levels, as is already the case in some more developed nations (and yes, it DOES work, stop politicizing a one-sided issue). We will have colonies on the Moon and Mars, maybe also on Venus. These colonies will likely be very culturally different from us here on Earth and from all indications will end up outlasting our civilization on Earth, thanks to global warming and the more conservative/centrist and corrupt mainstream of our times failing to act. Quantum computers will be much more than a reality, they'll run most all of the supercomputers and private network servers of tomorrow. Human memories will be able to be downloaded onto computers, however they will still not have figured out quite how to emulate consciousness in machines, so the memories will sit.  
    I'll probably put more predictions here in the not so distant future. Also locked because I know if I don't somebody's going to be angry about how certain facts don't align with their feelings.
  2. Here No Longer
    I think I've made a few comments on the topic saying that "I don't necessarily blame people for leaving here, as there's been a lot of political extremism and divisiveness lately".
    I'll clarify something that sort of contradicts what I've said there: I likely won't leave here. Even if Pony Life seems like hot trash. There's really some nice people in this community and a few friends I've made on here that I would prefer to keep. Also, generally speaking, my experiences with this site have been positive, even if lately it's becoming more of a mixed bag. This really has been quite a great place for me to vent about things I don't generally talk about anywhere else, personally or online. Whether that be my gender identity (though my BF knows and is very much accepting of it, even if he prefers to think of me as a he which is fine), certain issues of mine, or whatever. MOST of the people here are very accepting...
    BUT, I will NOT ignore the facts: there's definitely a problem. I personally have seen a lot of divisive and extremist comments, from the far right and PC liberals alike. And frankly I will also say, there are people who I WISH would leave this site. And some of them have, in most cases complaining about the very thing they've perpetrated themselves. These people are a very harmful influence to what is otherwise a generally friendly site. The homophobia needs to stop, the racism needs to stop, but so do baseless accusations of either. The racism I've seen on this site has been staggering in recent weeks, and I've seen homophobic nonsense from even moderators (even an admin has demonstrated homophobia) on this site. This kind of behavior should NOT be okay to, let alone promoted by somebody who's SUPPOSED to be a role model for other members to follow, as well as somebody in charge of ensuring people behave themselves. I can tell you, though, this list only covers roughly 15 or so members that have been problematic and divisive in such a way. These are also very two-faced members which makes it even more troubling. They will put on a tolerant, loving face one moment and then the next spew blatant hate and divisive vitriol. All the while usually pretending other people who aren't, are.
    I have addressed the politics of recent events a good few times, and I must say both extremes are very deeply wrong about these issues, even if the far right is more wrong about it than the PC crowd is. But both of these groups on this site are becoming very, very divisive. And I will say if anybody claims I'm being divisive with this, it can be assured that it's them and not me being divisive. In fact, I'm just trying to be reasonable and trying to say we can't accept these sociopolitical fringe groups' divisive agendas if we want to keep our community friendly. I may be done with non-allied straight pride, people worshipping blatantly racist traitors to the US, and people calling others terrorists for no justifiable reason, but I'm also done with people being called racist for not supporting an extreme movement. I'm done with the misinformation that every protestor is violent (when actually the cops are more violent than the protestors), but also the misinformation that anything remotely close to disbanding the police force is anything but a bad idea. I'm seriously f***ing tired of this $#!+. Not this site, but the political, clearly agenda-driven bull$#!+ some people say on it.
    If you are one of these divisive people, which you likely know who you are, you are a bad influence, and yes you SHOULD leave. You are actively making this site worse for everyone. Otherwise, we should band together and try to remain a community of people who like or liked the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. We should try not to stress these issues and make this site more about them, while in the process ignoring the REAL meaning of "love and tolerate" and the lessons the show has taught us. Just stop the divisiveness and bickering already. Both sides of the mainstream are wrong, now deal with it and move on. I just want a place where I can be without this nonsense, and I think the rest of us should too.
  3. Here No Longer
    Before you read: I will DELETE ANY and ALL PMs related to this, and this blog is also locked so you will not comment here. I don't want to cause a $#!+storm, because I'm QUITE positive at least 1 person is going to get offended by what I have to say. I don't care, that's your problem and not mine. Regardless if you think I'm a "marxist", "racist", or any other dumb@$$ thing, it is not your place to attack me for having opinions, likely far right or fake left reader. Though I know some of you will probably say "yes, this is what has needed to be said for a LONG time" and I more than certainly agree with that.
    It's been a while. I've gotten a year or two older, a few more metaphorical grey hairs have grown on my head, and I have a few more members on my block list (by a few I mean a dozen...).  But I've been itching to release this topic again. Read the disclaimer above, because I'm not repeating it before I begin:
    Pro-lifers are insufferable and wrong. Yes, an opinion can be wrong, and pro-lifers are indeed wrong. Not to say that lasseiz-faire abortions are moral, because they aren't. Black Lives Matter is tackling a phantom issue. Racism isn't the cause of the disparity in QoL between whites and blacks. Classism is. Anyone who wants to fly the Confederate Flag around in a public place is expressing that they are a racist traitor, and there's no way around it. Anyone who thinks that we shouldn't increase the minimum wage is a corporate puppet. $15 an hour right now is insane, but $7.25/hr. is much more insanely low than that is high. Billionaires should not exist. That isn't to say I believe we should execute the billionaires, that is to say we need an effective wealth tax. Cancel Culture is the dumbest thing ever. HOWEVER, the far right I hear complaining about it most are the worst about cancelling people. SJWs are bad, but Anti-SJWs are far worse. Antis not only exist just to complain about SJWs, but hypocritically commit the exact same actions they have issues with SJWs doing. Islam and Christianity BOTH are religions that preach hateful intolerance and violence. Any suggestion to the contrary is laughable and revisionist. In regards to No.8, Militant atheism is also a philosophy of hateful intolerance. I believe in freedom of religion likely more strongly than most I've met. Hateful speech is still free speech. Yes, bigotry and racism angers me too, but the thing is, expressing those views verbally is covered by free speech. Tax Havens should be regulated. Anybody using them should be thrown in jail, ASAP. The wealthy that use them are not even patriotic enough to pay their f***ing low taxes.                                    (By the way, it is indeed a FACT that the rich pay a LOWER percentage in taxes than everyone else. Not fake news, corporatists). EVERY politician who takes money from special interest groups is a CRIMINAL. They should be in PRISON not CONGRESS. I can only count on ONE HAND the people that excludes. Every single president since Nixon is a WAR CRIMINAL. They've ALL fought illegal and offensive wars during their terms. Bush Jr. and Trump, though, are worse than the rest. Anybody who thinks the military doesn't IMMEDIATELY need defunding is deplorable. Yes, I mean EVERYONE. I am 100% convinced that the JFK assassination was a targeted hit done by the CIA and the Mafia working in cahoots. I find there to be validity in the 9/11 truther narrative. That being that Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney are the REAL terrorists who committed 9/11. The War on Drugs is the dumbest war (it is indeed a war) ever. Not only is it a war on a non-existent problem, it's a war that CREATES the very problem it claims to be trying to solve. Trump should be impeached, although not for the reasons Democrats want to impeach him. He is a divisive, bigoted, corrupt war criminal. On the note of no.18 however, Not EVERYTHING Trump has done was bad. He did defund the corrupt, incompetent China-shilling WHO for one. However much I agree with the left, I don't really like Bernie Sanders anymore. He is the lamest revolutionary I've ever seen. The left NEEDS a firebrand populist. Aliens are almost certainly real... However, in the lack of evidence, I will not say they've come to earth yet. At least every other negative thing I hear about AoC and the Squad is an insidious, divisive lie. Though they've disappointed me before. There are more than 2 genders. This isn't even an opinion, this is something I know for a fact. However there aren't 50+ of them, that's ridiculous. When Hillary said this she was laughably wrong, but now I can say for certain at the LEAST every other person who supports Trump is amoral. I'd more than definitely back Jesse Ventura if he ran for president. We absolutely NEED somebody like him in office right now. Anarchism, although a potentially flawed ideology, doesn't deserve nearly the misplaced hate it gets when it mostly is just telling the truth. A continuation of number 18, Trump is the single worst president in the history of the United States, no questions asked. Reagan is second to the bottom for similar reasons. Noam Chomsky is one of the very few voices of reason left in the United States, politically speaking. Most others have at least a couple of political views I find egregious. Anybody who thinks capitalism and democracy are mutually inclusive are backwards and ignorant of the facts about the evils of privatized power.. Abraham Lincoln was a bad president, both a racist who didn't actually value democracy and a man who had a marked lack of respect for the US constitution. The US isn't all that distant from being a fascist state by Benito Mussolini's definition, and Trump's really brought that into quite obvious perspective. Late stage capitalism and corporatism are at the absolute least as disastrous if not significantly more so in an economic sense than Soviet style communism.  
    Stopping at 32 for now because I can't think of any more off the top of my head.~
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